View Full Version : Why bad day?

09-06-2006, 11:51 PM
:( I don't know if it can get any worse but if it can I don't want to know. Talk about a bad day-can it get worse? I get up this morning to let my dog Angelina out and I notice the most awful smell in the sunroom. Seems my cat Phoebe has decided to take a dump in the sunroom instead of her litter box. I clean that up and then it is time to take my son to school. I'm driving down my street and then what? That's right, flashing lights behind me.I get a speeding ticket on my own street when I'm taking my son to school. I wasn't even going that fast but oh well. Come home and take my other son to school. Turns out he is upset about his math homework. I hate dropping him off when he is upset. O.K. maybe some time for me. I decide to do a water change in my 125 gallon cichlid tank. I must have been dreaming because when I am syphoning out the water into the bucket, my feet are getting wet. I have let the bucket overflow onto the carpet. What a mess! And it is still just the morning! A little later, I get a call from the school. Seems my son is not happy and is not doing well today. They want to have a meeting so I schedule that.I then go to my weigh in(I'm a weight watcher) and I have gained two pounds. Great! Next, for some reason I decide that my saltwater tank needs a water change. I start the water change for that tank and notice a burning smell. The satellite box for my T.V. makes a crackling sound and starts to fry starting a small fire. I stop what I'm doing with the salt tank and take care of the fire. Great, now I have to call the T.V. company for that and in the meantime we have no T.V. to watch. I go back to the salt tank to finish the water change and discover that the filter has decided that it is done and has stopped working no matter what I do to it. Now I need a new filter for that tank. Sound like enough? Not quite. Kids come home from school. My son lays his glasses on the floor for a minute to wipe his face and I step on his glasses breaking them. I have to now buy him new frames for his glasses. My husband comes home from work and turns out that he is not happy and starts an argument with me. Now we are not speaking to each other at the moment. I go outside and look at the moon that appears orange and for some odd reason it looks like it is laughing at me. Maybe the stars are not lined up right or something.

I don't know about you but I feel completely drained and exasperated and I still have to do a water change on the discus tank yet tonight. I have to get up at 6:00 AM so I guess I better get started with that. Someone please tell me it will get better from here. Please!!


White Worm
09-07-2006, 12:43 AM
Tomorrows a new day!

09-07-2006, 01:28 AM
WHat a day!!! Im sorry its been a rough one. But take care of what matters most right now, your relationship with your hubby. Go make up. It really doesnt matter whose fault it is. End the day off right!!!

09-07-2006, 08:11 PM
Looks like I have moved into day 2 of having a bad day. It seems there was a fire at my husband's work during the night. Good thing no one was hurt and the damage is miminal. I broke a glass on the floor and it shatters sending glass everywhere that my cat wants to play hockey with. On top of that it seems that I must have caught some kind of flu bug. I'm really not feeling very well and my head hurts.

I'm ready for a new brighter day.I hope it gets here quickly.


09-08-2006, 10:26 AM
Diane, you have my sympathies. Its a rotten run of luck, but it won't last forever!