View Full Version : ID this discus-test your knowledge

09-25-2006, 08:16 PM
Can someone please help me......check out the pic's below.
Someone please educate me explain to me the difference.

which is the "SUPER RED MELON" and the "SCARLET RED"

Pic #2 again which is which

Pic #3 and again which is which

Pic #4 and last which is which


I will tell you the difference in my pocket, one cost me $90 and the other $30 same size.

09-25-2006, 09:24 PM
Fern, I have a yellow faced super red melon. It looks a lot like the one that you have that has an all red body, pic #2, on the left, pic #3, on the right. I was told by her breeder that she was a Super Red Melon. I just know that I loved how the fish looked, whatever it was called LOL! He said that what made it super red was that very dense, deeper red color, all over the body.


09-25-2006, 09:39 PM
IMO a SRM has be no black on the dorsal and ventral.

09-26-2006, 08:05 AM
Here's a link to a Super Red Melon. It appears to have some black in its fins, as mine does. The description says that it has red coloration on the whole body. This is a different breeder than where I got my yellow faced one.


Here's another: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7746584351&category=66795#ebayphotohosting
The fish in this link appears to have some black in its fins, also.

And here's mine:
Even though it doesn't say Super Red Melon on the website, that is the breeder of mine and he verbally told me what it was.

HTH, Connie

09-26-2006, 11:41 AM
Thank you members for pointing certain characteristics out but I am still scratching my head.

I was hopping to get more response from this only because to me they are both from the same fish whatever you wanna call it. I was hoping that someone would step in and educate me and tell me something different. What maybe the simplest explanation to understand is that one importer may sell his cleanest, reder Mellons under Scarlet Red to disguise it as a new strain and to make an extra buck which to me is a low blow.

Know is if there is a Scarlet Red strain out there what is the difference compared to the Red Mellon or is the Super Reder Mellon AKA Scarlet Red?

09-26-2006, 12:26 PM

Truth be told, its all in a name. People play the name game all the time with discus, and if they can "sell" a new or different discus strain at a higher price they will. The difference between the 2 discus is simply in the body colouration as far as I can tell. It is possible that they both came from the same spawn too.

I am no expert on naming discus, its one of those things that occaisionally gets me wound up :)

For the record I suspect the one on the right in pic #2 & pic #4 is the red scarlet and the other is the super red as it has a more uniform body colour and it is slightly deeper in hue. They seem to be decent enough fish, but I cannot tell if one is worth $60 more than the other.


09-27-2006, 06:38 PM
You did very well picking the Scarlet. It so happen that the Red Mellon is the better looking fish and is reder. And I did buy the fish cause of the name, I could of bought 3 Red Mellon instead, ouch.