View Full Version : Discus wriggle dorsal fin, does it meen something?

09-24-2006, 07:14 PM
I just move 2 of my survivor discus form the delta trip in my planted tank.

they seems very happy in it so far (they are adult size, but I can't recall how old they are). if I go anywhere near the tank and stick my face 3" in front of it, they come to welcome me right away slowly (hoping for food I guess). I feed them 4-5 times a day with hikary forzen blood worm, brine shrimp.

water parameter is as follow

pH 6.9
KH 60 ppm
NO3 5 ppm (have to keep there for the plant)
NO2 0 ppm
ammonia 0 ppm

So was watching them and both of them are wrigking their dorsal fin pretty fast, like a quick vibration that last for 10 sec. One of them does it more then the other.

So any idea what I should look for? cause they are giving me a clue about something, but waht is it?

09-24-2006, 08:27 PM
Sounds to me that they may want to make babies :)

09-24-2006, 11:19 PM
My fish do that sometimes too. I thought it may be more of a territorial behaviour.

09-25-2006, 03:59 AM
It can be that they are starting the courtship rituals or if its more of a twitchthen it could be a potential water quality issue.

09-25-2006, 08:15 AM
It can be that they are starting the courtship rituals or if its more of a twitchthen it could be a potential water quality issue.

well that's waht I'm afraid of, since they came form a BB with cleaner water than a planted tank parameter, but still all the other guys that were in it since begining don't seem to suffer much.

(xx fingers for babies...at least that would be a better news than water issue;) )