View Full Version : okay ..Pumkin rant!!

09-18-2006, 11:05 AM
Okay...That does it....enough is enough. Its bad enough that summers barely over and they are already pushing pumkins...but if you are going to sell pumkins they should be Orange... ..You know.orange as in pumkin Pie.....Orange like the leaves of many trees in fall.. Orange is the symbol of Halloween..

and what are they selling...albino pumkins.....It just ain't right... Pumkins should be orange...Period.. I don't want a white jackety lantern>>I want one that lights up with an eery orange glow when you put a candle in it.

Jeepers, whats the world coming too!:)


09-18-2006, 11:10 AM
Does it have pink eyes? :D

09-18-2006, 11:29 AM
Al - there's a lovely little rest home that I know of... I am sure they will arrange to have orange pumpkins for you, too... ;)


09-18-2006, 11:37 AM
HaHa...don't get me started or I'll go off on my rant about Christmas in July through December and even worse, the politically correct Christmas issues. :(

But now the Albino pumpkin with red eyes...that does sound intriguing!

09-18-2006, 11:40 AM
:crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: ....:)


ps..I'll only go if I can take my discus and the kitchen has to make my eggs just like I want them...easy over, placed exactly 1 " from the edge of the plate and 3 "s from each other..The bacon needs to be in the shape of a frown..I won't go otherwise.:)


09-18-2006, 11:43 AM
Okay...That does it....enough is enough. Its bad enough that summers barely over and they are already pushing pumkins...but if you are going to sell pumkins they should be Orange... ..You know.orange as in pumkin Pie.....Orange like the leaves of many trees in fall.. Orange is the symbol of Halloween..

and what are they selling...albino pumkins.....It just ain't right... Pumkins should be orange...Period.. I don't want a white jackety lantern>>I want one that lights up with an eery orange glow when you put a candle in it.

Jeepers, whats the world coming too!:)


Uh... Al, two things.
1. It is still summer, summer ends September 21
2. Hmmmmm, odd that you don't seem to feel the same way about discus... <grin>

09-18-2006, 12:25 PM
keep taking the pills.....:D

09-18-2006, 12:30 PM
' have you ever tried to carve a discus into a jackety- lantern? and then get the candle to stay? It ain't easy:) but once down it looks pretty good... Pbs and mellons work best.:D


ps..if you try it...watch out for the raccoons.:)

09-18-2006, 01:25 PM
keep taking the pills.....:D

I think maybe he's been taking too MANY pills.....Oooor maybe not enough pills...:confused:

Al....you been in the BREW again!! HAVENT YOU!?!?:inquisitive:

I can see it now...Al crouched in the corner in the fetal position, rocking back and forth...clutching an Albino punkin, muttering obscenities to himself...:crazy:


09-18-2006, 01:34 PM
heh..it could be worse al..it could be those wrinkly blue ones the aussies have to put up with..heck..they dont even know what an orange pumPkin looks like.and no hallowe'en!!
but..the blue one would look good for the old folks..old and wrinkled.
its all gone to" heck"..what about the melons who taste like bananas and strawberries etc..its gotta stop!! your a scientist al..do something!!!! make them stop!
ok..if we hear some mad scientist blew all the other geneticists away...its not my fault!!

09-18-2006, 01:48 PM
LOL AL!!!!!!!!!...yo bud ya gotta quit making that lite brew lmao and switch over to a good heavy dark one! Somehing along the lines of a good Taddy Porter or a Guiness stout lol...but one thing tho my friend if ya do make any you gotta share lol...at least a 6 pack anyway! :p :p The punkins I'm growing in my garden are already about 14" in diameter and weigh about 10-15 lbs...lol can you say pumpkin pies? Now if my discus were as prolific as my veggies are I could say I had a somewhat not magical fishroom but mybe possesed lmao.

09-18-2006, 03:24 PM
Better yet...just brew some homemade Pumpkin Ale (http://www.audioholics.com/showcase/DIY/PumpkinAleRecipe.html) and you won't care where those eggs land on your plate. :crazy: :D

09-18-2006, 04:12 PM
Nice recipe there Kathy..I'll have to try it. I grow 2 of the 3 hops they use here.. I will have to down size the batch though.. 99 gallons is but much, even for me..I work in the 6 gallon range a batch.:)
