View Full Version : Eating my words about Sturisoma safety

10-12-2006, 09:12 PM
I have long endorsed the use of the Sturisoma Catfish in planted discus aquariums and have done so many times here on simplydiscus. While I still highly regard them as good warmwater aquarium algae eaters I can no longer recommend them with discus. I have been keeping six Sturisoma with 10 Heckels and have been in denial that their harassment was causing any real damage. I have been very wrong and I may yet lose the smallest Heckel. The Sturisoma harassment worsened as the discus grew into bigger slabs and the discus had worsening lesions I mistook for an unknown disease. I will only endorse the use of common Bushy Nose Plecos for use as an effective safe Loricaridid for use with discus. The common clown pleco is safe but useless as an algae eater as they prefer wood over algae they have to work for.
They dwarf Hypancistrus are nice looking, discus safe but also carnivorous and will not eat algae.
This doesn't happen often but when I'm wrong I admit it and do this to help fellow discus keepers consideration when choosing tank mates for their discus. I will miss them in the tank but I do what I have to do.

10-12-2006, 09:18 PM
well..thanks for letting us all know your observations. its always a question that pops up on which kind of pleccos etc to use with discus. usually bushynoses are the ones that most recommend.
sorry your sturisomas have to pack their bags and leave the discus tank. : (

10-12-2006, 09:26 PM
No shame in that and it only helps the community when people post their triumphs and their mistakes!

I will only endorse the use of common Bushy Nose Plecos for use as an effective safe Loricaridid for use with discus.

I think your missing the point, we are dealing with live animals that come from very different environments that we provide in our tanks(diet, territories, water, locations, tankmates etc) even in a biotope set up it is only an approximation of the real thing! Not only that but each animal has its own personality and demeanor, with all of these factors its close to impossible to predict how the animals will interact with one another especially when they don't come fro the same river or tributary! Even a BN can "behave badly" whit other tankmates

Hope the heckels still have a chance to make it and they heal and prosper in your care.
Good luck!