View Full Version : A bad last couple of weeks!!!

09-01-2006, 07:05 PM
Every had a month or weeks that you just wish would end? It started out last week. The water line going to the ice maker/water for the refrigerator busted, water all over the kitchen. (kitchen flooded) Two days later, the hot water heater busted. Two story house and the hot water heater is up stairs. YES, it went thru the ceiling into the kitchen and flooded AGAIN!!!!!! It ruined the overhead light in the kitchen however, it did come on last night for some unknown reason. lol Andrew, calls me on his way to work and had a blow out in his truck on the HWY. Then, I came home for lunch yesterday, 80 degrees in the house. The A/C broke!! I'm ready for something to start going right. Thanks for letting me vent.

I think Andrew and I need a vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!;)

09-01-2006, 07:41 PM
Aww... Angela! I had a bad week recently too ~ Things happen in "three's" they say! I thought something was up cuz you were not around very much:(

I think these things happen to make us appreciate how it was before they happened!

What is that saying: That which doesnt kill us makes us stronger:)

I hope all is well now:)


Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

09-01-2006, 08:47 PM

How horrible for you!!! I am not one to complain, so take this REAL story as something to show you dont have it as bad as you thought.

(1) I quit my job that I couldnt take anymore. Things should be ok, tight, but ok.


(1) The car decides that the trans we fixed last year for $3k wanted to go again. Now we have a new car... and a car payment!$325 month
(2) My silhouettes on my great room window decided they will go up... but not stay up. New shades... $500
(3) The truck goes in for an oil change. Seems the seals for the 4 wheel drive are leaking.. bad. $600
(4) My kids are coming home from Pennsylvania... the 7 year old dishwasher decides to die. $350
(5) I do a WC in my kitchen sink. Go to run the disposal... nada. New disposal $100
(6) I decide to take the truck for a car wash... the onstar phone thingy gets broken in 2. $70
(7) I am concerned about hubby getting pissed over the onstar... and drive over his lawnmower as I park the truck. $100 for new tires on rear wheel mower.
(8) Back out of the garage to look at mower, smash front headlight on garbage can. $30
(9) Hubby goes outside to setup table for outdoor BBQ for family dinner with kids. Discovers a hive and gets stung.. Bee guys out to spray and remove hive... $120

I am not getting out of bed for a week!!!!!!!

Could have been worse tho. *I* am allergic to the wasps!

Hope this made you feel better. If it did, then somehow it was all worth it! :p

09-02-2006, 02:22 AM
What is that saying: That which doesnt kill us makes us stronger:)

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

Not long ago had a bad couple of weeks that if the saying was true I would be a bodybuilder by now!:D
You just have to remind yourself that tomorrow is a new day!:angel:

09-02-2006, 02:49 AM
That is funny Ed!

M ~

09-02-2006, 06:25 AM
Sorry to hear of all the troubles. You had your share.
Hopefully the week is over and better weeks ahead:)


09-02-2006, 07:59 AM
That sucks Angela!! I hope things start turning around now!!

09-02-2006, 09:12 AM
Thanks everyone. Just needed to vent a little bit. :) Marilyn, bless your heart. Your post did make me feel better, actually I kinda laugh at a few things. Nothing bad against you though. I was just thinking, "and I thought our week was bad" it was actually nothing compared to yours!

Hope everyone has a safe and fun holiday weekend!

09-02-2006, 04:32 PM
;) That was the point in posting. Written, it was much worse than when it was happening. If one mOR thing needs replacing tho..... :D

09-02-2006, 04:41 PM
Angela...I hear you.......2 weeks ago Fri the building where I hold my koi for the winter brunt to a crisp......It's insured but still a PITA at this point about a $25,000 claim...there goes my claims free discount


09-02-2006, 07:43 PM

Thats is really aweful. We like Koi. We have them in ourside pond and our inside pond. Hopefully you can get everything up and going again soon! Especially before winter.

09-04-2006, 11:46 AM
Angela, (and Marilyn & Graham)

Hope you are all through the worst of it. I know where you are coming from, but once at the bottom the only way is up! (just hope I can get out of free fall ;))

btw Graham hope you didn't lose any fish in the fire.

09-04-2006, 11:53 AM
Paul if it had been 4 weeks from now they would have been in there and that would have been a real disaster. Now I'm just having fun making lists of all the new ''stuff'' I get to buy.


09-04-2006, 02:25 PM
Damn.....the Discus shack I could build with $25,000!! :shocked2:

I think I'll go take a nap and dream..:sleeping3:


09-04-2006, 11:33 PM
Life is a rollercoaster ride. There are ups and there are downs. You can hold on when it comes to that big drop or you can raise your arms and shout at the top of your lungs. :D I just love rollercoasters!

09-05-2006, 09:19 AM
Wow guys and gals, Are we just having a bad summer! Marylin Wow! Hope it gets better soon! Everybody knows what's going on with my tank (and then I go to a new local fish store and see something similar for much cheaper than I originally paid in May this weekend! (not as heavy glass though)

OK, last week (on my birthday) my daughter was going in for her shower. She always likes to take LOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGG showers. Well, went in to check on her and imagine my surprise to see water covering the bathroom floor and the shower pan full of water and making a waterfall onto the floor! I let out a squeal and waded over to turn off the water (with my 7 yo daughter still in the shower enjoying it all). She didn't think about turning off the water when it reached her ankles? Still trying to figure out how she got it to flood.

DH was really nice and told me to go ahead to the fair while he cleaned up though :).


09-14-2006, 11:43 AM
What I want to know is how did you break the HEADLIGHT, BACKING OUT of the garage?

They say everything comes in 3's. Hopefully that's your 3

09-14-2006, 09:34 PM
Yep..I had a poopy month of Sept so far.

1. 2 weeks ago, my blood sugar dropped while I was sleeping (diabetic). I don't remember but apparanly I tried getting out of bed myself, and fell over onto my nightstand and hurt my back. For days my left side hurt when I coughed, breathed, sneezed...and I couldnt lie on my back. (Dr adjusted my insulin, all is fine now)

2. Last week I had an absessed tooth so I was in severe pain and had to go get antibiotics and my left cheek was swollen!! Talk about miserable!! Now I gotta have this tooth pulled. And I hate dentists.

3. Finally...Tuesday at work I started itching on my stomach. By the time I got home Tues. night. I had huge red welts all over my legs, butt, and stomach. Wed, I went to the Dr and was told I was having an allergic reaction...got a steroid shot and was sent home. 7 hours later, I had another breakout...this time my arms and sides. I was itching like crazy, redder than a firetruck and had to go BACK to the dr for another shot. I was in hysterics so I was sent home with a prescription to get pills for "itching". Turns out they were also for anxiety! Not a bad pill really. At least I was able to sleep after that. They are going away...but man I wouldnt wish that on my worst enemy. I looked like a weird medical experiment and was sure they wouldnt ever go away.

And today I have cramps. (yeah yeah TMI!!)

So...this month it seems there is just one thing after another....this is also my birthday month so I am really hoping things get better before my birthday hits.

Last year, hurricane Rita hit on my birthday...so I got no presents that day, we had no power almost all day...and I wanted to go see Corpse Bride...and the mail was all messed up here, so the theater didnt GET the movie that weekend!! Total BLAH!

My fingers are crossed for a better birthday this time around!!

I really am a horrible patient.