View Full Version : My Discus and Lettuce

Minh K
09-18-2006, 01:23 AM
Once every one or two weeks, I get my discus a peice of blanched lettuce for better roughage and digestion. I also give them a peice of lettuce to treat their white poop. I think the roughage cleans out their system, and also the greens help their digestive system. Every time I put it in their start pecking at it even when im not done anchoring it. Here are some pictures from my crappy camera phone. (BTW I been lurking around this forum since january... great forum!)


09-18-2006, 07:47 AM
used to do that with my saltwater fish...just freeze a nice peice of romaine and drop it in and they'd tear it up.

i guess i never tried it with my discus because there is plenty of roughage/green in my bh mixture.

09-18-2006, 08:02 AM
I guess good ol lettuce is an all time fav cuz I toss it in my African tank too:) I agree with you on the bh Tim...mine is really spinach heart as I have more of that than beef! It is even green! So is the end result at the bottom of the tank :p

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_4_10.gif

Minh K
09-18-2006, 04:51 PM
I dont know if you are aware with the latest news on bagged spinach, and how it contails E. Coli bacteria. It has been 7 states have been confirmed having this problem, and also one confirmed human death. So lay off the spinach for a while! :vomit:

10-11-2006, 10:00 PM
There is no danger using this or any fresh spinach unless you don't wash your hands. I think it has become an established fact that discus by nature consume much more vegetable matter in the wild than the older information led us to believe. My discus eat their share of the algae wafers tossed in for the plecos and it is no accident. These fish are 100% wild Heckels which according to H. Bleher's new book have been shown from stomach content studies to eat quite a bit of algae and detritus. They are not very catholic about their diet.