View Full Version : Hi, new to Discus

10-21-2006, 08:24 PM
:wave: This will be my first go at keeping Discus and i want it to be a good one. I have kept various other tanks in the past including planted, community fresh and salt, and my current pride and joy a reef system. Sorry in advance about the long read, I just got a lot to say.

I have an old 55 gallon tank that I'm going to use for my display. I want it to be a planted tank with the discus being the main attraction and two small schools of maybe 4 or 5 other fish like tetras or danios. I was thinking of having a Coralife light having two 6500k, 65 watt lights. Also including a Red Sea CO2 system. The tank will be heavily stocked with plants and a few pieces of driftwood. I plan on keeping the temp at 78 degrees. For filtration Im going to try a Fluval canister. I dont know if any of this matters, but I'm just throwing it out there.:)

I did a lot of reading on discus and have a few questions.
-What kind of water chemistry is best?
I read that they like water on the more acidic side, but will do fine in neutral. My water's pH here is about 7.4 out of the tap. I dont want to go crazy with lowering it so I was thinking of making it around 7.0 by mixing it with some RO water. In the past I have gone the route of chemicals and that gets really complicated, so mixing RO with tap should be good. Also, i have a water softener that makes that water pretty soft, so that should be ok. Anything to add on water chemistry would be great.

-How many discus can i keep in a 55 gallon?
I was planning on possibly four but that may be too much for fully grown adults.

-What are some good tankmates?
A small school of tetras and danios is what i was thinking. Also, I have two syndodontis catfish that i wanted to put in the tank. I would like to know if there will be any conflicts or problems with these and maybe suggestions to better tankmates.

Right now I can't think of any other questions but I'm sure soon I'll have them. Any other input or suggestions/criticism would be very welcomed.

10-21-2006, 08:31 PM
First off the temp is too low. With discus you will want 85-86 for adults. And yes, adults are good with a planted tank. Younger ones are just too much trouble to keep plants and fish happy.
I would do no less than 6 discus. They do better in groups. In the planted 55 I would put in a few cories for the cleanup crew, and your schooling fish are best to be cardinals or rummynose. I would do about 10.
Your syndodontis cats are too active for the discus and might get a taste for their slime. Just MHO tho.
As far as the PH, if you are doing CO2, that will lower your PH from your degassed tap by about 1.0. Someone else can tell you about RO, I have never used it as my tap water is great.
HTH and Good Luck!!!

And welcome to Simply!!

10-21-2006, 08:48 PM
Yay, more fish! Thats always good.
So at a temp of 85-86 degrees there wont be any problems with plants and fish?
Thats good that the pH will naturally lower with CO2. That brings up a question though, when i add water after Water Changes or top-off, how quickly will the pH change? Immediatly wont there be a rise in pH and then lower due to the CO2? How will this affect the tank?

10-21-2006, 08:57 PM
I am not the scientific type, so here goes. The 50% WC you do 2x weekly will not lower the ph that significantly. The percentage of change for the discus is so small they wont be affected at levels in those ranges.
As far as fish, the ones I mentioned will do well together and at those temps. As far as the plants, there is a thread here on the plant that do well in discus temps. You have alot to choose from. And at 2.5 wpg light and CO2 you should do well. Dont forget to dechlor your water, and you will need to add ferts. What type of substrate are you thinking about?? Are you on any planted tank forums?
I have anubias, ferns, swords, crypts, and many stem plants that do well in these temps.

10-21-2006, 09:13 PM
I am going to get this black substrate for the plants. Its called eco-complete. It comes from the amazon with live bacteria. Also, I am planning on dechlorinating my water as well as fertilize.
http://www.thatpetplace.com/Products/KW/substrate/Class//T1/F32AC+0532+0050/EDP/42960/Itemdy00.aspx this is the substrate.

I have had a planted tank before but never really went in depth into it, using regular gravel and no ferts. Very basic. I want to go all out on this one though and get alot.

10-21-2006, 09:16 PM
Eco- Complete is excellent. You prolly wont need to fertilize for a few weeks. It is costly though.
I use Soil Master Select from Lesco. 50lb bag costs $15.00 and it is great! You can look it up here. Been some threads on it.

10-21-2006, 09:21 PM
you said 50% water change twice a week! thats alot. i dont doubt that discus would surely appreciate it, but wow.

10-21-2006, 09:25 PM
the only thing i can see...is the rule of thumb is one discus per 10 gallons. and if your adding substate and other fish..a bit tight. if i were you..id run quickly and go buy yourself a 90 gallon tank. : ) same lenght..just a bit wider and taller..
welcome by the way to simplydiscus.

10-21-2006, 09:58 PM
will think about that 90. thanks for all the help:)

10-22-2006, 12:11 AM
will think about that 90. thanks for all the help:)

While you think about the 90, get the 4' 120g;) :D