View Full Version : Discus Brain Damage!

09-25-2006, 05:56 PM
Anyone out there ever experience one of your Discus slamming into the glass sooooooo hard you heard it from another room in the house and then they curl up....... change their colour to white and have both eyes looking in different directions and still survive???

Well........ just recently I had one do that...... it really is heart breaking to see :cry: Well, now "at times" he appears to be back to his normal self and his normal colour........ He never lost his appetite at all...... I noticed that when he eats from the bottom of the tank..... He does this head standing thing and turns dark for a while afterwards..... maybe an hour before he uprights himself again.

I also noticed 1/2 of his body on one side is bruised ........ I'm hoping the bruising heals soon and maybe....just maybe with a little luck he might not be retarded anymore.

any idea anyone how long bruising last???


09-25-2006, 06:19 PM
I had one do that half body bruise thing and it completely recovered. I want to say it took about 2 to 3 weeks to completely go away. I'll dig up a picture and post.

09-25-2006, 06:22 PM
Beth, I don't how long for bruising but poor little guy! He must have hit really hard for you to hear from another room. Surprised he didn't kill himself. Someone with more experience should be able to answer your bruising question but I just wanted to say I hope he turns out okay.

09-25-2006, 06:26 PM
This was July 1, 2005

09-25-2006, 06:27 PM
well...i think theres alot of discus" not so right in the head " before they wham into something..skittish behaviour..spiralling..crashing about..having near heart attacks..either from water issues or breaking down..some import fish..
ivE also seen fish who had nerve damage and that dark back half.
he mustve really whammed..but why? thats the question..why does one go bonkers..and the rest just carry on like alls normal.
whatcolour variety of fishy is he? a red turq? or..a spotty guy or....a wild?

09-25-2006, 06:27 PM
This was July 18, 2005 and you can just barely see any bruising still.

Let me add that this was only on one side of the body.

I had several fish spawning in that tank for the first time and they all got nervous, jumpy and very territorial. After this I decided to leave a small light on at night until the eggs were all gone and things settled down.

He did swim around kind of drunk for a few days, but seemed to snap out of that pretty quick. He did stay real timid for a while aftwards though.

09-25-2006, 07:26 PM
He did swim around kind of drunk for a few days
Well that gives me a little more hope than I had before ;) Thanks KJ and I'm glad yours turned out to be fine;)

btw....... the bruising is not quite as bad as the pics you posted......

I don't how long for bruising but poor little guy! He must have hit really hard for you to hear from another room. Surprised he didn't kill himself. I just wanted to say I hope he turns out okay.

Nothing little about him..... He's a good 7' - 7 1/2" all Boy ;)

It was hard... REAL HARD.... It brought a tear to my eyes watching him... I up righted him for a few hours after it happened :(

Thanks Barb I sure hope he pulls through too....... I really do like this fella, he's been a Great Dad.

Hey Prilly.....

.either from water issues or breaking down..some import fish..

Not either of those issues ;)

he mustve really whammed..but why?

Tony was in the room when it happened....... The female turned suddenly and scraped him a little with her dorsal from underneath and he spooked......... We're figuring there's shadows from the lighting in the bedroom.

whatcolour variety of fishy is he? a red turq? or..a spotty guy or....a wild?

He's a Cobalt

Thanks guys

09-25-2006, 07:32 PM
oh! ........ I thought I'd also mention........ there's a mirror just across the room and I almost think he sees himself........ when he's carrying fry..... he tends to bump the glass as if he's pissed off at the other guy in the mirror...........

who knows whether or not he can even see his reflection in the mirror :confused:


09-25-2006, 07:36 PM
Nice Picture Kathy!:)

Beth, Hope he heals well and soon.. Its always the good ones that this happens to!:(

As for the state of mental health... I knocked myself silly in the fish room on a metal rack a few years back...and am 100% fine now....aren't I?:crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: ...

so theres hope for that fish:)


09-25-2006, 07:46 PM
So this is the one you mentioned? Wow Beth ~ talk about a bruise woman! I am so sorry! I bet you guys heard this from the other room ~ I have heard too that bruising can last close to a month ~

Don't give up on him Beth....if anyone knows when ~ it wld be you~

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/11/11_2_104.gif

09-25-2006, 08:27 PM
Poor big guy! I hope he turns out O.K. for you.


09-25-2006, 08:58 PM
I agree with Kathy, two to three weeks and he should be fine. He is now acting more or less normal?

09-25-2006, 09:15 PM
Wow...Ive never heard of that happening. I hope your fishie is ok!!!

09-25-2006, 10:11 PM
Nice Picture Kathy!:)
A fine one it is ;)

Beth, Hope he heals well and soon.. Its always the good ones that this happens to!:(
so true Al :(

As for the state of mental health... I knocked myself silly in the fish room on a metal rack a few years back...and am 100% fine now....aren't I?:crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: ...

so theres hope for that fish:)

Are ya really sure Al :confused:

Marie Marie Marie......

Beth.....> banging her head.....

So this is the one you mentioned?

NO Marie....... that's Kathy's fish :crazy:

This is my poor fella.....

Don't give up on him Beth....if anyone knows when ~ it wld be you~
Not a chance....... he's slowly getting better..... he's not curled up in a U shape anymore ;)

Thanks Diane ;)

He is now acting more or less normal?
a little better each day...... I came close to freezing him right after it happened..... he was soo pitiful

Thanks Stephany

Thanks again guys

09-26-2006, 10:17 AM
Wow the poor thing! :( Man he had to of hit hard! Ouch!
I hope he gets better!

09-26-2006, 11:02 PM
ivE also seen fish who had nerve damage and that dark back half.
i think April is right, its not really a bruise, its nerve damage that blocks the control of the pigment cells resulting in black/dark color

usually clears up in 2/3 weeks after impact:) discus tanks should come with side-curtain airbags