View Full Version : What do you think? 2

09-19-2006, 01:24 PM
I guess the experts are on vacation so i thought i would post these here to see what everyone else thinks since only the experts can post in the unversity section.

Shes about 10 months old, just under 6" in TL and has been laying for about a month but water is to hard for fertilization. (working on that now)

Also wondering what good crosses would be with her?

pretty poor pic quality and lighting on the tank which hurts the coloring a bit.



09-19-2006, 03:04 PM
Cage...Nice fish, overall...Good shape and finnage. Color seems a bit washed through the body and the markings are a bit muddy (soft, undefined edges). The eye looks clear, slightly large but insignificantly...could just be the angle. There is a small saddle and a chin issue, but none of its faults are too distracting, imo. I like it. :thumbsup:


09-19-2006, 03:24 PM
Thanx ........ the lighting on these tanks right now just dont do these fish any justice whatsoever and they looked much better in the other tank.

I definately have to work on getting some better lighting on these tanks.

Plus i think going from the brighter blue background to the real pale background made a huge difference. The colors definately look much more pale now. Even gives them more of a pale green tint.

Thanx for the comments

09-19-2006, 03:57 PM
I mainly agree with Joe. Cage you didn't say how old this fish is but I suspect it is less than, or right at, 1 year. It's colors may improve, and I agree with correct lighting it may look somewhat better. Nice round body, high fins, the anal fin stops a bit too far back, it does have a slightly weak chin, the nape/dorsal transition is very good, lips are very slightly beaky, eyes are bright and red but maybe just a smidge too large (this could very well only be the photo though). RTs happen to be one of my favorites and I think this is a good one.