View Full Version : The university expansions is underway!

10-06-2006, 10:12 AM
Hi all,
I just wanted to put a short post up to draw your attention to the university. You may have noticed some activity there recently? I hope so.. We had a bit of rough start there, but I think are on our way to some good things with this section.

We have been adding skilled hobbyists there to give their assessments of fish submitted and I am really pleased with how its going now. Our Current staff includes

pcsb23 aka paul
John Nicholson
Shin Shin aka Matt
Rod Lewis
Crimson Cross aka Phil

I'll be adding more as I find members with the knowledge to help and the willingness to do this.

Some things I hope we will be doing in the near future as we get up to staff..
Building a Learning Gallery ... Software has been purchased.
Continue to evaluate fish submitted
Scheduled Chat discussions on quality
Develop a standardized questionaire for members to fill out with info on the fish
Develop a standardized form that the University staff can use grade your fish...There will also be a section there for Staff Comments.
Online Discus competition

Projects like these take time to build...we have come a long way, and have a long way more to go...but its a start.:)

Lastly I want to thank all the university staff for offering to help out. These people are giving their time for all our benefit.. Thanks everyone!!:)
