View Full Version : How much food have you wasted??

09-18-2006, 11:45 AM
So am i the only one here with a terrible memory?

This has been a bad week for Hikari frozen Bloodworms ........ lol.

Ive had to trash about 1.5 pounds of them this week cause i keep forgetting to put them back in the freezer after feeding!

Once was a whole just opened 1 pound slab too ......... grrrrrrrrrr

I did this 3 days in a row and one of the times (the others thank goodness was just in the sink) I sat it on the side and it meted and ran all down the side of my newly painted walls and onto the floor. What a mess

After loosing the 1 pound pack i got smart and when i opened the new pack ....... I broke off a big piece and put it in its own sandwich baggie .......... but sure enough .......... i left that out overnight too ........ lol. But at least it wasnt the whole pound of them this time.

I dont like just tossing in a chunk and walk away ............... I'll take the chunk and swish it around till dissolved for each tank so they are deposited where i want them instead of a big chunk sinking into a corner or behind the heater.

I even turn off the AC500 in the one tank when feeding and always remember to turn it back on after about 15 minutes ........... but for some reason lately ........... i keep forgetting i sat the worm packs down.

A lil aggravating when you spend $40 for 4 packs of worms ........ lol.

09-18-2006, 11:50 AM
BTDT too. I now take the 1 pound slabs and cut them into cubes as soon as I open them, and like you, put them into baggies. I do this for all frozen foods I buy like that. This has been working extremely well for me and even makes feeding easier since everything is all cut up and waiting to be thrown in the tanks.

09-18-2006, 01:14 PM
I just buy the packs with the individual cubes. More expensive, yes, but much easier for me. Pop out a cube or two or three, put the pack right back in the freezer.


09-18-2006, 02:50 PM
Just to prevent such disasters, I also take the one pound pack, break it into individual meals, put it in another baggie in the door of the freezer. I then never take the baggie out of the freezer, only take out the single chunk of bloodworms for the meal.

09-21-2006, 09:40 PM
I too keep a little ziplock bag. I will take a cube of beefheart plus and cut it in half, and take a block of bw or emerald entree and do the same thing. I put the rest in the ziplock bag...so its more handy for me to just grab that.

I've left frozen food in a small bowl and forgotten about it too.

Youre not the only one! :)

09-22-2006, 02:03 AM
I never really had a prob of leaving it out. I did have probs of leaving it in too long. I had some frozen mysis shrimp and brine shrimp way in the corner of the freezer. It wasn't until about a year or 2 later is when I saw it. I looked at the package and all the cubes look very dried out, so I trashed them.

White Worm
09-22-2006, 02:54 AM
I just buy the packs with the individual cubes. More expensive, yes, but much easier for me. Pop out a cube or two or three, put the pack right back in the freezer.


Yep, thats what I do but I have still left the pack out but luckily they are in cubes because they will refreeze. Just drop the blocks in and move on. There is no sign of the food within minutes. I add freeze dried BW, tetra bits and blocks of FBW at the same time because I have certain discus that prefer one or the other. All three kinds disappear rather quickly. Within minutes they are all back to the surface looking at me like i havent fed them in days. Their bellies show the real truth though because i will feed them quite a bit and they will leave no trace. They always seem like they cant get enough to eat. I may just start using the old ice cube trays and dropping in that cube, lol.

09-22-2006, 08:53 AM
A lil aggravating when you spend $40 for 4 packs of worms ........ lol.

Or they can be put in your mailbox at a 115 degrees ~ at $36- a pop!

Twice No Less!:mad:

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_2_15.gif

09-22-2006, 08:55 AM
Yup, I use the cube packs for ease as well but about once or twice a month I'll leave one sitting on top of a tank, not cool!