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View Full Version : Cory cats, Discus prey?

09-03-2006, 11:43 AM
I got 5 little albino cories who just came out of QT and into the discus tank yesterday evening. They are still babies, about an inch long and my Pigeon Blood is on the hunt. He stalks them relentlessly and killed one within hours. I'm thinking I should put them in one of my smaller fry tanks for a few months to let them get some size on them before putting them back in as clean up crew. What do you think?


Edit: Actually, now that I've typed this out it seems pretty obvious. Just have to figure out what other tank to put them in.

09-03-2006, 11:52 AM
Scott, if this is the case with the PB then yes I'd def put them into another tank. I have never heard of or seen a discus doing anything like that before but that means nothing since I've only had discus for just over a year now myself. And have never been in that situation. Sorry I can't be of any real help. But best of luck in resolving this issue.

09-03-2006, 12:27 PM
I have panda cories in with my discus and the discus leave them alone. However, when I first put them in there, one of my discus was on the hunt too. The next day I could not find several of them. They did turn up though.

In your situation, if your discus has already killed one of your cories, I would remove the rest of them ASAP. He obviously sees them as a snack. Wait until they get maybe twice the size they are right now and then try again.
