View Full Version : Laying Eggs & Stunted???

10-07-2006, 11:26 AM
How old do discus have to be when they start to lay eggs? Also what is the normal size of them when they do? I have a discus that is laying eggs already. Now I'm not a good caricature of judgment when it comes to sizing any fish but she looks too small to be laying eggs. Can they lay eggs while they are still growing or by the time they lay eggs their at their adult size or at the point where they no longer grow?

10-07-2006, 11:59 AM
what strain is she and how big? shes obviously reaching maturity..or ..she was a brightly coloured horomoned fish and it makes them lay young...
i had a brightly coloured little 3.5 inch spotty thing..that was laying once.
they can start by the time they are 9 months though..she'll still grow some..but slower . you can try raise the temp up to discourage it. see if you can get some growth out of her still.

10-07-2006, 12:21 PM
She is a snowflake about I'm guessing here and vary ruffly 3.5"-4" she just started to show the blue tint on the upper and lower fins about 3 weeks ago or so. My temp is about 86-87 degrees right know I can't raise it any more for I have rams in the tank also. She now makes three pairs in my tank witch is nice to see there happy with mates. How much more can you guess that she may grow? Could it be something that I did and this is why Because I have another spotted leopard thats about 5" guessing here on size that is laying also she has full adult colors and I don't think she will grow any more unless I'm wrong and it's just the strain. Would you consider her to be stunted?

I forgot to say I've only had her a couple of months.

10-07-2006, 05:39 PM
well snowflakes dont usually get as large as some of the strains..same with sanmarahs.
id say your doing fine..if they are pairing and laying..and showing colours..what more can you ask for. shows good care.
only other thing you can try do is powerfeed them and lots of large wcs..see if you can get them eating and growing...they will still grow slowly up to about 2 years..they should get some more growth yet. all of a sudden one day you look..and you realize heh..these fish are bigger..
just keep them smiling and enjoy.

10-07-2006, 07:56 PM
Thank you vary much April you have put my mind at ease knowing that it is just the type of fish and not something I was doing because my cobalt is growing at a vary good pace and has past the size of my Blue Dimand(who was bigger) and with all of these other fish growing I thought it must be something else. Thank you again for your help and informing me that it's nothing.