View Full Version : 1 Pair How Many Grow Out Tanks?

09-17-2006, 07:42 AM
Hi guys

I have a pair of Red Turks and woundering how many grow out tanks are needed for just 1 pair if i'm going to sell fry at the 5cm mark?

I'm think of using at the moment a 4'x18"x18" and a 3'x18"x18"?
Will those those tanks be enough or will i need to replace the 3' with another 4'?

Thanks for ya help..


09-17-2006, 07:51 AM
Hi ,
Really depends on how many fry your pair Produce.. Some females lay more eggs than others and some Males do a better job at fertilizing.

Have you have any successful spawns yet?


09-17-2006, 08:04 AM
Plus if you're planning to sell them when they are still that small you don't need a whole lot of tank space. The 68 US gallon tank you first mention should be large enough by itself. Just remember; wc's, wc's, wc's, to the tune of 100% - 200% a day.

09-17-2006, 04:25 PM
My pair hasn't been successful as of yet just wanted to work out how many tanks i would need. I was told a while back you need like 2 or more 4'x18"x18" per pair.

I couldn't do 200% w/c becuase i work LOL

I could do 100% everyday but some days i would not be able to. :o :o

Thanks .

09-17-2006, 05:52 PM
If you have a busy schedule allow yourself more tanks...split the fry into more tanks and you'll have better water quality on those days you get busy.


09-17-2006, 08:06 PM
I believe the old saw "Don't count your Discus before they're free swimming and attached" applies here.

Given the vagueries of Discus rearing, I seriously suggest you not buy any more tanks until you have a succesfull spawn. You'll have up to a month to buy more tanks if you have a huge successful spawn. Keep in mind, that with 1 pair, odds are that you could easily never have a successful spawn of any very large size.

09-17-2006, 08:13 PM
I believe the old saw "Don't count your Discus before they're free swimming and attached" applies here.

Given the vagueries of Discus rearing, I seriously suggest you not buy any more tanks until you have a succesfull spawn. You'll have up to a month to buy more tanks if you have a huge successful spawn. Keep in mind, that with 1 pair, odds are that you could easily never have a successful spawn of any very large size.

Truer words were never spoken

09-18-2006, 01:57 AM
Thanks alot i think your right i'll wait untill they start having some wrigglers etc.. Even then i have a 3' already to go..

Cheers guys..

