View Full Version : Does your discus sleep flat???

09-20-2006, 04:31 AM
Often when I take a quick peek at my fish during the night long after lights out, I will see that the middle dwellers (discus, angels, harlequins) just kind of hovering at their position. A friend of mine who has discus mentioned that his discus lay flat on the surface and he has less water current than I do. I'm just curious to see if anyone else hovers, lays flat, or whatever.

09-20-2006, 07:50 AM
Mine sort of hover, or hang most of the time mid-water. But lay flat, no. Never seen them do that!


09-20-2006, 08:32 AM
LOL!! Ask Discus KC... When I was out of the country last year, Jacks wife got an emergency call at 3am from the person babysitting my fish because they were laying down sleeping and she thought they were dead :D

09-20-2006, 10:52 AM
I seen my femail laying on a 120 dugree angle this morning then she rotated back to 90. I have never seen them sleep horazontally. But I got nervis when I seen her laying at that angle.

09-20-2006, 11:17 AM
LOL, I can beat that. My discus called 'one eye' aptly named because he has one eye funily enough, not only sleeps on his side, but he also when he is awake also swims on his side. :D
Fancy that!!


09-20-2006, 11:40 AM
Never seen any of ours sleep on there side however I am normally asleep to. I sleep laying flat on my side. lol ;)

White Worm
09-20-2006, 11:51 AM
Some will hover and some will sit on the botttom and lean up against the sponge filters. Never see any laying completely flat.

09-20-2006, 12:03 PM
Mine turned completely white before ~ Casper White ~ but never flat ~

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_2_20.gif

09-20-2006, 12:04 PM
LOL, I can beat that. My discus called 'one eye' aptly named because he has one eye funily enough, not only sleeps on his side, but he also when he is awake also swims on his side. :D
Fancy that!!

Hey Steve - I have one that swims horizontally, too, but has 2 eyes! Looks like a little flounder zooming around under the plants. Doesn't always though, sometimes swims in the 10 o'clock position. Swimbladder trouble... poor little thing. To sleep he tucks himself into a vine type of plant so that he can stay still. LOL

09-20-2006, 12:06 PM
Mine are spread around the tank and hover never seen them flat but one will tilt alittle though.

White Worm
09-20-2006, 12:17 PM
Mine turned completely white before ~ Casper White ~ but never flat ~

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_2_20.gif

Yes, they will fade to lightened colors. I like their eyes though. If you look close head on, there eyes will both be looking down like this and not looking around.

\ /

09-24-2006, 08:58 PM
Glad to know I wasn't thinking the worst today when I woke up to one of my discus seperated from the other laying flat or semi flat.. I freaked out thinking he was dead so I watched and watched to make sure I could still see his fins moving and all, lol.

So today I have still been freaking out because I thought something might be wrong. The other one didn't do that.. he slept propt up against the driftwood. Strange...
But it is normal for a discus to hover around during the day slightly tilted right? It's my first time owning them.. so I dont want to freak out too much.

09-24-2006, 10:36 PM
It's my first time owning them.. so I dont want to freak out too much. I think worrying is part of the game, at first anyway. Its how you act on your worries that matters. Keep reading, and keep asking! Martha

09-24-2006, 10:53 PM
But what I described is normal, right?

09-24-2006, 11:17 PM
In transport Discus are also known to lie flat at the bottom of the bag. I guess this becomes a comfortable position for them.

09-25-2006, 11:51 AM
It might be a fright response. Mine will lean over when the lights go off at night and I peer into the front of the aquarium. Same in the early morning, before lights are on. Martha

09-25-2006, 01:08 PM
I guess I'm just not quite used to the movement of a Discus... I'm not used to seeing a fish swim and then lean over like skidding to stop.. lol.

09-25-2006, 03:38 PM
mine congregate in a corner and take a snooze together.

09-25-2006, 05:11 PM
That's cute! :D