View Full Version : Our New Aquarium will host Kings!

09-19-2006, 04:19 PM
Hello everyone, as you can see i'm a noob here to your wonderful site. I just thought I would share a little bit about our Aquarium project and it's long journey to being a "Tank for the Kings". This aquarium has been a long works in the making. One of the reasons it took so long is I did a lot of the work myself. and with only one me (sorry, my wife helped too)...well you get the picture,so it took awhile to get were the tank is now. It was originally going to be equipped to house an SPS/LPS saltwater Reef Display.. but that was all going to have to change.

The other reason without diving into the details. My wife and I were dealt a set of bad cards about 1.5yrs ago; If it wasn't one thing it was another; bottom line, It was a very tough, and in one case, tragic ride for us for the last year and a half.....so nuff said. Brush ourselves off and move on!

So here we are, at the tailend of 2006. We've decided since we are not going to proceed in our original Tank display, what would be a worthy display of all our hard earned efforts. We started visiting Aquarium displays ...from museums, fish stores, other aquarist and the web. After a many many weeks of weighing all our options and resources, we decided on making this a planted community tank with the Discus King(s) as the center piece inhabitants. Wife and I were inspired by the breathtaking discus/planted displays many have on this site. So thanks!

I just completed routing/installin the electrical conduits, romex and need to put in a subpanel in the fish/maintenance room.
I'm going to be doing some online shopping here in the next weeks so i'll post updates as I go.

The Display Tank is 770 gallons (120"l x 36"w x 48"h)

The room before it was converted over:



Just a bit of finish work to be done. Front Tank framing/trim


Here's a pix of the backroom with the ext background panels removed. Underneath is a 280 gallon sump.

With all this water potential, I installed a emergency drain..granted, it won't help in a total tank break, but will help for any unexpected (lord forbidding) leaks or pump seal failures.


09-19-2006, 04:25 PM
Wow! I haven't been jealous of anything for a while now but I'm jealous of your tank! One question though; who is going to put on the wet suit when it comes time to clean it, you or your wife? <grin>

White Worm
09-19-2006, 04:37 PM
Impressive! 50+ discus living comfortably in that tank. Now that is what I would call a room focal point! The two pugs must like discus too, lol.

09-19-2006, 04:44 PM
WOOOW is all I can say to that. It looks beautiful just like it is without anything in it. I can't wait to see it finished with fish swimming around. You and your wife have done an awesome job on that!

Also, welcome to Simply! :D

09-19-2006, 05:00 PM
. It looks beautiful just like it is without anything in it.

I was thinking the same thing! That is breathtaking! See....all good things come to those who wait:) Seems as tho you both are deserving since it took a while to get to where you are!

I can not wait to see it filled ~ How long wld that take do you suppose?

Welcome to Simply!

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_14_27.gif

09-19-2006, 05:04 PM
Very impressive!! I really like the idea of the semi-open sitting area alot. It would look great with a tall table and some barstool's in there!


09-19-2006, 05:16 PM
Tony's right. For me to say it's impressive just sounds....geez, I am near speechless (except for all my questions). What are you planning for lights, heating, substrate. We see the giant wet/dry. What's under your floor to stabilize this massive load? Share the technical details, if you would. Stupendous job so far. HAT'S OFF TO YOU BOTH. Are you well experienced with discus and planted tanks? PLease keep us posted....
best regards

09-19-2006, 05:20 PM
All I can say is WOW! *drool, drool* I love the room, I love the wall color (what is that green color on the walls if I may ask? I want to paint a room of mine that color!) I LOVE that tank!

*sigh* I too have been on a roller coaster setting up a show tank and mine is about 1/6 the size of yours!

Should be coming together soon, keep us posted on the progress!


09-19-2006, 05:52 PM
.............. <----me being speachless

09-19-2006, 06:28 PM
Great Idea, design and Tank....
Is your flooring going to be reinforced?

09-19-2006, 06:56 PM
...will you adopt me?......please....:crazy:

09-19-2006, 07:26 PM
Wow, that's great. You have a very understanding wife.:D

One suggestion....Buy on color discus.


09-19-2006, 07:27 PM
Whoa! that was quick. Thx for the kind words everyone. Glad to see a few close neighbors. :)

lhforbes12 - I get to have 2 hobbies in 1 ;)
Mikscus - Thx but 50+Discus? I was thinking more like 10+ Discus and 200 Neons :)
Angela - Thank You.
Marie - Thank you, I have someways to go so I hope soon. btw, I emailed you.
Tony - I'm with you, but the wife overruled me ;)
Harriett - Nothing's set in stone just yet, but most likely will be installing MH for lighting. The floor is rebar-reinforced concrete ~ 12+" thick. I've confirmed, I found out when I had to jack hammer the drain in. :( I'll keep you posted as things get completed, purchased or installed.
Tina - You have email too :) ... The current color is a wheat/yellow. The original color was called celery. Sorry to hear about your project, i've been reading your thread too. Is everything coming along ok?
...Thx again everyone for the replies.

Here are a couple of other interesting pix of this tanks journey, just to help give a complete story ;)

Tank Delivery Day:

Wife giving it a lookover and calling me insane.

The flooring we ripped out, and replaced with

...more flooring

...flooring completed w/baseboard

A friend of ours welded this stand for us.

Had the stand powdercoated

Epoxy Coated the concrete floor

Another view from the Sink/Drain side

280 gallon Sump tank delivered

Moving her in. Handy to have 11-14 friends free this day ;)

Going over the game plan...

Getting through the kitchen wall..

Finally in...

As things start moving, i'll be back to post more updates.

09-19-2006, 08:01 PM
so, lets see...30% water change/day = most of Lake Mead

mary mother of g*d now thats a tank!

09-19-2006, 08:59 PM
I hope water is cheaper in Norcal. When my wife thinks I'm crazy for getting one more 70 G tank, I'll refer her to this thread.

I'm speechless just like everyone else. Now there are 5 attractions I would like to see when I make it back to NoCal.

1. Golden Gate Bridge
2. Any good Dimsum Chinese restaurant
3. Kenny's place (Magic Garage)
4. Drop by and say hello to Marie
5. Your place. Since we're all family here. Just post up your address and take reservations. I'm sure you can charge for admission and that will help with the cost.

That is incredible. Can't wait to see the finished product.

09-19-2006, 09:09 PM
Marie btw, I emailed you.

You did? To Yahoo or AOL or here? Cuz I didnt get one:( You live in Cali I see ~ In Northern Cali....How cool is that?? Near Sac? In the City?

I cld come and SEE this tank when It is all done! http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_11_1.gif

I'm inviting myself:o :o But I surely could! Hell I cld swim in it ~ did you know you cld fit people in there? I am in awe ~ ya think? And I have a Ka-Zillion questions to pester you with ~ Like:

Inquiring Minds Wanna Know:)

How much do you suppose that tank when filled will weigh? I so wanna know ~ Cld it break the floor? I am sure you have planned for all of this ~ Also...are daily wc's practical on such a huge tank? Cld you imagine the amount of Prime you may need? You will have to stand on a ladder to clean and feed them Twize! I have never seen a tank stand so big in my life ~ and I am old ~ You do not have to answer all these questions ( everyone is saying: "umm...yeah Marie he does cuz we wanna know!") I am sure we will talk ~

I am so excited for you! Ya can't tell can you?

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_4_11.gif

09-19-2006, 09:16 PM
Now there are 5 attractions I would like to see when I make it back to NoCal.

1. Golden Gate Bridge
2. Any good Dimsum Chinese restaurant
3. Kenny's place (Magic Garage)
4. Drop by and say hello to Marie

aww.. man...Reid....I swear when I was reading this I was going to add ME....and then I saw you DID!

Very Nice ~

Kenny can take us to Dim Sum....he stole mine:D

5. Your place. Since we're all family here. Just post up your address and take reservations. I'm sure you can charge for admission and that will help with the cost.

That is hilarious!! hmm...what cld we charge..... Twize...whatz your take on this, Sir?:)

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_4_10.gif

09-19-2006, 09:32 PM
That looks amazing!!!

I cant wait to see the finished project.

If i ever get to cali i'll be sure to bring some snorkel gear and come visit you.

09-19-2006, 09:41 PM
Oh my friggin GAWD!!

That makes our wall tank look like a goldfish bowl!!

That is outSTANDING work....it looks great...and your pugs are too cute (I have one)!! Can't wait to see it loaded with plants and discus!!

Hurry Hurry Hurry!!!

09-19-2006, 10:56 PM
Mikscus - Thx but 50+Discus? I was thinking more like 10+ Discus and 200 Neons :)

10 discus and 200 neons would disappear in that tank .... lol

And the neons may disappear literally in the discus's bellys.

09-19-2006, 11:09 PM
Marie..You're too funny.

I don't know how much the tank weighs but water weighs 8.33 lbs per gallon.

770 gallon X 8.33 lbs.= 6414.1 lbs for the tank
280 gallon X 8.33 lbs. = 2332.4 lbs for the sump
Total weight.. 8746.5 lbs. = 4.37 tons.= 2.5 elephants.=2 honda civics

Mind boggling. Can't wait to see the finished product.

09-19-2006, 11:14 PM
OmG!! Two Elephants?? umm.....Twize....this tank is on the first floor?? Ya know your neighborhood looks familiar.....well that small part of the house that I saw...;)



M~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_2_15.gif

09-19-2006, 11:41 PM
Reid / Marie - You guys are hilarious... I'm about 15min east of Sacto. In Folsom. So anytime, BUT only as long as I can come along for DimSum. I love that stuff! Marie, I wanted to know about the Discus store/breeder on Stockton blvd. I believe its name is JoJo's? The tank is on the 1st floor and the floor strength shouldn't be any concern.
Cage-Rattler - bring the scuba gear my friend ;)
sorry, I meant Cardinals :thumbsup: Don't know exactly the numbers and exact tankmates yet. That will be the fun part to figure out....when I get there. :)
Marie - 2 Elephants? ...are you talking about some of my family members again ;) lol

09-19-2006, 11:58 PM
Wow, that's great. You have a very understanding wife.:D

One suggestion....Buy on color discus.


Dan if you meant only one color, I'm with you:D

That looks amazing!!!

I cant wait to see the finished project.

If i ever get to cali i'll be sure to bring some snorkel gear and come visit you.

CAge always dive with a scuba buddy, I volunteer;) :D

10 discus and 200 neons would disappear in that tank .... lol

And the neons may disappear literally in the discus's bellys.

An impressive magic trick, I assure you!:D

I look at this tank and I see no less than 9 no more than 13 wild Heckels or Browns, 100 Rummy nose( trust me on these as their constant schooling behavior will sort off tie the theme together) if browns are used 25 Bleeding heart tetras, 100 cardinals and 35 sterbai Corydoras. Boy this is my dream tank!:D

09-20-2006, 06:32 AM
Marie I'm about 15min east of Sacto. In Folsom. So anytime, BUT only as long as I can come along for DimSum. I love that stuff! Marie, I wanted to know about the Discus store/breeder on Stockton blvd. I believe its name is JoJo's?

Yes Yes Yes Yes!!! Folsom??? Sweet:D I so knew it Twize! That is like "15 min"....if that~ You have just made my day Twize! For real tho ~ Your On....DimSum...you can buy;) Me too ....I love it!

hmm....I'm thinking "get together!"....since they are all having one in Chicago without me ~ can you believe that??

Yes I know JoJo's T ~ and I know where it is but I have never been there ~ Tina has ~ Really nice set up and the owners are very accommodating from what I gather...and friendly unlike 'others' in the bay area.....lack of paranoia as well ~ and they don't start trippin when one walks thru the door~

Marie - 2 Elephants? ...are you talking about some of my family members again ;) lol

Reid ^^ That was HIM ....:D

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_14_27.gif

09-20-2006, 06:38 AM
Dan if you meant only one color, I'm with you:D

Why only one color boys? I am sure there is a method to your madness but why only one?

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_14_27.gif

09-20-2006, 07:47 AM
WOW. That's all I can say. WOW, times one billion! Looks gorgeous already! I'm sure you realize that your sump is bigger than many of our tanks! I am sooooo jealous.


09-20-2006, 09:00 AM
Wow, that is unreal! Getting excited just thinking about it! Only 10 discus and 200 neons, you could have that in a 125! I'd go with like 50 discus of one color and a school of 500 neons and one heck of a clean up crew, like 50 cories and oto's!

09-20-2006, 09:05 AM
Set up like that...what's a few bucks huh?

I would get adults of every variety...rare huge collector discus.
Every color.

We have all seen planted tanks with 10 blue Discus in Amano books.

Bling it out with Discus to drool over.

09-20-2006, 09:11 AM
Hey Guys and Gals, don't forget to invite me on the Dim Sum and for the grand tank viewing :).

Twize, our aquarium club is having a mega auction on the 7th of next month, (I think it is the 7th, first Saturday of next month) maybe you can find something to go in that tank? LOL. Or maybe the San Francisco chapter auctions?

When I was looking at the pictures I was wondering "why does the tank have a divider in the middle?" Then I saw the caption that that was the sump! The sump is twice the size of my tank!

With a tank that size daily water changes probably won't be necessary after it is cycled, but how are you going to cycle it?

I'm assuming you're going to have a back up power supply in case of outages?

LOL, I just noticed the pug patrol guarding the tank :).


09-20-2006, 09:14 AM
Why only one color boys? I am sure there is a method to your madness but why only one?

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_14_27.gif

For color impact and a peaceful arrangement. Can you imagine a big school of round fish all the same color swimming past? And then there's you and me Marie, that can't settle on just one :). Kinda like the mixed bouquet and the dozen roses :)


09-20-2006, 04:26 PM
Great googly moogly!

Not a drop of water in the tank yet and this is as impressive a set-up I have ever seen. It's going to be so wonderful and peaceful sitting in that room looking at your fish at night. Those are some awesome pics so far - can't wait to see more!

White Worm
09-20-2006, 05:45 PM
Whoa! that was quick. Thx for the kind words everyone. Glad to see a few close neighbors. :)

Mikscus - Thx but 50+Discus? I was thinking more like 10+ Discus and 200 Neons :)


I was just going with the 1 per 10g rule (Lots of discus) and go with cardinals, not neons. 10 Lonely adults will look scarce in that big tank!! You need more. JMO :D You will cook the neons with discus temps. Didnt realize you were so close. I am in Vacaville Ca. Maybe one day when I am in the neighborhood, I could see the finished product. Maybe the wife would let me do something like that......doubt it but ya never know. lol. Ill bet the final product will look great....especially if you house all the equipment in the sump and just plants and discus in the tank. Awesome! Mike

09-20-2006, 05:52 PM
Didnt realize you were so close. I am in Vacaville Ca.

Closer to me:D

Marie~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_1_18.gif

White Worm
09-20-2006, 05:59 PM
Dont do the local fish store with this tank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been to JOJO's and for a lfs, they arent too bad. But,,,,,,,,,,you can do so much better. Talk with Kenny or KC or Frank. You will thank me later. It would be a shame to put mediocre quality discus in this tank!!!!!!

09-20-2006, 06:24 PM
I just wonder how you're going to start off your cycle? Fishless? You'd need a gallon if bio-spira. I would hate to take the chance of bringing in start fish to do the cycle. You could also use pure white ammonia.

09-20-2006, 06:29 PM
SuWeeeeT Jesus :shocked2:

I'm speechless.........

I'd love to have a tank that size in my house :D ........ hmmmm..... wonder if Tony would approve :rolleyes2:


09-20-2006, 06:32 PM
get building tony....ill mail you a hammer. : ) knock some walls out..remove the stove..hop to it.
its amazing by the way..and they are right . dont go to a lfs to get your discus..you can get far superior healthy stock for lower price . all from one place..all at once to avoid disease and issues.
you could also get rummy noses..they look wonderful with discus . rummy noses, cardinals .
theres a sponsor section..go through it and find a good seller or breeder. jack (discus_kc) has healthy homebred stock..hes in kansas..but i guarantee he will look after you extremely well. fone him up..and sound him out. best to talk to a breeder..then you get free discus advice..help..after sales help..and tons of experience. lfs dont have alot of experience with discus..and they import and quite often end up with disease and pathogens etc..
theres also green country discus and gulfcoastdiscus and gold mountain discus you can check out.
if you ended up with illness..itd be very hard to treat in a huge tank like that..so best to avoid issues of any kind.

09-20-2006, 06:34 PM
get building tony....ill mail you a hammer. : ) knock some walls out..remove the stove..hop to it.

You tell him Prilly :D

09-20-2006, 07:00 PM
Great Job !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats to you and your wife.
Wish you many relaxing hours watching the fish in that awesome setup.


09-20-2006, 07:29 PM
I'd love to have a tank that size in my house

Christmas is coming Bethhttp://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_15_2.gif

....but then so is Halloween http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/8/8_1_224.gif could be scary....lol!

f you ended up with illness..itd be very hard to treat in a huge tank like that..so best to avoid issues of any kind.

We were just talking about that April ~ what wld one do? It wld be something like 70tabs a day for ten days....? OR....you cld take out the sick fish...if you can get in and catch it....lol!

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_2_15.gif

09-20-2006, 08:13 PM
They stole my idea.....:p


....beautiful tank though. Cant wait till its done!

White Worm
09-20-2006, 08:48 PM
As far as the cycle, couldnt you just fill 1/4 which would be close to a 200g tank, cycle the tank for the month or six weeks and then add 1/4 tank new water each time until full? It would be like doing 1 100% wc, 1 50% and one 25% over a certain period of time ( maybe a week) after the tank has cycled.

09-20-2006, 10:59 PM
Thanks everyone for the cycling bkm's and information regarding LFS vs. Breeders. I'll make sure to keep this in mind.

My next steps will be finishing the carpentry wood work and stain for the mantle/frame around the outside of the tank. So i'll be busy for awhile.

Thx everyone for the suggestions.
I'll post updates and new pix asap.

09-20-2006, 11:00 PM
Why only one color boys? I am sure there is a method to your madness but why only one?

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_14_27.gif

He said it was going to be planted, that being said there are "planted discus tanks" were you show off your discus and there are "planted tanks housing discus" were the aquascape itself should be the main focus hence lower number of fish and the colors and tankmates are carefully chosen in order to compliment the design. You don't want a fish distracting the eye from the layout in this cases.

Wow, that is unreal! Getting excited just thinking about it! Only 10 discus and 200 neons, you could have that in a 125! I'd go with like 50 discus of one color and a school of 500 neons and one heck of a clean up crew, like 50 cories and oto's!

It depends on who you ask, I would not place more than 7 discus and 50 cardinals in a 125g. Then again this is a 700g plus tank so up to 25 discus is OK:D , the rest of my dream stocklist I would not change except to maybe add some more Rummys(up to 250:D) or cardinals(up to 250:)) Remember that it may be 1000 gallons but its still 8 feet long and both aesthetically and for the reason that in won't receive frequent water changes you don't want to go to high in the stocklist. Then again 50 discus and 500 would look nice....

BTW Twize I keep asking myself who are the "kings" the discus or you and your family that get to enjoy this monster

09-20-2006, 11:38 PM
Ed13, Thanks for the fish & population numbers. ;) but I definitely do not want a bio-load that would make it critical for me to do daily water changes. But then again, 50+500 would be a pretty site ;) ... j/k.

As for the kings, it's definitely not us or the "Sacramento Kings" ;)
Definitely the Discus.

09-20-2006, 11:52 PM
Ed13, As for the kings, it's definitely not us or the "Sacramento Kings" ;)
Definitely the Discus.

Now that is funny Twize! That was the only reason I clicked on this thread initially ~ I thought it had something to do with the Sac Kings!

Good thing I did ~

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_7_2.gif

09-21-2006, 09:44 AM
HMMMM... A tank warming party featuring the Sacramento Kings? LOL. What are the Kings colors now-a-days?


09-21-2006, 11:00 AM
I'm a little late to the party, but that tank is amazing! You can really have fun with that. It's large enough to have an array of fish.

With discus as your focal point, you could have several types of small characins like cardinals or lemon tetras. I would include some little caves and driftwood on the bottom and get a few different pairs of dwarf cichlids, either rams or Apistogramma. The possibilities with 700+ gallons are endless.

Please keep us updated! I can't wait to see this tank as you set it up and get it running! :D

09-21-2006, 01:42 PM
That sump is bigger than the biggest tank I had! LOL. Galing, pare!

The key was you have 14 friends to help you set up and a very understanding wife :D You can always tell your wife that someone else had his basement dug up (used a crane to do it) and made into a huge tank (more like a pool already). So, you're still sane :rolleyes:

I know someone who lurks in this website who has a drip set-up and, accdg. to him hasn't done any WC's (other than the drip) for over a year and hasn't added any chlorine remover, so you may consider that.

Other than that, have fun with your project. Getting there is as enjoyable and fun as being there, no matter how the ride was.

09-21-2006, 02:01 PM
Now that tank is definitely big enough to hold a couple of stingrays!

09-21-2006, 02:06 PM
Ted ~ found your email:p I replied ~

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_4_10.gif

09-22-2006, 08:51 AM
I wouldn't think twice about it, I really would have to put 50 discus in there, I have no problem doing a 330 gal wc each day, it would only take about 30 minutes and you would have the sickest discus tank we've ever seen! Of course I would put my own discus in there so I wouldn't actually have to pay for 50 discus, that part would kind of suck but it's only money!

09-22-2006, 01:10 PM
50 discus? Between the tank and sump there's enough water capacity for 100!

But, with "only" 50 you could get away with fewer water changes.

That tank is sweeet! Where did you order it from, Twize?


09-22-2006, 09:00 PM
I would not worry to much about cycling if I was you, just do it with the ruminoses or the cardinals right form the start...

The size of the tank does not matter much in such a process. All proportion keeped it would take the same amount of time for a 5 gal or a 700 gal. to cycle if it has the same bioload to work on.

So my advice since water change are not an easy option as compared to smaller tank, just start it with some plants (not a lot... you want to build up the bioload before putting more plants), and a lots of cardinals. Sure some will die, but the survivor will only be stronger.

Once its all cycled, and perfectly cycled, with no bacterial bloom following 25-50% WC, than add the discus.

09-22-2006, 09:07 PM
Can I go for a swim. PLEASE!

09-23-2006, 10:38 AM
Marie - I would like to give some credit to the "Sac Kings", but after they win us a championship. ;) lol ~ so can we refer female discus as Monarchs? ;)

Tina - Losing colors! ;) Btw, do your club host Tank Tours for its members?

Hi Ryan - Thanks for the cool suggestions. In fact I am going out today with my brother-in-law to his secret spot that he knows about for getting very unique & large driftwood pieces. He won't tell me were it is since it's in the middle of nowhere and I think he wants to keep it a secret. Little does he know I'm be bringing my pocket gps with the tracer on ;) BUT I told him though, if I start hearing "Banjo's" playing deliverance :guitarist: ... I'm out of there!!!!:shocked2:

Kamusta Alan - I believe I showed her that basement tank thread. She still thinks I'm "loco" ;) That drip concept is interesting. It's been a fun ride but i'm ready to "get there" and start enjoying being in front of the tank, and finally relaxing a bit.

1977 - ;) I wish my schedule would allow me to do 'consistant' WC's everyday but with my current schedule, I wouldn't be able to commit. But I agree... a swarm of 50 Discus swiming past you would be an impressive display. "...only money?" lol, to bad I still gotta work for it ;)

Sleonard - 100 Discus? And I thought I had big visions for this tank project!?!?! :) I purchased it from ARB Distributing who works with Tenecor in Arizona. Great guys and they worked with me on all the details on how I wanted the plexi thickness, port holes, cover cutouts, overflow size and position, as well as the sump dimensions and dividers. I highly recommend them.

Dandestroy - Thanks for the great cycling suggestions.

BobB - :fish:;):fish: Sure, just bring the glass scrubber :thumbsup:

Thanks everyone, I'll let you know soon how our trip goes today.

09-23-2006, 02:04 PM
Blimey, that is some tank! Very impressive.

09-23-2006, 03:51 PM
Ooooh don't forget to get some high quality exotic plecos for that monster tank!!

I say go for 50 discus. You HAVE the room ya know! ;)

I do like cardinals....but in a tank like yours i'd find a companion fish that not a lot of people have....if possible.

Ugh hurry up and load the sucker UP!!! :) You realize the suspense is killing most of us here!!!

09-24-2006, 08:07 PM
Whew! Wife and I just got back from hiking up north this afternoon so were pretty tired. I think we got a pretty nice "diamond in the rough" for the center-piece. I also picked some extra long branch pieces in case I get an idea as i try an sculpt this thing. I'll be giving it a shape-down with my saw and dremel until i'm satisfied, but overall, i'm pretty happy in what we found. Hopefully i'll get to pressure spray it clean early this week.

As It stands "raw", it's about 6.5'-7' at the tallest point and about 3.5'-4' wide a t the base. I'll have to be a careful surgeon as I discect it to fit in the tank then place together again.

As seen in the first shot, my wife is a school teacher so she picked up a lot of loose piece for her students. I'm not exactly sure what kind of art craft she's preparing, but she was pretty excited hunting these pieces down. ;)






09-24-2006, 08:20 PM
Wow Ted,

Did you bring any extra wood? I'm looking for a long centerpiece for my 130 :).

How'd you like Jo Jo's? *sigh* If I could keep my 60 gallon I'd might get a red devil or flower horn. They had one with the most awsome blue eyes (but an equally high price tag :()

*sigh* I remember when I could go by the Folsom Dam before 9/11 and get awsome driftwood too :(.


09-24-2006, 08:41 PM

That is just so awesome I cant tell you! HOW proud and excited you must be!!

My only advice is not to worry about cycling this tank. Add the plants and hardscape first. Add PLENTY of fast growing plants. Just load the heck out of it and let them use up all your nutrients. You can thin it out and replace with other plants as the tank gets balanced. Once you have your CO2, ferts, plants and lights in order... then worry about the fish!

Talk to Tom Barr and Whitepine about the planting. They both have done huge tanks.



Until then, more pics!!!!!!!!

09-24-2006, 08:54 PM
Wowee Marilyn! A tank you can climb in and plant? Wow!


09-24-2006, 10:04 PM
Thx Marilyn1998 for the links! I'll be reading those 2 thread for sure.

Tina, How big of a piece are you looking for? and what shapes? I can see what's left after my wife takes her share to school.

09-25-2006, 12:05 AM
I'm looking for a nice arching piece, maybe 36" -46" long. My tank is 27" tall. Unless you find another piece that is a smaller version of your center piece, then it doesn't have to be that long :). My tank is around 18" wide. Anything that could fit those dimensions and give enough swimming room would be great :). Trying to find something that looks nice, is large enough, and doesn't cost an arm and a leg at the LFS is impossible.


09-25-2006, 09:05 AM
That is a cool piece of driftwood! I can't wait to see the finished product!

09-25-2006, 07:03 PM
Thanks 1977!

Tina, The next biggest piece I have is only around 2.5' .
I may be going up there again with my nephews and nieces so I'll keep a look out if I go.

09-25-2006, 07:50 PM
Where do you guys go Ted? Did you say and I missed that:o

Near Reno?

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_1_18.gif

09-25-2006, 08:19 PM
Thanks 1977!

Tina, The next biggest piece I have is only around 2.5' .
I may be going up there again with my nephews and nieces so I'll keep a look out if I go.

Do you have a picture of this piece?


09-25-2006, 10:04 PM
I think we got a pretty nice "diamond in the rough" for the center-piece. I also picked some extra long branch pieces in case I get an idea as i try an sculpt this thing. I'll be giving it a shape-down with my saw and dremel until i'm satisfied, but overall, i'm pretty happy in what we found. Hopefully i'll get to pressure spray it clean early this week.



Diamond in the rough is an understatement!!! That piece is a dream come true. Be vary careful how you trim it and clean it, sometimes the parts that you take for granted are that ones that you'll en up missing. You'll also be needing other pieces to try an tie the theme around. One big piece as impressive as it is will look awkward by it self, so be mindful with the pieces that you give away and the pieces that the wife claims ;) . I'm sorry but this kind of projects come around once in a lifetime

As far as scaping it I imagine some anubias coffefolia will look nice around the lower part an some mosses will look good at the top part. Narrow leaf java fern will also look good in the top once it grows a large number of plants. Discus will probably hug that wood like teenager environmentalists so keep in mind that you'll need movement along the whole tank, again Rummy nose and Serpae Tetras could become you best friends. While were at it, Colombian Altums+ Heckels or Peruvian Scalares + Nanay river Red Spotted greens would look really good :D . Can anyone tell I am really into "MY" dream tank;)
ENJOY this beast to the last drop!!!!:D :D :D

09-25-2006, 10:24 PM
Hi Tina, Here are some shots. Just give me a holler if your interested. I actually took a measuring tape, and it's closer to 35" and approx 10" high and about 12" wide.





...and I won't be offended if your not interested ;)
My wife will take it to her school.

09-25-2006, 10:28 PM
Thanks Ed13 for you comliments and informative suggestions!
I appreciate it. :thumbsup:

Maria, We went up the Feather River and just hiked....and hiked .....and hiked. ;)

09-26-2006, 08:30 AM
Wow, that smaller piece is great too :). (I love your diamond in the rough too, is it big enough for your tank? LOL, way too big for mine :)).


09-26-2006, 06:47 PM
LOL, Hi Tina...If I can read between the lines, your kindly hinting you would like to have a the driftwood piece resembling our beast? ;) I'm hoping to go up again soon, I'll make sure to keep a look out.

09-26-2006, 06:52 PM
Anyone here used this type of substrate system on their tanks? The stuff looks and reads impressive, but can anyone give their feedback on their actual experience.


09-26-2006, 07:08 PM
LOL, Hi Tina...If I can read between the lines, your kindly hinting you would like to have a the driftwood piece resembling our beast? ;) I'm hoping to go up again soon, I'll make sure to keep a look out.

Ted I so thought you something else instead of beast!:o I was thinking why wld Tina want that!

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

09-26-2006, 08:52 PM
LOL, Hi Tina...If I can read between the lines, your kindly hinting you would like to have a the driftwood piece resembling our beast? ;) I'm hoping to go up again soon, I'll make sure to keep a look out.

LOL, I don't think it'll fit :). Hmmm, something similar or with arches. Where on the Feather River do you go?


09-26-2006, 09:36 PM
I myself have never used tghe ADA, but the planterd forums are full of good things about it. Read up, though, because there are more than a few that ended up with brown water for MONTHS because of it. Turns out they had to cap it with gravel or rock and then the water cleared.

Get lotsa opinions on substrate. It is the second biggest area you dont want to have to change. I have been there and done that and it is NOT fun.

09-27-2006, 06:29 PM
I myself have never used tghe ADA, but the planterd forums are full of good things about it. Read up, though, because there are more than a few that ended up with brown water for MONTHS because of it. Turns out they had to cap it with gravel or rock and then the water cleared.

Get lotsa opinions on substrate. It is the second biggest area you dont want to have to change. I have been there and done that and it is NOT fun.

OMG, changing substrate in a tank that size would be a nightmare! hmmm, you may need a dump truck full delivery as it is if you aren't going BB ;).


10-04-2006, 06:16 PM

Do you have a status report on the new tank? New pictures?


10-04-2006, 06:28 PM
Well if the man did dontcha think he wld post them?


(Miss Me?)

10-08-2006, 09:30 PM
Hi everyone, sorry it's been awhile since I posted any updates. Been pretty hecktic at work and caught a flu-bug going around last week.
From this weekend, here are a few pix of the driftwood finally in the tank. Boy this thing was pretty hardheaded in working with, but we finally got it home.

Finally trimmed it down. Had to cut quite a bit to make her fit. We attempted our best jinga skills friday to see if it would fit...NOT! So off to cutting it in half it had to be. I was worried that the saw marks would be apparant an "unatural". So I thought first cuting 75% of the backside then prying/forcing the split to the front would creat a look more "natural". I first drilled a 3/8" hole all the way through the main trunk where I would re-attach it again in the tank using a stainless steel rod/washer and locking bolts.


* Drill completed

* Sawing the beast in half... This was not fun, i'm going to be extra sore tommorrow!

* Ta-da!

* Even cut in half, it still feels like a ton!

* Brother-n-law giving me a very much needed hand.

* Overall pretty happy with how it turned out. A lot of potential to compliment the planting/aquascaping... we'll see.

* Another angle

I'm still waiting for my order of a few of my wood trim and wood corbel pieces to come in. so hopefully will have some updates soon on how this assembly and stain finish goes.


10-08-2006, 10:12 PM
Good cut!! It will be interesting how you tie the wood theme between the big pieces and the smaller ones while trying to make it look natural! I still see wilds swimming among that wood its really going to be something to remember.
I've recently began work on a 400gal and I was thinking of your tank, a lot of fun, but a lot of work. My advice is to keep things as simple as possible or you'll quickly regret having paid all that money for a big one!!

BTW, I knew I had heard TWIZE before, you use to post on Reefcentral right?

10-08-2006, 10:46 PM
Ed13, Thx! I still have a quite a few pieces of driftwood i'll incorporate in the the design. This should be fun ;)

LOL! RC, yes that was me when I was just starting this tank and was designing it to be a SPS Reef..... then ;)

10-08-2006, 10:53 PM
Ed13, Thx! I still have a quite a few pieces of driftwood i'll incorporate in the the design. This should be fun ;)

LOL! RC, yes that was me when I was just starting this tank and was designing it to be a SPS Reef..... then ;)

Oh, attaching all of the wood pieces is really fun.

Wow, SPS Reef, your wallet probably thanks you did not go that route. The electric bill along from all the Metal halides would have been overkill not to mention all the heat:mad:

10-13-2006, 05:09 PM
Any updates Twize?


10-13-2006, 06:48 PM
Wow Ted! Is that guy actually inside the tank? That driftwood is huge! Great pics btw:)

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

10-13-2006, 06:51 PM
And considering they had to hike to get it! Serious muscle building there!


10-13-2006, 06:59 PM
Could you imagine the amounty of light you would have need for SPS's and the heat they would have generated!! You would have needed you own sub station to run it too!

Tank looks fantastic, the wood is huge too!

I absolutely agree with Ed, wilds would look stunning, absolutely stunning. Good job.

10-13-2006, 07:03 PM
And considering they had to hike to get it! Serious muscle building there!


Feather River Tina...we must go:D I have a friend coming tomorrow who lives up there ~ I shall ask him ~

Paul....o.k.a.y.... you can come too;)

Marie~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

12-18-2006, 02:21 PM
BUMP Are there any updates to this thread? new pictures?

11-25-2013, 09:38 PM
In case anyone who was subscribed to this thread is curious what the tank looks like now, see video below.
