View Full Version : All spotted out or what?

10-18-2006, 02:13 PM
Hi all,
Seems to me that spots have dropped down a bit on the Discus desireability list these days....or is it just my imagination..

I see lots of interest in Butterflys...kind of amazed there...because that line is one that had pretty much disappeared off most peoples lists...and now...they are everywhere and everyone wants them..

RDG's and albino galore... Those are hot potatoes.

The classics.. The cobalts, turks particularly... In good demand..I'll attribute that in part to Hans and His Stendker's Discus ....Blue and silver Pbs as well There.

Reds and orange based...the mellons and Passions seem to hold their own well.

Spotteds, snakes , and I guess wilds as well...seem to be in lesser demand these days... what does everyone see?

what do you think is Hot and what is not?


10-18-2006, 02:17 PM
Albinos seem to be the big thing now. I'm a little surprised at the recent demand for Butterflies too. For several years only a handful of people worked with them, now it seems everyone's trying to bring them in.

I've never been a big fan of the spotted varieties, so those can be put on the back burner and I wouldn't be too upset :p

Too bad those albino BD are $100 - 200 per 2" fish, because the one that was shown a couple weeks ago was a beautiful fish.


Lee C
10-18-2006, 02:36 PM
Wild caught have never been in great demand over the tank bred discus.
Intensity of color and great shape are sometimes missing in Amazon discus.
For popularity, the Red discus always are in the demand, Melons, Marlboro, Passions and the latest fad is the Red Gold Diamond.
Also, anything injected with the pure golden genetics is hot!
Albino discus are not for me, although I have seen some nice specimens.
Nice Blue Diamonds will probably "out last" most of the strains for popularity.

BTW, I did purchase some spotted discus bred by Roy, just before he took two spots in the competition with his Mosaic Leopard and Web Leopard Snakes.

10-18-2006, 03:32 PM
Spots are goin outa style??!?

DANG! i got 11 of wayne's champion baby Spotted Eruptions (GCSE's) i'm raising! (and a Dalmation dog too - time to get out the spot remover) wouldnt ya know it (the parents of the gcse's are in the first pic)

i dunno... a beautiful spotted speciman is still something to covet in my book. when i see a really nice spotted, the only other discus that gets the same personal reaction from me are nice RGD's, like those that Mario has

10-18-2006, 05:30 PM
Hi all,
Seems to me that spots have dropped down a bit on the Discus desireability list these days....or is it just my imagination..

Thats great news Al, they can send them all to me!!!

ok so, my fave domestic discus is RSG, very, very closely followed by leopards. Guess I'm just not fashionable :)

I see lots of interest in Butterflys...kind of amazed there...because that line is one that had pretty much disappeared off most peoples lists...and now...they are everywhere and everyone wants them..

Don't think they are quite so popular over here in the UK. Not seen much around the UK scene for these.

RDG's and albino galore... Those are hot potatoes.
Golden Albinos are begining to threaten the RSG :D

The classics.. The cobalts, turks particularly... In good demand..I'll attribute that in part to Hans and His Stendker's Discus ....Blue and silver Pbs as well There.

Ahh, cobalts, my first ever discus was a cobalt, a very nice pair that were damned expensive, £110 each...

I still like good PB's, just don't have room for any.

Reds and orange based...the mellons and Passions seem to hold their own well.

Reds are nice, orange, well its ok (I guess).

Spotteds, snakes ,
Love spotteds.. Don't see many really good snakes at the moment in the UK, I'm sure there will be some around soon (hopefully)

and I guess wilds as well...seem to be in lesser demand these days... what does everyone see?
I'm about to get a bunch of wilds, again there are not a huge number of sources for wilds in the UK, the ones I'm getting will be ok I guess, some chap called Heiko Bleher caught them....:D :D :D

what do you think is Hot and what is not?

Well Albinos are hot in the UK, you didn't mention Blue Diamonds, they seem to be very popular over here, and we have been getting some very nice ones recently too, though its not one I would normally go for.

I think Ocean greens have gone out of fashion too, shame they are nice.

PB's do well over here too! Spotteds do well, a number have been posted on the UKDA recently.

Greg Richardson
10-18-2006, 05:57 PM
Seems to me that spots have dropped down a bit on the Discus desireability list these days....or is it just my imagination..

I see no decline at all.
I think because of posts of other fish being posted doesn't mean a decline.
I look at it as appreciation of certain fish.

When there is a true decline in spotteds I would think the price would follow.
Haven't seen that.

I was just at Kaceys yesterday and saw his 7 inch or so spotted eruptions, leopards and maze.

When they get that big no camera will do those fish justice.

I have rarely seen pictures on here of spotteds as big as I saw and how the beauty is enhanced once they get that big.

10-18-2006, 06:01 PM
Timbo, thats a seriously nice spotted fish. Lovely.....post it my way when you have to make room for the Butterflies.....:D


10-18-2006, 08:10 PM
Hi all,
I see lots of interest in Butterflys...kind of amazed there...because that line is one that had pretty much disappeared off most peoples lists...and now...they are everywhere and everyone wants them..

RDG's and albino galore... Those are hot potatoes.

The classics.. The cobalts, turks particularly... In good demand..I'll attribute that in part to Hans and His Stendker's Discus ....Blue and silver Pbs as well There.

Reds and orange based...the mellons and Passions seem to hold their own well.

I think that classic strains and blue pb, recent boom in interest its directly influenced by Stendker discus
On the web it seems that your assessment is true.
As for me, leopards(of any kind), snakes and turks are tied none more important than the other followed by very clean pigeons (of any kind)

10-18-2006, 08:56 PM
I love the looks of the spotteds myself but only those that dont have so many spots they are all running together if you know what i mean.

I also like a solid colored discus with vibrant striations in the fins and face like the blue knights (which im assuming are just cobalts) and the butterflys.

I also like most clean pigeons with vibrant colors.

Some i dont like is the muddy looking cloud leopards or the multi colored calicos. They just look like mutts IMO. Im not real crazy about most of the albinos either .......... unless they have some vibrant coloring ....... which most that ive seen doesnt.

10-18-2006, 09:31 PM
Timbo, thats a seriously nice spotted fish. Lovely.....post it my way when you have to make room for the Butterflies.....:D

Stevehi steve
the fish in the second pic is from malaysia i believe, called a Fireworks, very nice example of a great spotted, its not mine however:(

i have 7 of the f1's of the pair in the first pic, they're about 9-10 months. just fattening them up for another couple of months :)

10-18-2006, 09:32 PM
ive been spotted out every since the big import of all the first oriental leopards from indie discus farms way back when. that did it for me.
no sense trying to get the latest most spotted discus . the web leopards are quite lovely..but not for me to own.

10-18-2006, 09:33 PM
Uh Oh.. I better cancel my order w/Kenny. ;)

Al, you're "spot" on about RGDs. I love them too!!

Kenny's Discus
10-18-2006, 09:38 PM
Uh Oh.. I better cancel my order w/Kenny. ;)

Al, you're "spot" on about RGDs. I love them too!!

Pls don't Reid lol...uh-oh it's too late anyway.:D j/k

Personally I love them all as long as they are nice and round and healthy but of course it's just me here.


10-18-2006, 09:52 PM
Pls don't Reid lol...uh-oh it's too late anyway.:D j/k

Personally I love them all as long as they are nice and round and healthy but of course it's just me here.


I'm with you Kenny.. I love spots. Even more so when they are healthy and round.

10-18-2006, 10:33 PM
Probaly everybody gets a little more experianced.
Of course it's not for everybody the same but most "newbies" love/like/want the fancy colors, Pigeon's, spots, how did Jim use to say that?
paint buckets????

If you mature a little in the hobby you start to see charme of a good wild or a bred wild typ, for me many years my fav's are the Alenquer & Santarems,


10-18-2006, 10:39 PM
ive been spotted out every since the big import of all the first oriental leopards from indie discus farms way back when. that did it for me.
no sense trying to get the latest most spotted discus . the web leopards are quite lovely..but not for me to own.

Can you elaborate, April?

10-18-2006, 10:39 PM
Spots are goin outa style??!?

DANG! i got 11 of wayne's champion baby Spotted Eruptions (GCSE's) i'm raising! (and a Dalmation dog too - time to get out the spot remover) wouldnt ya know it (the parents of the gcse's are in the first pic)

i dunno... a beautiful spotted speciman is still something to covet in my book. when i see a really nice spotted, the only other discus that gets the same personal reaction from me are nice RGD's, like those that Mario has

Hey Timbo,
Here is a spotted one.

:) :) :)

10-19-2006, 01:52 AM
heh mario..i have a dalmation too..love her spots.. make me a white base pigeon with black spots..and ill take it. : ) or is that a black base..white covering .
Liz...everyone all got the first spotted fish that were distributed in usa and imported in usa..all about the same time. we all had to have them. i cant think of anyone who didnt jump on the band wagon and get some. heck..i paid about 200 for some of them. anacondas i think they were..
i think this question was posted before by brew. who has any of those ones left ? i doubt theres any leopards or leopard snakeskins from those first ones living their lives out to old age in any of our tanks. besides..you cant keep up with the newest style of spotted fish. maybe they have become as spotted as possible now? how far can you go with them.? maybe black and white spotted like a dalmation?
interesting though..a guy from asia came to visit jason..and brought us some magazines in chinese for us to keep. they were from the early 80s i think..and really...when you look at some of the discus in those books..they really as much as some have changed..alot are still the same. there were some very nice discus in the book. classics mostly of course..
i am quite content now with my basic strains and no more trying to keep up with the newest discus .

10-19-2006, 10:47 AM
I like nothing more than a spotted snake or leopard

10-19-2006, 11:38 AM
I think the discus are just like every other thing. What ever is hot at the moment. Just like play stations, ipods, etc. The newest or hottest thing is what everyone wants. I think the butterflies and albinos are the thing right now. I personally like the spots. We have some leopards right now but just no male to put with them. lol (there's another strain Al with no males. lol)

10-19-2006, 12:12 PM
It seems to me with the amount of albinos we're seeing in the market that the prices would start to come down. I would'nt mind a 1/2 dozen or so.
Butterflies are cool too...

10-19-2006, 04:56 PM
For me it's still spots, all the way. But I also think there are alot of people being dissapointed with the spotteds they buy, and that may have something to do with their drop in popularity. They are much less consistant in the quality of their patterns/color than most strains are, and they're higher priced too, so once everyone figured that out, their sales/popularity dropped back. I think if spotteds ever get to the point where the average buyer can get them with no more risk than the other strains, they'll pick back up again. Some sellers are already very close to that goal but the damage has been done.


10-19-2006, 10:09 PM
Is this topic based on info provided from spotted breeders or is it based on perception at the forum level?

Willie and I have lots of fry from spotted parents. Some are turqs, some mosaics or scribbled pattern, some partial spotted,and some full body spotted. The % of full body spotted is small. Based on the small percentage of these fish I guess one could make a assumption that because pics don't get posted on the forum the fish are not popular. We will continue to breed the LSS based on our success. Spots are still sought after.

Sales from the forum are only a part of our overall sales. I would venture to say that's the way it is with most sellers. Our local base is growing as people find out we are in KC and raise our own fish. Stores like home grown fish as well here.

Look at all the Stendker resellers that are on the forums. I hardly ever see pics of fish they have sold to customers. That doesn't mean they aren't selling fish. I know that they are moving fish. It's a perception that's all. Lots of local sales.

I see the interest in the RGD as everyone has stated. How many of these fish are in hobbyists tanks in the U.S. 100? 1000? 10,000? Until I can equate hard numbers by proof of pics in hobbyists or breeders tanks, it's just speculation they are the hottest thing. Liking something is one thing. Paying for it is another.

This is just my take on the thread. Folks have been dissapointed at some of the fish brought in that didn't live up to the hype that was presented.

Our door is always open to come and hand pick your "Made in the USA" spotteds.


10-20-2006, 03:36 PM
Red melons are hot here, gold melons moderately so even though i think the golds are far and away superior. Turks are very popular as always, especially blue types. Blue diamonds, reasonably popular although i can easily flood the market with them and have to lower the price to move them on. Discus with great patterns like red stone are in high demand. Lss are not popular here, at least not in small sizes when they have little color. I have a tank of excellent lss and i find them pretty boring to look at to tell the truth, my wife thinks they look sick because of the spots. The mosaic leopard ( 9 bar lss ) is a very popular discus and i think a more attractive fish as well when young.

10-20-2006, 04:22 PM
Discus with great patterns like red stone are in high demand
Hi Rod!,
hey what do you mean by Red stone?


10-20-2006, 05:34 PM
Red stone?

Looks like big spots!!!

Link (http://www.ppaquarium.com/view.asp?page=TF871)

10-20-2006, 06:14 PM
[QUOTE=Rod;353843]... my wife thinks they look sick because of the spots... [QUOTE]

Too funny. Send them to me and I'm sure I'd be happy to try to nurse them back to health. From my perspective, I don't think the desire for spotteds is really going down too much. I think there was a big spike in interest recently, and now the interest has gone down to normal. The RGD's are in a big spike now too and they'll go back to normal after a while. There's just so many nice discus out there... you can't go nuts over every strain all at the same time.

-- Matt H.

12-03-2006, 10:14 AM
Spotteds, snakes , and I guess wilds as well...seem to be in lesser demand these days...

Poll results of DCS members (N=69) in last month show continued popularity of spotted (#1) and snakes (#2). See data here. (http://www.discusclubsg.com/yabbse/index.php?board=3;action=display;threadid=1853)

12-03-2006, 09:50 PM
Spotted aren't becoming less popular, overpriced, hormoned, color fed, raised in antibiotics fish are becoming less popular.

12-15-2006, 10:23 PM
I like spotted discus a lot. I don't like the albinos or the albino crosses I've seen so far. They are not for me.

12-17-2006, 11:32 AM
It's getting that all you see in some places and are being imported are leopards. Talking to fish people in town they say that's what sells, brightly colored fish. It is harder to find some of the old stand by, rose reds, virgin reds, turq. etc. Even wilds :(. If they aren't brightly colored from the get go, a lot of people that don't know what they'll look like in a tank will pass them by. (the dark red discus tend to look brown in the wrong colored light and what would people's eyes be drawn to first? The latest and greatest golden spotted fish or the brown fish that'll turn bright red eventually? Even if a strain is really nice, a store to stay in business if there isn't demand won't sell it :(.

Al, I'm wondering through all of this if some strains have become extinct or the quality of some other strains are suffering since they have fallen from popularity? I saw some RT, but they were all footbally :(. And some strains are getting as hard to find as hens teeth :(.


12-17-2006, 12:05 PM
IME its not the spotted discus its the spotted breeders that juice them
to the max!

This weakens the internal organs making the fish more touchy and demanding better water quality to keep them alive.

So I guess its safe to say I still like them even though finding the right source might be the only hard part.

Cary Gld!