View Full Version : What IS This??

10-04-2006, 02:44 PM
Hey Guys ~ I was taking some shots of my bss that keeps changing colors right in front of me and I noticed this indentation on the Snowflake...wait! ....the Calico:D ( See Ryan...I'm learning:) )

Do you see it? I have never noticed that ~ it is like sunken in....I mean this just smacked me right in my face as I notice anything dif on my discus!

Worms? He is eating fine and no one else has this ~ I looked....

Whatcha think?

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_4_16.gif

10-04-2006, 02:45 PM
...it looks bad doesnt it?:( I can't get over it....:( :(

10-04-2006, 02:58 PM
Makes you wonder how in the heck you could miss something like that doesn't it!

I have no clue, but I am sure someone will and you'll get it all fixed up!

10-04-2006, 02:59 PM
...talkin to myself ....again....no one cares:( .......

I went back to the Photo Gallery and got these other pics to see if the dent was there a few weeks ago...and IMO it is .... not as prominent but it is there....

Heavens To Besty!!


Marie ~

10-04-2006, 03:36 PM
Looks like an empty tummy to me, but I don't know much!! Maybe my eye, but that pigeon has it to a lesser degree?

10-04-2006, 03:38 PM

You're not talking to yourself :)

Ok some questions, have you seen it eat? Have you seen it poop and if so did it look normal?

Also carefully examin ALL the other discus in that tank.

Above all don't panic please.

10-04-2006, 03:45 PM
...talkin to myself ....again....no one cares:( .......

I went back to the Photo Gallery and got these other pics to see if the dent was there a few weeks ago...and IMO it is .... not as prominent but it is there....

Heavens To Besty!!


Marie ~
Heavens to Betsey Marie, you are right, it is there in the older pics, I see it! And someone posted something about the fish being skinny: Oh Marie, sorry if I hurt your feelings. Duh! The fish isn't that skinny. Just that, knowing the kind of care and love given that you will shower on your discus, I sorta setting higher expectations out of your discus. hehehe... But overall, she's a beauty and definitely a keeper.

I have no clue what it could be due to, though, assuming the fish is eating.

10-04-2006, 04:00 PM

You're not talking to yourself :)

Ok some questions, have you seen it eat? Have you seen it poop and if so did it look normal?

Also carefully examin ALL the other discus in that tank.

Above all don't panic please.

You are telling me not to panic Paul...tells me it is not good:( I am quite calm...Frank told me to ....get that way;)

Yes to all Paul...he eats and pigs out!! Very active ...no problems....had him for over a year....his poops are fine....nothing out of the ordinary.....honest!

I did just start my fish back on CBW ( pl still be my friend:o ) about a month ago due to the babies ~ and I do have Trumpet Snails in this tank too....those are the only two dif things...actually the snails have been in there for months and months from Deb at Sc ~

So ~ guys ~

Talk to me Paul~

Marie ~:(

10-04-2006, 04:06 PM
Also carefully examin ALL the other discus in that tank.

Omg Paul ~ you are scaring me now ~ I did check them all out very well.. I swear and no one is ill or trippin or ...hell.....dented!!

It looks like I pinched this fish....right there ~

M ~

10-04-2006, 04:07 PM
Marie, it doesn't mean its bad :) I just get better answers when you are calm is all (please don't yell at me for that)

Ok, so normally if a fish is eating well, and pooping well but losing weight there is usually an internal parasite to blame. Not always but...

Take a look at its eye now and then look back at the thread you posted a few days ago, the one you linked above. You will see the eye has gone dull.

As you have not seen any threads coming from the vent it sort of rules out tapeworms, leaves nematodes and flagellates.

Is this the tank with your BSS in??

Also do the others look the same as this one, ie going thin in the tummy?

10-04-2006, 04:07 PM
Ok you beat me to it forget the last bit.

10-04-2006, 04:09 PM

You have rams in that tank, You will have to med this fish, either in this tank or a qt tank, either way the rams don't do meds well so they will need to be moved if you med this tank.

Let me know about the BSS

10-04-2006, 04:16 PM
lol!! Quick huh? Hey Paul ~ I thought worms too...no one else looks like that in the tank Paul...

I was thinking Parasite Clear...I have oodles of it! Jeffery was so right when he said my fish was "skinny"...only in that spot tho:(

M ~

10-04-2006, 04:17 PM

You have rams in that tank, You will have to med this fish, either in this tank or a qt tank, either way the rams don't do meds well so they will need to be moved if you med this tank.

Let me know about the BSS

Yes the BSS is in there too Paul ~ but he is fine....

10-04-2006, 04:26 PM
I'm not sure of the active ingredients in Parasite clear, ok now I do, just googled it :)
ok Prazi, Metro, acriflavine and something I dont even want to pronounce.

This is good as the combo of prazi and metro may well deal with nematodes as may the un-pronouncable one. I would ignore their instructions though. Treat at their dose, ie 1 tab per 10 gallons, but treat every day at that rate and do daily w/c's.

Don't treat the rams they will not like it (so I believe, Jas amongst others told me this). A qt tank would be best, but if you haven't got one move the rams to another discus tank, its a risk but....

If you treat in this tank treat all the discus in it.


10-04-2006, 04:39 PM
Got it Boss;) Hey Paul ~ Parasite Clear has Praziquantel in it....so that is good yes? I just did a 75% wc too .....just now ~ Paul ...how come this discus is not acting ill or anything? Matter of time?

Okay So I shall hit them with 5tabs/day ....every day ....for .......for how many days? Do wc every day and shld I add the med to the tank before refilling? I know we do that with antibiodics.....

Thanks Paul!! Connie and Amber:) I think I am going to worm everyone in all tanks ~ I was reading Al's Tapeworm thread....and I am not sure If I have every wormed this tank.....

Marie ~ :angel:

10-04-2006, 04:49 PM
Take a look at its eye now and then look back at the thread you posted a few days ago, the one you linked above. You will see the eye has gone dull.

Hey Paul ~ re this ....I just do not see it babe.... I looked at the pictures ~ both threads and at the Discus right here in front of me and I do not see a cloudy/dull eye....:confused:

And I know we are on the same page as far as that goes....we just talked about it on another thread remember?

Do you really see a cloudy eye? Cuz his eye looks just like it always does....

Marie ~ :angel: ( and i wld never ever ever yell at you:) I adore you! )

10-04-2006, 04:51 PM
I would do a Metro treatment. 500mg to 10 Gall. with temp at 90. Increase airation.
I would also treat with Panacure. I put Tetra bits in a wide bottom bowl. spray with water and sprinkle some Panacure. Shake it up a little add another layer of Bits spray some more water and sprinkle a little more Panacure. Damp not soggy is the key. I feed this 2x a day for 2 days then make another batch and repeat in 3 days.

I just had this problem with 1 Super Angel Diamond, a Real nice fish. I didn't notice he wasn't eating until I saw the sunken stomach. The full treatment took a week. Hes eating fine now and rounding out again.

I doubt its tapeworm but if the above doesn't work try a prazi treatment.
HTH Rich

10-04-2006, 04:54 PM
Prazi is good, but it won't deal with roundworms/nematodes. But thatis ok, I think the combo of prazi and metro will help, and that million letter long one difluorobenzamide stuff is used in pesticides (I did more searching) so I think it will be effective. I would be tempted to treat for say 4 or 5 days then a couple days rest then repeat. Nematodes and the like slowly take the nutrients and effectively starve them.

I would make sure you have epsom salts on hand too just in case. This is a 55 right? if so 5 tabs should be ok, you could use 6 but 5 will do it.

I would do the w/c then add the tabs after refilling it.

It is never a bad idea to worm your tanks, I do mine at least once a year in the planted and twice in the others. Judging by Al's thread and people I speak with and my results tapeworms are a rarity, I think roundworms are probably far more prevalant.

Anyway lets hope the fizz tabs do the job.

10-04-2006, 04:56 PM
Hey Paul ~ re this ....I just do not see it babe.... I looked at the pictures ~ both threads and at the Discus right here in front of me and I do not see a cloudy/dull eye....:confused:

And I know we are on the same page as far as that goes....we just talked about it on another thread remember?

Do you really see a cloudy eye? Cuz his eye looks just like it always does....

Marie ~ :angel: ( and i wld never ever ever yell at you:) I adore you! )

Yep I do, its not real cloudy, it has just lost its shine to me, might be the pic though.

10-04-2006, 06:25 PM
Yep I do, its not real cloudy, it has just lost its shine to me, might be the pic though.


10-04-2006, 08:22 PM
Okay, just got on this thread and saw the pics. I'll have to go back and read what answers people gave you but I wanted to say that my blue diamond has that same concave look too.

He eats fine, I have dosed Prazi Pro before with no worms being expelled.

Maybe some fish just look like that? Back I go to read the whole thread now. Interesting.....

10-04-2006, 08:33 PM

Do as Paul advises. He is right on. Remember my albino that died of starvation?? It was the same thing. And my yellow that I just recently lost?? Same batch as the albino. I lost them because I didnt notice fast enough about what was happening. IT is true they act fine, and may eat for along time and have normal poop. But, if they get stressed, the nematodes can take over quickly and also cause a secondary infection. This is what took my yellow guy.

You are sitting in a good position to catch it this quick!!! I am sure you will notice a big difference in the next two weeks in that whole tank.

10-04-2006, 09:18 PM

We just did this treatment on our snowflake we cought it right in time for us it took 5 days of treatment and over all two weeks to get it better (eating and pooping right) again. Every thing in the end was fine. So my point is that every thing should hopefully be fine for you as well.:o

(we also did a prazi treatment on our new rams but only once and they where fine but for you IMO I wouldn't chance it)

10-04-2006, 10:40 PM
Hey Barb ~ Tiff ~ Marilyn!

Thanks for all the words guys ~ this Snowflake is not sick at all in appearance....does that make sense? lol! I just woke up ...kinda fell asleep:o But he is very happy looking and eating like a pig ...he is just........dented man!

I did hit them with Parasite Clear....nothing yet ~

Marie ~ :angel:

10-05-2006, 03:32 AM

You may not see any passed, they are very small, not long like like tapewoms.

10-05-2006, 11:29 AM
Oh ....well that is good to know Paul! Thanks ~ They all just ate and everything looks okay as usual ~

I am going to do a wc and hit them again with Parasite Clear ~

Thanks Paul ~ what wld we do without you??:) I hate to think .....

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

10-05-2006, 12:06 PM
They all just ate and everything looks okay as usual ~
You saw the calico eat, and it didn't spit it all out again?

How long did it take them to eat all the food and is/was any left over?

10-05-2006, 12:17 PM
Oh No Paul ~ he eats all the time and never spits out anything! I sit and watch all my tanks eat all the meals ~ as I am home during the day ~

And since this thread I have paid even more particular attention ~ if that was even possible...

What are you thinking? Talk to me....

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

10-05-2006, 12:25 PM
Just ruling out any other issues, thats all. If he is eating that is good. :)

10-11-2006, 05:17 PM
I say it is worms if he is eating and acting fine but has that dent. It would probably be just a matter of time before he started showing signs of sickness. Remember that you just treated so it might take a little while before he puts on a little weight to pop the dent out. Hopefully the medication works.

10-11-2006, 06:06 PM
Well I hit this tank for four days of Parasite Clear and two or three off....So now I shall do four more days and take a picture and see if there is any difference~

Hopefully Angela you are correct and this works:p Have you ever seen this before? He has always acted normal and still is ~


Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

10-11-2006, 06:19 PM
Hey Paul ~ I hope you come back to me....lol!

I discovered that I do not have enough Parasite Clear to do another dose so I wanted to switch to PraziPro...Is that okay? I read the directions...cld they be any smaller????

Did you want me to follow the directions on the bottle? It says to use at the rate of 1 tsp/20 gals.....so a 55gal ...wld three tsp be safe? A single treatment lasting 5-7 days shld be sufficient....

What does that mean?? I leave the single treatment in for five to seven days? Without a wc? That wld drive me nuts Paul!

Give me something in Blonde/Marie terms Please!! :D

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

10-11-2006, 06:21 PM
Hi Marie,

I have seen it before, the fish eat normally, even like pigs but they lose weight and condition. Sadly I've seen it recently too, though not in my fish. I have recently pulled the last 3 remaining discus from a friends tank that were eating well but were so thin it was borderline cruel. He got a mega bollocking from me. I took them home and ended their misery.

Some fish will be runts, no matter what we do, some will need help, as in they will have a parasite robbing them of nutrition. This can often lead to a slow wasting of the fish, and yes they act normal, feed normal, even spawn normally (though usually probs with fry).

There can be a number of parasitic causes, and as in a previous thread, I think the least likely is tape worms, round worms or nematodes on the other hand are more common imo, although that is a very subjective view. Flagellates have a very similar effect too, so should never be ruled out.

Like Angela says it may well take a week or two after the treatment finishes to see results, fingers crossed they will be there.

10-11-2006, 06:25 PM
Hey Paul ~ I hope you come back to me....lol!

I discovered that I do not have enough Parasite Clear to do another dose so I wanted to switch to PraziPro...Is that okay? I read the directions...cld they be any smaller????

Did you want me to follow the directions on the bottle? It says to use at the rate of 1 tsp/20 gals.....so a 55gal ...wld three tsp be safe? A single treatment lasting 5-7 days shld be sufficient....

What does that mean?? I leave the single treatment in for five to seven days? Without a wc? That wld drive me nuts Paul!

Give me something in Blonde/Marie terms Please!! :D

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

Marie, previous post relates to the question you asked of Angela, slow typist at work syndrome :)

PraziPro is an excellent med but is no good for round worms. As for the instructions on the bottle, well ignore them. I would not use this in this case, I would order some more Parasite Clear and treat with that when it arrives. The second dose was to pick up stragglers and strictly may not be neccesary, but is a belt and braces approach.

If you need to treat with PraziPro in the future we can cross that one then.

10-11-2006, 06:26 PM
So..........I am thinking you missed my last post......Come back Paul!! lol! Can I use Prazi?

10-11-2006, 06:28 PM
So..........I am thinking you missed my last post......Come back Paul!! lol! Can I use Prazi?


10-11-2006, 06:28 PM
I got it!! One min apart we were! lol! Okay then...I will get some more Prarasite Clear~

Thanks Paul!

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

10-11-2006, 06:30 PM
Using Prazi-Pro is fine. Do your wc's and replace what you took out. Use 2 1/2 tblspns, not 3. Watch it to see if it does in fact, expel any worms.

10-11-2006, 06:41 PM
I may not know everyhthing...but it seems to me you guys are a little
to happy to dose your tanks with all these meds.

Discus don't get meds in the wild.

I am a believer in lots of clean water.

99 of these parasites you are treating for
are present all the time anyway. It is just a matter
of a fish being run down enough to get sick.

Treating a whole tank full of healthy fish is a bad idea.

Just my opinion...but I know I've lost fewer fish than most
and see many more kill thier fish by dosing meds.

10-11-2006, 09:38 PM
Dave do you even know what you are talking about here? Hell I don't know what it is either but I know that clean clean clean water isnt helping ~ they get that every day!

Did you see the picture Dave? The sunken in tummy? So.....what is your advice?

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

10-11-2006, 10:14 PM
To be honest....with a stomach empty to such a degree...
I lean towards a fish with some internal disease or
what am I trying to say...medical problem related to
it's internal organs...like kidneys or something.

Maybe his internal organs like liver are shot from all the meds.
Fish retain some meds in thier system forever. Thats why
it says on meds not to eat fish that have been treated.

With all the meds you dose...maybe he is damaged and
wasting away.

Like I said...fish don't get meds in the wild...why risk
every fish for one fish.

Hell you may have created your own bacteria immune
to all the different meds you have used.

Im not a fish doctor...but I know in my experience...
most fish that get sick usually die. Now there are exceptions..
but I would say as a general rule...from all the posts I have
read here...that most people who med their fish usually do
more harm than good.

Temp and salt are good. Meds when warranted. But by the time
most people see a fish is in trouble..it's usually too late.

10-11-2006, 11:56 PM
With all the meds you dose...maybe he is damaged and
wasting away.

What is "all the meds I use" mean?


Im not a fish doctor...

This is true:)

But by the time
most people see a fish is in trouble..it's usually too late.

This is so not true:p

10-12-2006, 01:46 AM
Hello Marie,
I believe Paul has given you some very sound advice and I would be an idiot to repeat everything he has said cause that spretty much what I would have given you.
DO NOT TREAT with Prazi if you have started a medication of a different sort. Mixing and matching meds is a sure fire way of messing things up and stressing the fish. Normally if you want to run a change of meds, you need to do a couple of massive water changes and filter with carbon for atleast 24 hours before treating with another med. AND EVEN THEN I wouldnt cause this only stresses the fish out more. GO get some more parasite clear or whatever it is you were using and treat with it. Always be patient and run a full treatment of any med and wait for a bit to see results (negative or positive) before treating again.


Jas (the brat)

10-12-2006, 08:39 AM

Judging by the comments you've made regarding this issue, and disease treatment in general....You know not of what you speak.

Good advice given by Paul...no question at all.


10-12-2006, 09:24 AM
Like I said...fish don't get meds in the wild... these fish are not in the wild, they are in an enclosed artificial enviroment...totally different parameters. we as hobbiests also aim for a higher survival rate than 1 in 100 like you would find in nature

but I know in my experience...
most fish that get sick usually die. sorry, hasnt been my experience

10-12-2006, 12:48 PM
Hello Marie,
I believe Paul has given you some very sound advice and I would be an idiot to repeat everything he has said cause that spretty much what I would have given you.
DO NOT TREAT with Prazi if you have started a medication of a different sort. Mixing and matching meds is a sure fire way of messing things up and stressing the fish. Normally if you want to run a change of meds, you need to do a couple of massive water changes and filter with carbon for atleast 24 hours before treating with another med. AND EVEN THEN I wouldnt cause this only stresses the fish out more. GO get some more parasite clear or whatever it is you were using and treat with it. Always be patient and run a full treatment of any med and wait for a bit to see results (negative or positive) before treating again.


Jas (the brat)

Well my two fav people have spoken here ~ ...and who's expertise and overall knowledge of what they know and have taught me.....both can be my "fish doctor" any time;)

Good to see you Jas ~ good to talk to you the other day as well;)


Judging by the comments you've made regarding this issue, and disease treatment in general....You know not of what you speak.Tony

Ya think?

Dave...Good advice given by Paul...no question at all.


I agree Tony ~ thanks ~

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

10-12-2006, 12:49 PM
these fish are not in the wild, they are in an enclosed artificial enviroment...totally different parameters. we as hobbiests also aim for a higher survival rate than 1 in 100 like you would find in nature
sorry, hasnt been my experience

Now see....why can I not come back with something like this??

Thanks Tim ~ appreciate it ~

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

10-12-2006, 05:46 PM
Trust me late to the party again :)

Dave I think I understand what you are trying to convey, Timbo really summeed it up quite well, the parameters in a captive environment cannot match those in the wild. A tank being enclosed has no way of diluting the pathogens that a 600,000 cubic mteres per minute water change achieves. That is the amount of water that flows out of the amazon every minute. Sometimes we have to medicate, and as people get more experience they spot the symptoms earlier. I am sorry that you have had limited success with medicating fish. I would like to say that I have always efected a recovery, but it would not be true. Of course I have lost some, but the vast majority make it and very few show any long term adverse effects. I am almost psychotic about water quality, but occaisionally that alone does not suffice. Take care and good luck with your discus.

10-12-2006, 06:04 PM
No reason to jump down my throat...I am just as valid
as a hobbyist as the rest of you.

Maybe I'm just of the anti-meds for everything philosophy
and I'm entiltled to my opinion.

Timbo...and whoever else chopped my post apart....
grow up...

I love how everyone or alot of people on this site
are so quick to prove someone wrong all the time!!

I wonder why I am hesitant to donate.:confused:

10-12-2006, 06:16 PM
No reason to jump down my throat...

Dave I haven't jumped down your throat, I have tried to treat your views with respect and give an explanation for the reasoning behind my advice.

I am just as valid as a hobbyist as the rest of you.

Maybe I'm just of the anti-meds for everything philosophy
and I'm entiltled to my opinion.

Opinions are the source of intelligent debate.

Timbo...and whoever else chopped my post apart....
grow up...
I did not find anything in Timbo's post to be juvenile, he gave his opinion and the benefit of his experience.

I love how everyone or alot of people on this site
are so quick to prove someone wrong all the time!!
I struggle to understand this comment.

I wonder why I am hesitant to donate.:confused:
Not sure how relevant this is either, but donattions are a matter of personal preference, and no-one need feel they have to defend their decsisions. This site is there for everyone.

Finally there is no need for this thread to become antagonistic. Everyone is entitled to their own views and opinions, also they are entitled to disagree with those same opinions.

10-12-2006, 06:56 PM
Wasn't specifically meaning you Paul...even though Im Scottish..lol.

Just got rubbed the wrong way there a little bit.

I suppose most of my treatment policies are related to
being a former reef tank guy. Pretty hard to catch a
fish in a full blown reef tank to medicate...and few
medications to use with sps and softies.

Maybe what I was meaning to say was that I don't think
meds should be a fix all and that dosing one med and then
another course following can be dangerous.

I still think this fish has intenal issues of an undefined
nature. Fish leukemia?

10-13-2006, 01:39 AM
Dave I agree with alot your saying. I don't head over to the medicine chest at the first sign of illness. I don't like treating with meds and there are some meds I refuse to treat with.
However meds, if used rightly and not frequently do help and none of us are growing discus to eat so that poses no problems.
Clearly these discus need meds cause there is no other way of fixing em. Personally I don't think people over here are trying to jump on ya back or down your throat LOL.. I think communication via text can be missunderstood and thats why we gotta be a lil patient with people.

I respect your opinion just like i respect that of any member on here. After that if the opinion is right or wrong is another question.

10-13-2006, 02:15 AM
Dave I agree with alot your saying. I don't head over to the medicine chest at the first sign of illness. I don't like treating with meds and there are some meds I refuse to treat with.
However meds, if used rightly and not frequently do help and none of us are growing discus to eat so that poses no problems.
Clearly these discus need meds cause there is no other way of fixing em. Personally I don't think people over here are trying to jump on ya back or down your throat LOL.. I think communication via text can be missunderstood and thats why we gotta be a lil patient with people.

I respect your opinion just like i respect that of any member on here. After that if the opinion is right or wrong is another question.

So what meds do you refuse to treat with and why?

10-13-2006, 05:12 AM

Meds are not a cureall, and they can be used too much, and wrongly.. I agree and always try to be rational and well advised when using them...
I do however feel that just as meds can help people when ill, animals also can require interventions...Not shot gun... but targeted intervention based on good judgement.... and thats my opinion and experience.

You are entitled to express your opinion on meds use....I read everyones back posts here...and they too expressed their opinion.... They may not have agreed with yours and you obviously did not agree with theirs.. Thats fine in my book as is resulting discussions from differences of opinion. If you give an opinion be prepared to receive one....much can be learned from the dialogue.


I love how everyone or alot of people on this site
are so quick to prove someone wrong all the time!!

I wonder why I am hesitant to donate.:confused:

Is Really uncalled for.. As the owner I personally don't care for it... You came here and were welcomed. You posted all your questions and were given answers...you were given support.. You were given advice. Nothing was ever asked of you, no fees were charged. The People of this forum were there for you.

..and you respond with comments like that when you hear something you don't like? Do me a favor... Don't worry about Donating..
This site doesn't need your Help....I take enough satisfaction in knowing you came here needing it and it was given to you.

You obviously have little respect for the forum and its membership.


Sorry, this thread disgusts me ... and I am locking it.. Marie, I think you have enough advise here to decide what to do... I see no more reason to keep this open.

10-13-2006, 09:46 AM
Daves account has been deleted per his request.


10-13-2006, 01:17 PM
Marie has asked me to unlock this thread so she could post more photos and carry on the Discussion about her fish.

I agreed, but if the thread gets out of line I'll lock it again.... Lets just stick to Maries fish problem here.

Thanks everyone.


10-13-2006, 01:52 PM
Thanks Al ~

Ten Days Later.. I think....and after only five days of Parasite Clear....I think Paul said to wait a week and hit them again which I plan on doing ~

But ~ I just took some pictures and wanted to see if there has been any change ~ What do you think? I am just not sure! The 'pinch' looks less prominent ~ esp on one side as opposed to the other:confused:

What do you think?

The discus is acting fine as usual ~ Oh...I took a head on shot Paul as I know you like those ~ they seem to tell the trained eye more ~ Hey Paul this area in question is def the tummy region?

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

10-13-2006, 04:09 PM
Marie, I would say there is an improvement, I have downloaded 1 of your 1st pics and 1 of the last lot you posted so you can see them side by side.

And yes I do like to see head on shots it gives me a good idea of the conditioning of the fish, ie how fit and fat it is :)

The reason for the rest and repeat is to take out any parasites that were either eggs or in cysts.

Also just take a look at its eyes too!

10-13-2006, 06:55 PM
Oh good Paul! Talk about dif lighting on the pics ya think? lol! I still do not see the cloudy eye thing tho ~ but I trust you in what you say ~

Paul ~ so still do another treatment then? Only did that one for five days remember? Like to refresh your memory since you are always helping so many ....wouldnt wantcha to get confused:D

Hey Paul ~ Wanna know what I was thinking? Prolly not but....lol! Parasite Clear has Prazi in it and Metro....I have Prazi and Metro....see where this is going? Things are tight right now Paul to be honest and I ....I can not really get more... anything... right now ~

Whatcha think?

Oh...did that head on shot tell you anything? Does he look thin?

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

10-14-2006, 10:39 AM
Marie, You could try a blend of metro and prazi, not sure of the dosage, probably the same as you would if used seperately, but I suspect it was the million letter long difluorobenzamide thingy that was the key ingredient. I'd save the metro and prazi just in case its needed later.

The reason for the second dose was to pick up any stragglers, there may of course be none.

You do not have to treat at all, they could be fine now. Watch it carefully though.

As for the head on shot yes it did, fish looks fine and reasonable condition. ood job so far.

10-14-2006, 10:51 AM
Okay then! I will watch closely ~ I was wondering about the dose as well ~ how wld you ever figure that out? Nearly impossible ~ plus, you are correct in that ...one ingredient that we can not pronounce...prolly plays a very important role:(

I shall keep you updated, Sir~

Thanks for always returning Paul to threads ~ so important ~

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/8/8_1_225.gif

10-18-2006, 01:04 PM
Hey Paul ~ I think the 'pinch' is pretty much gone! I will try to take some pics soon:)

Why do you suppose it is more prominent on one side as opposed to the other? Or is it just me?

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif