View Full Version : My BD is Eating My Anubias

09-20-2006, 01:07 PM
I've just put a few potted Anubias and Java Fern into my tank about 2 weeks ago. One of the Anubias plants has a new leaf that just opened, and what do I see? A few holes in it. Next day I see half the leaf gone, and the edge has Discus mouth shaped bites on it. I also noticed the same on one Java Fern plant. Sure enough, last night right after feeding them, I see my BD ripping pieces of the leaf off. I just knew it was her! That's the same Discus that chases the BNs away from their Algae Wafers and has developed bloat in the past by gobbling everything in sight. She also loves peas and its a good thing, too!

Anybody else's Discus eating their plants?


09-20-2006, 01:18 PM
Mine are all meat eaters, can't be bothered with plants

09-20-2006, 01:51 PM
That is just weird. I think your discus needs some professional psycho-analytical help. I also recall reading somewhere that java fern can be toxic to fish if they eat it. Actually, I remember the quote because it sounded so funny after it was translated from German to English. It was from an old "Aquarium Atlas" or something like that I think. Anyway, the author is talking about brackish water plants and fish, and how most fish will leave java ferns alone because they are so distasteful except for reported cases of green scats that "...ate of the fern and died". Maybe I'll go look that up again tonight.

Anyone else ever hear bad things about java fern being eaten?

-- Matt H.

09-20-2006, 01:53 PM
The only thing I've ever heard is that very few fish will eat Microsorium

09-20-2006, 02:00 PM
That is just weird. I think your discus needs some professional psycho-analytical help. I also recall reading somewhere that java fern can be toxic to fish if they eat it. Actually, I remember the quote because it sounded so funny after it was translated from German to English. It was from an old "Aquarium Atlas" or something like that I think. Anyway, the author is talking about brackish water plants and fish, and how most fish will leave java ferns alone because they are so distasteful except for reported cases of green scats that "...ate of the fern and died". Maybe I'll go look that up again tonight.

Anyone else ever hear bad things about java fern being eaten?

-- Matt H.

Uh oh.... well she was still alive today at 5:00 a.m. I think the Java Fern leaf may have only been torn up, but the Anubias leaf is definitely missing half. Yes, this BD is definitely a character. I forgot that she's also the one that eats the Pleco's zucchini, just rips hunks out of it. I have another Anubias that has shot up another leaf which will be unfolding soon. More salad, I guess... :D

09-20-2006, 03:56 PM
My angelfish shredded all of my Amazon sword plants :( I saw all these beautiful planted tank pictures with angels and discus, so I decided a few years ago to plant my angelfish tank. I spent about $60 on plants and had it looking really nice. I introduced my angels, and the next day every plant was shredded. I was so mad. I've never tried plants since.

I'm thinking it may be up to the individual fish. Some seem to not be bothered by them, others seem fascinated with them and either A) eat them, or B) shred them for fun.

09-20-2006, 04:21 PM
I've had my discus eat the spinich I've put on the rock for my plecos, :).


09-20-2006, 10:00 PM
My angelfish shredded all of my Amazon sword plants :( I saw all these beautiful planted tank pictures with angels and discus, so I decided a few years ago to plant my angelfish tank. I spent about $60 on plants and had it looking really nice. I introduced my angels, and the next day every plant was shredded. I was so mad. I've never tried plants since.

I'm thinking it may be up to the individual fish. Some seem to not be bothered by them, others seem fascinated with them and either A) eat them, or B) shred them for fun.
With Angelfish, I think it was definitely for fun!

09-20-2006, 10:11 PM
My angelfish shredded all of my Amazon sword plants :( I saw all these beautiful planted tank pictures with angels and discus, so I decided a few years ago to plant my angelfish tank. I spent about $60 on plants and had it looking really nice. I introduced my angels, and the next day every plant was shredded. I was so mad. I've never tried plants since.

I'm thinking it may be up to the individual fish. Some seem to not be bothered by them, others seem fascinated with them and either A) eat them, or B) shred them for fun.

I maitain two ddifferent tanks housing angles that eat plants. In one H difformis, E.quadricustatus H rosanervig leaving bite marks. On the other they only destroyed one and it had to be Hygrophila Corymbosa "compacta". They really ate big pieces of the leaves with a rare rage full demeanor too.

09-21-2006, 12:28 PM
My Blue Diamonds also seem to like their veggies more than the other Discus I have.

They love zucchini and will pick at a number of different kinds of plants. They don't eat my anubias, though. I only have large, very tough anubias that I can hardly pick leaves off of, even with a sharp knife, so that may be the reason they survive.
