View Full Version : Sould I worry about this?

09-24-2006, 06:59 PM
I just moved 2 five inchers leaopard discus into a 60gal planted tank (PH 6.5; 84F) last week; I had kept them in a 40gal low tech tank for 4 months. They are adjusting pretty well, but one of the discus has some fuzzy white stuff on its tail; the smaller one usually bullies it. Sould I worry about that?
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/6418/dsc000623vc0.th.jpg (http://img208.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc000623vc0.jpg)

09-24-2006, 07:15 PM
hi jannima!

thats a beautiful fish; i would just keep an eye on it to see if it gets worse, but maybe add some salt if you like. it will most likely be okay if your water parameters are good. the bullying would most likely decrease with the addition of a few more like-sized discus. the seem to do much better socially in small groups versus just 2. a tank of that ssize could easily house another 4 discus. good luck...its always fun shopping. check out the sponsor's section here :)

welcome to Simply btw :)

09-24-2006, 08:24 PM
What a beautifully colored fish! Since he's in a planted tank I think I'd forego the salt and just do large WC and keep a close eye on him. Had he eaten a big meal just before you snapped the pic? He has a big full tummy.

09-24-2006, 10:42 PM
Hi Jannima

I have the EXACT same thing going on and have become quite frustrated. My parameters are pH 6.4, temp 84.4 F with 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrites, Nitrates 10ppm.

My poor little guy developed these white cottony tufts on his fins only...became worse even after numerous WC and added salt. The other 4 fish pick on him...so I assume he became stressed and immunity lowered. I eventually put him in a QT "bucket" and treated with malachite green/acriflavine hydrochloride as directed. It improved and I reintroduced him only to be bullied all over again (even after rearranging the "decor"). Now, two weeks later...it is back again!!!

No other fish in the tank have any problems (60 gal w/5 discus, 6 cardinal tetras, 6 asian glass cats, 2 cory, 1 rubber lip plec, 2 bolivian rams). In the meantime the rams spawned as well as a pair of discus!!! First time for both pairs...the rams ate the wigglers and nothing developed from the discus eggs.

So...I would really like any info.

Good Luck!


09-25-2006, 04:29 AM
I agree it is a beatiful fish. If upping the w/c routine doesn't fix it then using salt might, and is a good first treatment.

As its planted adding salt will kill the plants, personally I much prefer using salt dips. In a clean bucket put a gallon of tank water and add 2 or 3 tablespoons of salt. Put the fish into the bucket for 20 mins or until it rolls, if it rolls, put it straight back into the main tank. After 20 mins put it back into the main tank. This an be done daily, but every other day for 3 treatments usually sots this type of thing.


09-25-2006, 02:37 PM
Thanks all for the quick replys. I just did what pcsb23 said. I pull the fish into a bucket with about 4gal water, and add 1.5 tablespooons of salt. It seemed to be quite happy with the salt. I will do the treatment next day.

Btw, I am so glad that I found this forum, lots of great articles and helpful information. :)

09-26-2006, 03:58 AM
In 4 gallon you will need more salt than 1.5 tablespoons, 8 or so tablespoons would be better, and yes it is a lot but the fish are only in there for 20 mins.