View Full Version : Sunrise Tropicals

09-15-2006, 01:06 PM
Has anyone bought Discus from Tony? How would you rate the experience?

09-15-2006, 03:32 PM

I carry some of Tony's line with no issues.


09-15-2006, 03:39 PM
5+ orders thus far and happy with them all..

09-15-2006, 03:50 PM
Not that the fact that Tony is a great guy is reason to buy from him but his fish always came in healthy,well packed,never 1 single doa, you describe what you want your discus to look like he fills the order like you were at his store picking them out yourself.. :) 4 orderes all together with Sunrisetropicals in my 5 years discus..

hEcToR nYc--

09-15-2006, 04:29 PM
Well I have nothing bad to say about any fish I got from him..I never bought from him. I have heard alot of good things about him, many from those able to pick out fish in person there... I have been around long enough to have heard a few other things.

I did inquire once last year about a group of fish he was advertising. I introduced myself and mentioned SimplyDiscus... I asked a bunch of specific questions and ..he suggested I pick my fish in person from another source.:) He then told me That he only guarantees live arrival and there is no guarantee on the quality or health of the fish.
Same email he told me that he was a pet shop and not interested in online selling. This was november 2005...must have changed his selling policies since then. :)

So thats basically alls I know about Sunrise. Take it for whats its worth.

I must have caught him on a bad day,LOL.

This is not hearsay or a slam I have the emails on file.

09-15-2006, 04:42 PM
Well I have nothing bad to say about any fish I got from him..I never bought from him. I have heard alot of good things about him, many from those able to pick out fish in person there... I have been around long enough to have heard a few other things.

I did inquire once last year about a group of fish he was advertising. I introduced myself and mentioned SimplyDiscus... I asked a bunch of specific questions and ..he suggested I pick my fish in person from another source.:) He then told me That he only guarantees live arrival and there is no guarantee on the quality or health of the fish.
Same email he told me that he was a pet shop and not interested in online selling. This was november 2005...must have changed his selling policies since then. :)

So thats basically alls I know about Sunrise. Take it for whats its worth.

I must have caught him on a bad day,LOL.

This is not hearsay or a slam I have the emails on file.

Brew, You may remember that Tony was slammed here on Simply several years ago. I think that it left a bad taste in his mouth. I believe that he relies on his gut feelings rather than logic. I have never ordered from him. I would like to because I've heard wonderful things about the fish and have never heard of sick or contageous fish coming from him. I haven't because I'm too afraid of health issues with Asian Discus to take the plunge regardless of the seller's reputation.

09-15-2006, 04:46 PM

You are probably very correct. I actually have to laugh when I think of it. Most discus sellers enjoy feeding my discus addiction. :) I have never had one turn me away:) was kinda bumming too..I really liked the fish I was inquiring about!:(


09-15-2006, 04:52 PM
Wow, you guys don't hold back here do you?

I respect the fact that you are HONEST with your review,
rather than to "kiss-***" a seller like so many Forum/Seller
relationships I have seen for other hobbies.

Would this keep me from buying from him...probably not...
but I would be on my toes..which is where you should be
with any online/sight unseen purchase.

I could only imagine the stresses in breeding...let alone
having to sell online and keep people on forums happy.


09-15-2006, 05:09 PM
Tony is still a member here and pops in from time to time, just recently as well. His username is "srdiscus"...

09-15-2006, 05:14 PM
I haven't because I'm too afraid of health issues with Asian Discus to take the plunge regardless of the seller's reputation.

Oh noo Liz so now i shouldnt place order with Gulf Coast Discus or Gold Mountain discus because they both import from Asia .. It would be a bad idea to buy from sponsors of this site ?? :(

Liz btw are you MARDIGRASDISCUS from Aquabid? just curious? :)

09-15-2006, 05:18 PM

Oh noo Liz so now i shouldnt place order with Gulf Coast Discus or Gold Mountain discus because they both import from Asia .. It would be a bad idea to buy from sponsors of this site ??

I think thats a little off topic here. Liz is entitled to her feelings on imported stocks. Alot of people out there are leary of Imports..some have had good reason to be and had bad experiences. Its a personal choice.


09-15-2006, 05:23 PM
I ordered from him once, 6 total. As I recall, 1 or 2 DOA's, the rest dead in less than 24 hours except for one. Poorest packing job I have ever witnessed. All bags leaked and were almost completely empty. Water that remained had a temp in low 60's. Took me over a year to finally get a 50% refund. That's how I recall my experience with Tony Peng of SRT.Sure, I'll buy from him again. ;)


ps The one surviving discus had tapeworms.

09-15-2006, 05:25 PM
I'm too afraid of health issues with Asian Discus to take the plunge regardless of the seller's reputation.

health issues particular to Asian discus Liz?

my Asians have never once been sick, or been medicated, or died. i have 11 wayne ng's and they are the picture of health going on a year now...I'd be very interested in hearing more about these "health issues with Asian discus". was this a personal experience or ?

a lil off-topic, but it is of great interest to me.

09-15-2006, 06:30 PM
ive had some very nice fish from waynes.mine were strong and healthy. if you mix asians..with others..thats when the problem occurs..get new fish. bang. liz is speaking from experience. ive seen and heard many many sad stories.
quarantine is a must..and even one finger can be the end. different tank..different room..different equipment..
no matter who you get from..be careful.
if you get your fish..let us know what you get. we all love hearing and seeing pics of new discus. feeds our addictions. : )

09-15-2006, 06:37 PM
Discus USA, Timbo, Have I told you what you should do? No. If you would like me to tell you where to go, I'd be delighted to.

09-15-2006, 06:40 PM
just fish...no reason to get panties/underwear in a bunch.:)

09-15-2006, 06:48 PM
okey dokey folks...

Settle on down now. I think the "off topic" has gone off topic enough...maybe carry it on by PM would be best.:) You all know the drill.:)


09-15-2006, 06:52 PM
okey dokey folks...

Settle on down now. I think the "off topic" has gone off topic enough...maybe carry it on by PM would be best.:) You all know the drill.:)


Sorry Brew, I posted before I saw your post.

09-15-2006, 07:01 PM
No problem Liz. I'm a little rusty at the speed typing these days.

Hector, Dave..please take it to Pms if needed...

My best advise to all...it aint worth taking it there.


09-15-2006, 07:14 PM
Jeez are we dense or what? C'mon people..I asked and asked. Another comment and someone takes a long vacation.


09-15-2006, 08:01 PM


Cary Gld!

09-15-2006, 08:15 PM
K........ Cary......... I want some of those black one too :D :D

09-15-2006, 08:59 PM

they reach the size of a pk of Cigs

09-15-2006, 09:07 PM
SWEET JESUS!! This is gonna be the end of me.......every frickin time I turn around she says..."I need you to build me another rack"...or..."where can I set up ANOTHER tank"?

Now she wants BLACK SWORDTAILS!?!?!?!?! AWWWwwww &#$%^*&!#$



09-15-2006, 10:36 PM
SWEET JESUS!! This is gonna be the end of me.......every frickin time I turn around she says..."I need you to build me another rack"...or..."where can I set up ANOTHER tank"?

Now she wants BLACK SWORDTAILS!?!?!?!?! AWWWwwww &#$%^*&!#$



I'll take that response over.."Over my dead body!" When I asked wifey if I could get one more tank. I just have two.

09-16-2006, 11:27 AM
Thanks for the input but I think I will buy from KCDiscus. He has what I want!

09-16-2006, 09:22 PM
Before I started selling I bought a group of gold leopard snakeskins and red leopard snakeskins from Tony at Sunrise. These were all Asian fish.

They all arrived in fine shape and gave me no problems. I sold off the golds after a few months and still have the reds. Heck, Tony even quizzed me about discus to make sure I wasn't a newb before he agreed to sell to me.

09-16-2006, 09:34 PM
I bought from Tony for nearly 3 years close to maybe 7 orders and my last was on 02/06. To fairly judge him obviously I kept ordering because he was bringing in the new stuff at a reasonable price and I was very happy with my purchases.

Unfortunately, all my adult Discus which were all from from Tony died this year except one adult discus and the purchase made on the above date- had nothing to do with them being from Asia by the way.

Then I met a local imported about 2 hour drive into Southern NJ and replaced all my tank with his discus and was a happy man again.

Anyway, I have purchased from several sources this year to see what is out there, you know test the waters.

Finally, I have not order from him since (I do not want to kiss and tell) I will say it construtively. I addressed an issue via email and he told me he never received it.
and that bothered me because it took me a couple of days and lots of energy to address my concern.

So I moved on but, That does not mean that I will not consider ordering from him again.

Just received an oder from Gulf Coast discus, will be posting pictures soon.