View Full Version : Need advise!

09-12-2006, 11:28 PM
My LSS pair are on their 6th spawn, and they are still struggling to get it down. So far I only have six 1 month old fry from them. :( I tried on the last spawn to pull the mom, she always seems to try and spawn again a few days after they go free swimming, and the fry get eaten. The dad did well for a while then ate them all. We were thinking maybe this time pull the male and give mom a shot. Has anyone ever tried this? If so, how did mom do?

09-13-2006, 09:00 AM
Either parent can raise the fry but after only 6 tries I wouldn't get too concerned yet. After awhile they will hopefully get it right

09-13-2006, 09:08 AM
Treva, how many fry hatch? Reason is that if the hatch rate is low then some pairs will not consider it a viable hatch and lay again, eating the fry in the process.

09-13-2006, 11:37 AM
They sound like they are still young and learning the whole process of what they need to do with fry. Alot of times if your hatch rate is low like that then I wouldn't even mess with trying to raise them. It's really not worth your time and making the fish put up with a small amt. Try next time with just your female and see how she does. It's always worth a shot. Keep us updated though!