View Full Version : Stocking Level"

09-19-2006, 11:23 AM
Hi Folks,
While since i have posted , but would like to ask a question ..( Its one of the more commonly asked how many Discus can i add!! Well i keep 16 Adults in a 90Gal Tank , Two Large filters in there 1 Eheim external, and 1 Juwel internal
plus UV and do 25% water changes every two days , fish are thriving and healthy. Have kept discus for 6 years........no expert ( yes and learning all the time) but guess you could say i have some experience!! would anyone agree you can keep more fish than ( 10 gal per fish rule) ...got to say i would not recommend anyone just starting out with discus to go adding large numbers of fish in one go!! Reason i ask does anyone keep more than this in
a 90 Gal ( within reason of course) have heard of up to 25 Adults on one of the uk Forums.

09-19-2006, 12:18 PM
With 16 adults in a 90 and 25% WC's every other day ............ what is your nitrate readings BEFORE a WC? and after?

And what size are the adults?

Just curious cause thats alot of fish for that small of WC's

09-19-2006, 12:54 PM
I agree with Cage...25% every other seems a bit too light. I don't have a problem with the every other day routine, but I believe in large wc's....Otherwise the nitrates just keep climbing the ladder. Can you tell us whats happening with your nitrates? I'm curious...


09-19-2006, 01:39 PM
If all the discus are already adults and hence you're not pumping them full of food and the temperature is a little lower (80-82 F), then I don't think 16 in a 90 gallon tank is outrageous. You don't have room for much else though either.

Also, just because all the fish look good now doesn't mean that something's not going to catch up to them in time (like the nitrate that has already been mentioned). It may be a few months or even a year or so, but it's not uncommon for something to finally go wrong -- then, because they've looked so good for so long, you have a hard time trying to figure out what's going on.

So, if you're going to be "overstocked", you should pay much closer attention to the water chemistry, or even better, do those big water changes.

-- Matt H.

09-19-2006, 01:48 PM
I could see doing what you're doing only if I were doing LARGE water changes every other day, staying on top of the filter and prefilter hygiene and watching tank chemistry....then it's totally workable, in my book.

09-19-2006, 04:50 PM
I could see doing what you're doing only if I were doing LARGE water changes every other day, staying on top of the filter and prefilter hygiene and watching tank chemistry....then it's totally workable, in my book.

Hi Harriett,
Agree yes indeed , i do large WCs more than the 25% that i stated, mistake on my part, my water here in scotland is very good quality , soft PH 6.5 from the tap, feed it through a ( HMA) Heavy Metal Axe filter , removes chloramine, chlorine, sediment and odor. ....Nitrate is low , use a ( Nitrate
Sponge) in the Juwel internal, seems to work very well. ( All Adults size 5" to
6.5" ) UNDERSTAND what folks are saying WATER CHANGES are the key. Guess i am at the limit for a 90Gal ., but just curious on peoples views on this subject !! its down to experience i think, and dedication for our Discus.
Thanks for replys

09-19-2006, 05:00 PM
You're so welcome!

09-20-2006, 09:05 AM
16 seems like your pushing it already, I wouldn't add a thing.

09-20-2006, 10:25 AM
16 seems like your pushing it already, I wouldn't add a thing.

Hi 1997,
Yes agree on that, 16 is the max for me , its a load of WCs but worth the
extra work involved, as i said i am lucky to have Quality Water ideal for Discus.........Good luck with your Discus Adventure.