View Full Version : HOW TO PAIR THEM UP?

09-11-2006, 07:14 PM
Hello ,

New to this hobby. I Have about 20 Adult Discus in my 180Gal BB tank. Temp is 86 degress. Daily wc . How long does it take for them to pair up? Thanks.

Once they pair up , should I move them to their own breeding tanks? I was thinking of a 20gal tank..

Am from Vancouver, BC, so our water is pretty soft.. . Any help? Thanks.

09-12-2006, 04:41 AM
It varies on how long it takes, it can take a day all the way to a year you never know. You just got to have patience...And putting them in their own breeding tanks is fine just leave them in there for a couple of spawns to fend off the other discus so they bond together then you can move them. Im not sure about a 20 gallon, because i use 29 gallons for my breeding tanks but i dont see why not....

09-12-2006, 02:02 PM
Depending on there age. You mentioned adult discus so I am assuming 1.5 to 2 years old. There should pair up on there own with them all being in the same tank together. You can pull two of them that you think are male and female or if you notice a pair spawn together. Put them in a breeder tank and see what they do. I use 29 gal for breeder tanks but some use 20 gal with no problems. When you do put them in a breeder tank it might take them a couple weeks to get used to the new set-up and to spawn. Patience is the only word I can give you for breeding. ;)

ps......Welcome to Simply!

White Worm
09-12-2006, 03:11 PM
Depends on age. They will pair up on their own near breeding age (10 months to 3 years of age approx). 20g T would be fine. I also use 29g. Let them practice in community tank for a while and try to confirm Male or female. It will make no sense to pair off two into a breeding tank when they may be 2 fem or 2 male.

09-13-2006, 09:03 AM
If I were you I would just grab 3 you like and put them in a breeding tank and see what happens. You might get lucky!