View Full Version : Everyone Post A Pic Please Of Each! Pl?

09-29-2006, 06:23 PM
Hey Guys ~ I was wondering if a picture cld be posted for each discus below? I am getting myself so very confused!

If I have forgotten an important one or one that you feel shld be in this list pl feel free to add it ~ also I am wondering if some of these names are old and they are called something different? Do they change like that?


Oh and please be sure the picture is yours:p

*Red Spotted Green Discus ( I think I have half of one of these;) )

*Red Spotted Snakeskin Discus

*Golden Discus

*SnakeSkin Discus

*SnakeSkin Pigeon

*San Merah

*Rose Red ( same as San Merah?)

*White Pigeon Discus ( I saw one the other day...Liz!!)

*Malboro Red Discus ( Never heard of )

*Ghost Discus

*Heckle Discus ( Same as Wild?)

*Red Turquoise Discus

*Blue Turquoise Discus ( Spots and Striations? )

*Golden Spotted Discus

*Golden SnakeSkin Discus

I hope I have not repeated any ~ so bear with me ~ I am trying to be able ...like most of you ....to look at a discus and see what it is or has or is part of!


Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

09-29-2006, 06:35 PM
Ok here goes :)

First off a Rose Red and a San Merah are different but closely related strains. As for a Marlborough Red, well the first pic is one :) next is the San Merahs, and the last is a Red Leopard Spotted Snakeskin (the one in the front)

09-29-2006, 06:38 PM
Wooowww Marie......I am the first to post but without any pictures. lol Can you believe it!

ALot of those strains we do not have. We do have some rose reds. A golden.....are you talking about a Gold Diamond?

Wow, Paul beat me to it.

09-29-2006, 06:38 PM
A rose is still a rose by any name...:)


09-29-2006, 07:38 PM
Red Turq (not the best pic's this one hates the camra)

09-29-2006, 08:52 PM
theres a ghost thread right now..for the ghost.
marlboros are hasbins. lol. well..they are nice fish but i believe they evolved for the most part to melons.
the white pigeon discus are what everyone has been looking for..butterflies. white pigeon with striations in the face.. like ryans..and the silver pigeons on stendker. i got two . : )
i had two butterflies or white diamonds before from cary. have a look at carys website.
red rose has bars . san marahs dont. dark red still. san marah is a derivative of the ghost so i hear.. ghosts are barless.
heres a pic of my red rose.

09-29-2006, 09:23 PM
Here is my Turq Got him at dime size

09-29-2006, 09:27 PM
And here is a ghost

09-30-2006, 10:42 AM
Hi Marie,
This link might help.



09-30-2006, 04:18 PM
Ok here goes :)

First off a Rose Red and a San Merah are different but closely related strains. As for a Marlborough Red, well the first pic is one :) next is the San Merahs, and the last is a Red Leopard Spotted Snakeskin (the one in the front)

Wow Paul Thank You! This is very much appreciated!

Marie ~ :bandana:

09-30-2006, 04:33 PM
Wooowww Marie......I am the first to post but without any pictures. lol Can you believe it!

You go girl!

ALot of those strains we do not have. We do have some rose reds. A golden.....are you talking about a Gold Diamond?

How come Angela? Are most of these strains not popular anymore? Is there a Gold Diamond?

Wow, Paul beat me to it.

That he did woman....that he did ~

A rose is still a rose by any name...:) al

....til the end of time Al:)

Marie ~ :bandana:

09-30-2006, 04:55 PM
theres a ghost thread right now..for the ghost.
marlboros are hasbins. lol. well..they are nice fish but i believe they evolved for the most part to melons.
the white pigeon discus are what everyone has been looking for..butterflies. white pigeon with striations in the face.. like ryans..and the silver pigeons on stendker. i got two . : )
i had two butterflies or white diamonds before from cary. have a look at carys website.
red rose has bars . san marahs dont. dark red still. san marah is a derivative of the ghost so i hear.. ghosts are barless.
heres a pic of my red rose.

April it must have taken you a lifetime to learn all you know! I appreciate the info and the pic as well ~ I have seen Liz's White Pigeon and it was one of the most beautiful fish I have ever seen!

Seems like much is a derivative of the Ghost?

Marie ~ :bandana:

09-30-2006, 06:26 PM
Here's a pic of a nice Rose Red I used to have. Ah, for the good old days...

09-30-2006, 06:28 PM
Here's a nice Alanquer male I used to have. The fry are from him and the female Rose Red in my last post.

09-30-2006, 08:04 PM
Here is a marlboro red from stendker and a Red spotted green from KL....
i really like stendkers marlboro red :p

09-30-2006, 08:19 PM
Marie, Here is a picture of a Gold Diamond from 2004 and a rose red from Feb. of this year.

10-01-2006, 07:45 AM
here's my latest breeder, Mom's dorsal is bit weak, but i really like the coloring of the fry so far

10-01-2006, 10:59 AM
Here's a nice Alanquer male I used to have. The fry are from him and the female Rose Red in my last post.

The fry are purple Liz!! I have never seen purple fry! No chance of still owning any of those...? They are nice and thanks for sharing! I like the Rose Red as well ~ you do not see discus like these too much now .....

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

10-01-2006, 11:02 AM
Here is a marlboro red from stendker and a Red spotted green from KL....
i really like stendkers marlboro red :p

That is a pretty discus! Very bright ~ And thanks for the pic of the RSG as well ~ not what I expected to see ~

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

10-01-2006, 11:07 AM
Marie, Here is a picture of a Gold Diamond from 2004 and a rose red from Feb. of this year.

Im thinking the first picture is the Gold Diamond? Irregardless I love that fish! I have seen that discus before and that one is beautiful Angela! The name sure doesn't sound familiar at all tho~

Thank You for sharing!!

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

10-01-2006, 11:16 AM
Timbo that is too funny. Did you get him at the LFS? lol :D Martha

10-01-2006, 12:20 PM
The fry are purple Liz!! I have never seen purple fry! No chance of still owning any of those...? They are nice and thanks for sharing! I like the Rose Red as well ~ you do not see discus like these too much now .....

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

Nope, Same story as the Whites...oh well...

10-02-2006, 08:08 AM

10-02-2006, 11:11 AM

White Pigeons and White Butterflies are the same fish. You can see mine in the gallery, and you can see them on a lot of breeder sites including Andrew and Angela's (www.aagreencountrydiscus.com) and Cary's (www.greatlakesdiscus.com).

10-02-2006, 11:48 AM
Okay So....Ryan I am confused....I have a White Butterfly and it will end up looking like a White Pigeon? Yours and mine look nothing alike nor does mine resemble a White Pigeon....

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

10-03-2006, 09:43 PM
Okay So....Ryan I am confused....I have a White Butterfly and it will end up looking like a White Pigeon? Yours and mine look nothing alike nor does mine resemble a White Pigeon....

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

I'm getting confused also everyone seems to have a different butterfly so what does a full grown and a juvie look like? It always seems that one picture is different from the last so I'm confused.

10-03-2006, 11:37 PM
A White Butterfly is a pigeon-based discus, so yes, they are pigeons. It doesn't really matter if you call them "White Pigeon" or "White Butterfly." Like any discus, no two are alike. There are basic characteristics that you look for. Most white pigeons/WB will start out striated when young and the white will slowly spread and take over as adults. Some will be completely solid while others may still show a few markings here and there where the white didn't completely develop. Most will show markings in the fins and on the face which is typical of most pigeon types.


10-04-2006, 02:22 AM
I had this all typed once and hit esc button:mad:

Anyways....Ryan my WB doesn't have any striations on him...does yours? Will they get them? I am afraid to feed him any tetra bits as orange and I do not mix!

Here is my WB ...and if you slap up a pic....they are so dif Ryan....but a Blue Diamond is a Blue Diamond is a Blue Diamond....much like a Dove Bar is a Dove Bar is a Dove Bar! lol!

I guess I am just confused why they look so dif and I understand where you are coming from when you say they are all Pigeoned based....They are dif breeders and dif parents....I think you have to really know what you are talking about to be able to explain why WB can look so different from another WB....and you do Young One....

I am not sure really what I do not understand.....I think ....I know that they will eventually have an orange face...yes? If my WB cld turn out even close to the White Pig I saw of Liz's.....yeah...that'll work ......:D

Slap up a pic Ryan ....they are two completely dif fish....looks wise:p The first one is the day I got him and the last one is just a week or so ago~

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_2_4.gif

10-04-2006, 02:39 AM

Some discus breed more "true" than others. Blue Diamonds, Snow Whites, and Melons are good examples of discus that have cut-and-dry characteristics that make them what they are. Other strains are not so lucky. A lot of the pigeon-based fish vary from spawn to spawn. For instance, Cary's white butterfly pair would produce fish that eventually turned solid, and some that kept markings. These are all from the same parents. So unfortunately some discus are going to vary more than others.

When you think about it, even the fish I mentioned as being more "true" have variations. Blue Diamonds can range from light powder blue to green ("ocean greens") to a deep steel blue. They can also have orange eyes or red eyes, and their shape ranges from more arrowed and pointy (the early BDs looked like this, IMO) to more rounded (the new generations of them). Snow Whites can be very pale with no color, they can be a peachy color, and they can show blue hues in the fins. Melons range from bright orange to deep red.

So there are variations within every kind of discus, it's just that some are more easily identified than others.

Now, about your White Butterfly.. look at your second picture. See the yellow markings on its sides? That is what I consider "striation." I bet if he had any kind of red enhancing food, those yellow marks would turn orange, as well as his face. As he grows, those yellow marks may or may not disappear. It depends on the individual fish. My fish actually have snakeskin mixed into the bloodline somewhere, which makes the pattern much smaller and finer. Still, I'm hoping the white takes over as with most other WB.


10-04-2006, 10:13 AM
They can also have orange eyes or red eyes, and their shape ranges from more arrowed and pointy

Yes Ryan ~ I have noticed this in my first and only BD of approx 2months if that ~ He is more arrowed and pointy....more so than other juvies I have had If I remember correctly ~ I will post a pic for you too see...do you think he will round out more? He is very pointy and arrowed at times IMO....common I guess....I will see what color his eyes are....

So there are variations within every kind of discus, it's just that some are more easily identified than others.

Ya think? I will never learn all you know ~

Now, about your White Butterfly.. look at your second picture. See the yellow markings on its sides? That is what I consider "striation."

I do see that! Oh....okay....I thought you meant the bars:o ...I have never fed any of my new four one single tetra bit Ryan....The BD ....WB...LSS or the MG....would you? I dont want the yellow one to orange up or the WB...but they may anyways?

I bet if he had any kind of red enhancing food, those yellow marks would turn orange, as well as his face. As he grows, those yellow marks may or may not disappear. It depends on the individual fish.

So.....I know you feed Tetra Bits and I do on the other discus ....but I have not on these new ones at all...itz the orange thing with me....lol! You think I shld?

My fish actually have snakeskin mixed into the bloodline somewhere,

How do you know that Ryan? Does mine? Is this a good thing? I wld think it wld make for a more softer smooth appearance...? or not!:p

I am learning much here! Thanks Ryan!

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

10-04-2006, 10:23 AM

Actually, I don't feed Color Bits. My fish always make a huge mess with them and I end up with orange powder all over the bottom of the tank. But a lot of dry foods include color enhancers now, and some frozen ones as well. I use flakes and frozen cubes by Ocean Nutrition (I use Formula One) and they both contain red enhancers. That's what made my fish turn redder. They used to be a creamy peach color. I have quit using the frozen ONF1 cubes and I switched to a different kind of flake, so they are slowly fading back to their original color.

I wouldn't feed your yellow fish anything with enhancers in it. He may orange up as he gets older, but he could also stay yellow. I don't know much about the yellow varieties, so I guess it just depends on the fish. But at least if he turns orange, you'll know it wasn't from the food.

How do you know that Ryan? Does mine? Is this a good thing? I wld think it wld make for a more softer smooth appearance...? or not!

Well, Forrest posted pictures of the adults and mentioned that they had snakeskin blood. They have very tiny striations and markings like your blue SS do, rather than the really thick broad stripes of regular white butterflies. The only main difference between snakeskins and regular discus in terms of coloring is the much smaller, more intricate patterning, usually most noticable on the gills. Look at the gills of your Blue SS and you'll see what I mean... very small, detailed markings compared to your other fish.


10-04-2006, 10:29 AM
Thank you Ryan now most of my confusion is gone. All my questions are pretty much the same as Marie's. I'm still trying to figure out what discus is what and what discus did you breed to get discus X. I'm getting there slowly but surely:D

10-04-2006, 11:16 AM
Thank you Ryan now most of my confusion is gone. All my questions are pretty much the same as Marie's. I'm still trying to figure out what discus is what and what discus did you breed to get discus X. I'm getting there slowly but surely:D


The tough part about discus is that, for the most part, their genes are not as cut and dry as something like angelfish. Angelfish are very easy to figure out, there are even genetic calculators that say if you breed Fish A with Fish B you will get 25% of this, 50% of that, etc.

Discus aren't really like that. It's apparent that certain traits are dominant while certain traits are recessive, but a lot of it's really a mystery. Very few discus (if any, even) breed 100% true. You have a lot of "throw-backs" and things of that nature... sometimes you end up with fish in spawns that look nothing like their parents. I don't have any experience in breeding and raising discus, but from observing other peoples' spawns over the years, I can tell you that it's not very clear cut :)

This is why in the discus world, names really mean little to nothing. Fancy trade names only confuse people. If it's a pigeon, it's a pigeon... but it can also be called a Marlboro, a Mandarin, a Panda, a Melon, a Tangerine, a Butterfly, etc. Snakes are snakes, but can be referred to as Cobras and Scorpions. So don't put too much emphasis on a name... without a clearly defined set of characteristics or traits for each "strain" the name basically means nothing. It's mostly about the marketing.


10-04-2006, 11:42 AM
This is why in the discus world, names really mean little to nothing. Fancy trade names only confuse people. If it's a pigeon, it's a pigeon... but it can also be called a Marlboro, a Mandarin, a Panda, a Melon, a Tangerine, a Butterfly, etc. Snakes are snakes, but can be referred to as Cobras and Scorpions. So don't put too much emphasis on a name... without a clearly defined set of characteristics or traits for each "strain" the name basically means nothing. It's mostly about the marketing.


Well why didn't ya say so!! lol! This was said very well and simple Ryan! It is mostly about the marketing....I have never thought of it that way before~

But if you are wise ~ like yourself ~ and you hear a name you pretty much know what it shld look like or what some of the characteristics are ....or shld be....We shld have a contest for fun...post a discus and say what you think it is....or contains.....I saw the other day someone posted a fish and many posted: "a ghost..." has some Ghost traits in it".....I was like....Ghost?? lol!

I got it I got it!! Tiff....you got it too?:p Hey woman we are slow but we do catch up!!

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/7/7_8_8.gif

10-04-2006, 11:51 AM
Actually, I've mentioned the name game in a lot of threads. It seems to happen the most with pigeons because they have a really wide variety of patterns and colors, and so a ton of different names get used to sell them. This is very evident on places like AquaBid. But it does happen with non-pigeons too.

NADA has a pretty good article somewhere about Discus Classification that describes some of the more general traits of different fish (pigeons, snakeskins, striated fish, solid fish, etc.). It's a pretty good resource.


10-04-2006, 11:59 AM
I saw that Classification on NADA.... Or one of them... that is where I saw Liz's White Pigeon! I love that fish man!

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

10-04-2006, 12:52 PM
I got it Marie!!

We should take out a thread that says "Pick Ryans Brain" because he puts things in sutch a way that its vary easy to understand :D

10-04-2006, 01:05 PM
I got it Marie!!

We should take out a thread that says "Pick Ryans Brain" because he puts things in sutch a way that its vary easy to understand :D

I'm waiting on someone to come in here and tell me I'm wrong though :D I only know most things by observation, so those with hands-on experience should probably step up and offer their advice if they don't agree with me (or better yet, they could give me a pat on the back if they do agree and I'd feel better).


10-04-2006, 03:41 PM
Hi Marie and Ryan,

You guys have got a very interesting discussion going on there! But going back to Maries request, I'll post some pics of the discus strains she listed, and include some that are not on the list which I thought were interesting (hope Marie doesn't mind. :D). Alright here goes...

First in the list... Ghosts and Blue Diamonds (Red eyes and non Red eyes)


10-04-2006, 03:43 PM
Jeffrey, ghosts are not normally a strain I would look for, but that one in the first pic could really change my mind, its a real beauty.

10-04-2006, 03:45 PM
Next in line.... Blue Turq and Melons/Marlboro


10-04-2006, 03:48 PM
Next up... San Merah and Albino Solid Gold


10-04-2006, 03:52 PM
Here comes more... Golden Leopard Snakeskin and Golden Leopard Snakeskin Intermediates


10-04-2006, 03:57 PM
Leopard Snakeskins (Advanced Grade, Penang's Super Eruption) and Golden Spotted

10-04-2006, 04:03 PM
Last but not least... Albino Solid Red...

Wish I had some pics of the remaining strains that Marie listed... but unfortunately, I can't keep that many strains... I jolly well wished I did though :D


10-04-2006, 04:07 PM
Jeffrey, ghosts are not normally a strain I would look for, but that one in the first pic could really change my mind, its a real beauty.

Glad you liked them Paul... :) Tell you a secret... I'm now trying to cross it with an Albino Red. I wonder what will come out after 2 to 3 generations of crossing. Shhhh.... :)


10-04-2006, 04:47 PM

My god all of those are so beautiful I wish I had one half as nice as one of yours. I've never seen a ghost (that or I don't remember) but it's nice it reminds me of marble the way the color of the fins are vary nice. I was wondering what a blue turq looked like thanks for posting that.

Lee C
10-04-2006, 04:53 PM
Thanks for the pics Jeffrey. Those Golden Spotteds are sharp!

10-04-2006, 05:03 PM
This is why in the discus world, names really mean little to nothing. Fancy trade names only confuse people. If it's a pigeon, it's a pigeon... but it can also be called a Marlboro, a Mandarin, a Panda, a Melon, a Tangerine, a Butterfly, etc. Snakes are snakes, but can be referred to as Cobras and Scorpions. So don't put too much emphasis on a name... without a clearly defined set of characteristics or traits for each "strain" the name basically means nothing. It's mostly about the marketing.


Hey Ryan, you know, I kinda agree with on your thoughts about fancy trades names, that sometimes confuses people quite a bit.

From past experience, this is what I noticed. "Trade names" are usually given under 2 circumstances. The first is to describe a new characteristic of a discus strain, to distinguish itself from the rest. Say we take the Brown/Red discus strain for example. When a breeder manage to improve the brown discus to become more redish, the Trade name 'Rose Red' was born. This was a brown based red fish with visible stress bars across the body. Now, with generations of refinement, another breeder managed to improve the strain and remove the visible stress bars on the body, leaving only the stress bar running over the eye. This is brown/red discus is already an improved version of the original Rose Red. And thus, another Trade Name was born, the 'San Merah' was given to distinguish itself from Rose Red. Then again over generations of refinement, the breeder manage to remove the black bar running over the eye, and thus the Trade Name 'Super San Merah' was born. In my opinion, trade names like these are acceptable because they clearly show a distinct improvement/feature over the rest of the fishes in that strain.

Having said that, another circumstance under which a trade name is created is when breeders want to distinguish their discus strains from other breeders. This usually happens with the more established or renown/award winning breeders. Say for a 14 bar spotted fish, you will hear Trade Names like 'Shooting Star', 'Penang Eruption', 'Singapore Fireworks', 'Crimson Spotted' and the list goes on... Some of these breeders have invested alot of time, resources, and effort in crossing discus and winning awards along the way. Therefore, giving a trade name although sometimes the discus may look not much different from another breeder, is a form of recognition of the work they have invested. You can call it a form of branding too.

But of course, it is also very common for people to simply just create new Trade Names without much thought. This is indeed confusing. And honestly, I do not think it is very smart too. Coz if someone were to come up to me and wanted to sell me a 'Red Sensation' (I hope this trade name is not used by anyone :D). My first reaction will be, 'what the heck is that?!'. And after showing me the pics, i probably would be thinking... 'Wouldn't it be much simpler if he had just told me that it was a Marlboro with full of black peppering in the first place?!'.

Well, these are just thoughts of mine. What do you guys think?


10-04-2006, 05:09 PM
Jeffrey and Ryan, I think I have ranted somewhere else on simply about names so you won't get an argument from me on this one:D

btw I'm looking forwrd to the result of that cross, as thos albinos are pretty stunning too (and yes I am very patient:))

10-04-2006, 05:26 PM

I agree with you on the names you need to make new names for fish that have something vary different about them for instants like you said about one having a bar across the eye and one not that is a small but big difference in a fish because of the breeding that you have to do with them to make that bar go away. Plus some one may want that bar when another doesn't so some times its best to just give it a different name because well in a way they are different thus a different name but some people as you have said blow the whole name thing way out of proportion IMO.

10-04-2006, 06:37 PM
But of course, it is also very common for people to simply just create new Trade Names without much thought. This is indeed confusing. And honestly, I do not think it is very smart too. Coz if someone were to come up to me and wanted to sell me a 'Red Sensation' (I hope this trade name is not used by anyone :D). My first reaction will be, 'what the heck is that?!'. And after showing me the pics, i probably would be thinking... 'Wouldn't it be much simpler if he had just told me that it was a Marlboro with full of black peppering in the first place?!'.

Exactly Jeffery! The Name Game....dumb and confusing! lol! Jeffery thank you for posting all you did ~ very cool, Sir! Cld you send the Blue Turq to Cali? O.K.A.Y....I will take one of each you posted then ~ wld not want to play favorites:D

Jeff you said you did not have some of the others I mentioned...but you have heard of them?

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_2_15.gif

10-04-2006, 06:39 PM
(and yes I am very patient:))

not me:D ( I get some first Paul )

10-05-2006, 02:32 PM
Exactly Jeffery! The Name Jeff you said you did not have some of the others I mentioned...but you have heard of them?

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_2_15.gif

Yup yup. I've heard of all of them. Which one are you not sure of? I'll get a pic from friends and post it here for ya to clear your doubts. :)

10-05-2006, 03:26 PM
Okay Jeff ~ PoP Quiz If I May:p

Red Spider Web.....a friend of mine has this book and for the longest time some of these names ....well I have never seen much less heard of!

This is Good ~

and ~

** Blue Bat ~ this did have a pic Jeff and it was my fav color..Periwinkle....It said if I remember and I cld be very wrong....that the BD came from this....I am probably wrong tho ~

** The Zebra ~ there were more but I do not have the book:(

But I reserve the right to come back?:D

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

Kenny's Discus
10-05-2006, 03:27 PM
Those are some great looking fish Jeffrey. I truly admire you for what you've accomplished and you should be proud friend.


10-05-2006, 03:30 PM
Where did those fantastic BD's come from?? The Super Eruptions from Hao look great....looking into getting some through Dale soon.


10-05-2006, 03:36 PM
Wattley MR's(bred by me) and Rose Red

10-05-2006, 03:39 PM
Wow! Jeffrey those are some beautiful discus, you are in Mylasia?

10-05-2006, 03:40 PM
Very nice looking MR's if I may say so.

10-05-2006, 03:46 PM
Wow! Jeffrey those are some beautiful discus, you are in Mylasia?

Look at yours!! I have always like them;)

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

10-05-2006, 04:03 PM
Exactly Jeffery! The Name Game....dumb and confusing! lol! Jeffery thank you for posting all you did ~ very cool, Sir! Cld you send the Blue Turq to Cali? O.K.A.Y....I will take one of each you posted then ~ wld not want to play favorites:D

Jeff you said you did not have some of the others I mentioned...but you have heard of them?

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_2_15.gif

Okay Jeff ~ PoP Quiz If I May:p

Red Spider Web.....a friend of mine has this book and for the longest time some of these names ....well I have never seen much less heard of!

This is Good ~

and ~

** Blue Bat ~ this did have a pic Jeff and it was my fav color..Periwinkle....It said if I remember and I cld be very wrong....that the BD came from this....I am probably wrong tho ~

** The Zebra ~ there were more but I do not have the book:(

But I reserve the right to come back?:D

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

Hey Marie, not a fair deal! :P This was the original list you posted. I know all the strains here...

*Red Spotted Green Discus ( I think I have half of one of these )
*Red Spotted Snakeskin Discus
*Golden Discus
*SnakeSkin Discus
*SnakeSkin Pigeon
*San Merah
*Rose Red ( same as San Merah?)
*White Pigeon Discus ( I saw one the other day...Liz!!)
*Malboro Red Discus ( Never heard of )
*Ghost Discus
*Heckle Discus ( Same as Wild?)
*Red Turquoise Discus
*Blue Turquoise Discus ( Spots and Striations? )
*Golden Spotted Discus
*Golden SnakeSkin Discus

But now you are giving me oddball trade names with names of different kinds of animals in them, like spiders, bats and zebras! LOL. Honestly, I haven't got a clue what they are! :( And your friend must have been super confused with all these trade names that he/she decided to compile a whole list of it... Hahaha.

10-05-2006, 04:26 PM
Those are some great looking fish Jeffrey. I truly admire you for what you've accomplished and you should be proud friend.


Thank you Kenny. :)

Some of the strains are not created and produced by myself. So, the credit goes to the original breeder. I did the easy part of diggin deep into my pocket and choosing some of the best from their collection. Or for those that are outta my budget, and with the permission of the breeder, I try my best to get best photos of their creation. :D

I'm a breeder focusing on the spotted strain. But lately, I'm feeling kinda adventurous and branching into other strains, like the ghosts, albinos, solid colours and the high bodies. And I certainly hope to be able to create something exciting outta them. :) And if good luck were to have it, and I do manage to produce something different, I might just jolly well join the jokers' club and give the new fishes some fancy trade name and confuse the living daylights outta everyone! haha...

10-05-2006, 04:47 PM
Where did those fantastic BD's come from?? The Super Eruptions from Hao look great....looking into getting some through Dale soon.


Hi Ryan,

Those BDs came from a home breeder in Malaysia. I've met him a couple of times, but it was strictly business. I went, I saw, I packed and left. I don't even know his real name. Basically, we all address him by his alias which sounds something like 'ju ke'. I agree with you that they are absolutely gorgeous. Was never a solid blue guy until I lay my eyes on them. Exported majority of them, and I decided to keep a few for myself. :D

Yeah, the Super Eruptions are so far the most advanced LSS I've seen. And Dale has very good specimens of these beauties! Talking about spotteds just gets me high.... hahaha..

Okie, lets not get carried away and go too far off topic. :)

Remember? we are supposed to be posting pics of the strains Marie had listed...

10-05-2006, 04:55 PM
Wattley MR's(bred by me) and Rose Red

Yes sir, I'm from Malaysia. And boy, those are beautiful reds with very good body shape. Maybe you wanna take a look at the thread started by brewmaster15 about 'How to build a Champion Discus ' and share with us on how you managed to produce good body shape discus like yours.

10-05-2006, 05:02 PM
Wattley MR's(bred by me) and Rose Red

Those are beautiful!! First word to come to mind is "Smooth" :D

10-05-2006, 05:11 PM
Next in line.... Blue Turq and Melons/Marlboro


Very nice chins on those Melons, Jeffery.

10-05-2006, 05:33 PM
Hey Marie, not a fair deal! :P

But now you are giving me oddball trade names with names of different kinds of animals in them, like spiders, bats and zebras! LOL. Honestly, I haven't got a clue what they are! :( And your friend must have been super confused with all these trade names that he/she decided to compile a whole list of it... Hahaha.

lol!! I am sorry Jeff! Really:) Are those not strange names tho? I have no clue either and if YOU do not know then ....

works for me:D

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_2_15.gif

10-05-2006, 06:00 PM
Very nice chins on those Melons, Jeffery.

Hi Liz, thanks but hemm.... not so sure about that though, there are a couple of pieces in there that has 'weak chins'. Anyway, the pics are basically to show the different strains for reference. And some of the pics definitely do not carry all the best traits of a dream discus. Well, I would say 1977's MR is definitely a much better specimen. :)

10-06-2006, 10:46 AM
Oh stop it, your making me blush!! I don't know any secrets, I just fed them well and did lots of wc, they did turn out far superior to the parents though.