View Full Version : back to discus...again

09-11-2006, 07:38 AM
hi guys, im going back to discus keeping after a 13 year break, i have been keeping a reef setup in the mean time, but i will be stripping down my reef tank and using it as a planted discus setup

the tank itself is a trigon 190 that has been drilled for a 17" cube sump setup that sits under the cabinet, the return piping comes up and over and down into the bottom of the tank, into a spray bar where the gravel would now be going(was to spray under the live rock that sat on egg crate)

now i have only started to look into keeping discus again, my question is about the filtration, would i be able to use my sump as it is? or will i need to add partitions to it? not really up on the best way to have freshwater filtration systems as i been out of it for so long

here is my tank before it was setup, will give you a rough idea on what i have




i will be using my aqaumedic halide(150w) will the 14k bulb be ok for plants in the mean time till i can get a lower kelvin rated one?

will probably diy a co2 setup as well

09-11-2006, 09:52 AM
The sump system you have should be just fine for discus. If you plan on going to a planted tank it will be harder to keep CO2 levels high with the sump, but a lot of ppl do it with great success.

09-11-2006, 12:17 PM
i know the sump will be ok to use, its just im not quite sure what the medium in the sump should be? floss? bioballs? or should i buy a filter to sit in the sump?

its just that i have been using no medium on the reef tank, just a deep sand bed and live rock

will the spray bar spraying though the gravel create a biological area like a undergravel filter would?

what would be the best way of difusing the co2 into the tank water? into the return pump inlet?

i just havent really seen that many variations on sumps in a freshwater setup, there are millions of ways to do it in a reef tank though

09-12-2006, 01:24 PM

09-12-2006, 02:02 PM
Ive never used sumps before but there are tons of pages around for setting them up and building them.

There are alot of different ways to set them up but as long as you have mechanical & biological filtration .... your set.

Do a search here and on google for them is your best bet till some of the sump experts chime in..