View Full Version : Pair with Eggs, My BD

10-19-2006, 11:47 AM
Here is a pic of my pair with their eggs, the BD is the female. I took the pic with the flash on so the colors are washed out, though.

The other pic is the BD female, a much truer color blue, just a bit deeper. I've never seen another BD this color. She was sold as a Brilliant BD from... yep... www.somethingsphishy.com. She's a little murky on the sides I guess because she had eggs.


10-19-2006, 12:56 PM
Congrats on the eggs!!! She really does have a vary nice deep blue color!! :)

10-19-2006, 02:23 PM

10-19-2006, 02:27 PM
Brillian Blue Diamond.. nice name and nice fish. I saw a BD on another site advertised as a PolkaDot Bluediamond.. Because they had blemishes on their body and they weren't solid blue. Shape and color looked nice other than some random spots that weren't colored hence the name.. Go figure.

10-19-2006, 04:18 PM
Brillian Blue Diamond.. nice name and nice fish. I saw a BD on another site advertised as a PolkaDot Bluediamond.. Because they had blemishes on their body and they weren't solid blue. Shape and color looked nice other than some random spots that weren't colored hence the name.. Go figure.
I saw those same fish, Polka Dots, which I think were BD culls, if you ask me, but instead somebody saw an opportunity LOL!

10-19-2006, 05:37 PM
Very nice too Connie.

10-20-2006, 04:34 AM
You have got the hang of these pictures now Connie, great stuff. Lovely pair, is that a red snake with the BD?


Kenny's Discus
10-20-2006, 06:36 AM
Hi Connie - great pics everythig looks good! You must be feeling special as you have a pair of "bottom-layer" discus!:D Good luck and hopefully these eggs will hatch out.

Could the left fish in the right pic be a lss? Looks like a spotted fish to me but I could be wrong...


10-20-2006, 10:35 AM
You have got the hang of these pictures now Connie, great stuff. Lovely pair, is that a red snake with the BD?


Hi Connie - great pics everythig looks good! You must be feeling special as you have a pair of "bottom-layer" discus!:D Good luck and hopefully these eggs will hatch out.

Could the left fish in the right pic be a lss? Looks like a spotted fish to me but I could be wrong...

Steve, Kenny, thanks a lot. The male with the BD is called an Eruption Leopard by his breeder, lots 'o spots! He is much brighter blue based and the spots are very red, but that darn flash :(

Kenny, "bottom layer" ????? Huh?

No chance for those eggs, gone. Nighttime snacks for the cory or the BNs. Wrigglers were nighttime snacks too.