View Full Version : I suck. Discus committed suicide.

08-28-2006, 07:23 PM
After a year of peace in my planted 125 with several cories..cards..danios..
and a blue snakeskin and red turq...I added a mated pair. A Leopard and a dragon. Biggest ..prettiest ..discus I have ever had.

The first night in the tank they where acting like they wanted to spawn.
I was so happy. The old disc.us seemed to be curious about the new.ad.

Long story short....I stressed them all out. My turq dies from stress I guess.

Ok...I can deal with that...but still sad.

Next night big discies trying to spawn...ok. Loss not so bad.

This morning...I walk out and see the big male half floating..half swimming..
Im like hes in bad shape...I walk up to the tank...and he goes nuts...
swimming back and forth at light speed...then bam....right into the end of the tank and he floats up...deader than ****.

I suck

08-28-2006, 07:31 PM
Check your water! See what your water peremeters are first and then we can go from there. I am sorry for your loss. Let's see if some of us can help you.


08-28-2006, 07:37 PM
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate less than 5ppm
GH 3
KH 3
PH 6.5-6.7 Drops at night to the lower on a controller co2 set up
Temp 85-86

All other fish eating /healthy.

Blue snakeskin...smallest discus...3-4 inch totally unfazed
by the entire last few days. Allthough he is on the female now the
male is dead.

08-28-2006, 08:33 PM
Did you just get this mated pair?

No QT?

08-28-2006, 08:40 PM
Nope...being the rookie I obviously am....I assumed they would be so much better off in the planted 125 .

What would be a good set up for a quarantine?
How long?

Bainbridge Mike
08-28-2006, 08:55 PM
Nope...being the rookie I obviously am....I assumed they would be so much better off in the planted 125 .

What would be a good set up for a quarantine?
How long?

Just use a plain old bare bottom tank for QT. Keep extra sponge filters in the tanks you have running and then you can borrow a sponge anytime you need to set up a qt tank. As far of length of time for QT, you will hear people say anything from 3 to 8 weeks. Longer is better--but I usually can't wait much longer than 3 weeks! Obviously, if you see any symptoms or unusual behavior during QT, you should keep the fish in QT longer.

Good luck,

08-28-2006, 09:14 PM
Can you set up a quarentine of 20 or 30 gallons and take media from your 125 to seed it so it doesn't cycle or at worst just a mini cycle? Place your new arrivals that you get in there for at least four weeks or better yet would be six. Watch for disease and if it does happen you can visit the disease and medication part of this forum for diagnosis and answers. Once treatment starts, the clock starts over with the amount of time the fish stay in quarentine. Make sure that the quarentine is a bare bottom tank.

Don't worry! You can do this. There are a lot of people here to help you.


08-28-2006, 09:25 PM
You guys are very thoughftul. I really needed that.

I have a tank ready to set up for qt.

I just set up 2 55's for grow out of
some discus I plan on getting.

Darren's Discus
08-28-2006, 10:55 PM
Mate sorry for your loss,hang in there anyone that's kept discus for a while has felt loss the thing is fix problems learn and move on otherwise you dwell on it to much it gets you down, i've seen to many good people give up because of losses.

cheers mate

08-29-2006, 07:35 AM
This morning...I walk out and see the big male half floating..half swimming..
Im like hes in bad shape...I walk up to the tank...and he goes nuts...
swimming back and forth at light speed...then bam....right into the end of the tank and he floats up...deader than ****.

I suck

Sounds like ammonia poisoning Are You sure that your test are any GOOD.
Darting around the AQ is a sure sign.
Do you have any other fish in that tank?

08-29-2006, 08:47 AM
If you do a qt tank you really have to be perfect, otherwise it's pointless. You should have tank in a separate area and use completely different equipment for wc and cleaning. You can't even let water from your hands spread from one tank to another so you must be very aware of what your doing to keep qt.

08-29-2006, 06:40 PM
Sounds like ammonia poisoning Are You sure that your test are any GOOD.
Darting around the AQ is a sure sign.
Do you have any other fish in that tank?

Yes I have 10 Cards..10 danios...15 cories...
and the 2 Discus left. Everyone seems fine now.

Since the Turq and scorp died...the snakeskin is out
more than ever and very colorful.

I am leaning towards a stress thing.

08-29-2006, 06:45 PM
If you do a qt tank you really have to be perfect, otherwise it's pointless. You should have tank in a separate area and use completely different equipment for wc and cleaning. You can't even let water from your hands spread from one tank to another so you must be very aware of what your doing to keep qt.

Yes I understand the need for universal precautions.
What it boils down to is if I want to step up to the next level...
I need to actually implement what I probably all ready know.