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View Full Version : discus after all those years

10-23-2006, 10:44 PM
Hello everyone, I am new to this forum and I guess new to discus as I have forgotten alot of information back when I kept them before. I have a 50 gallon BBT with 6 juv. I have 2 hydo 5 sponges and a mechanical over the back that I have on a timer. My water perameters are as follows:

PH: 7.4

My discus started out in a 25g and were moved to the 50 after a week or so. Since then they seem to be very skittish and are hideing. They eat well, 4-5 times day but I do have to sometimes tip toe around them. the tank is downstairs where ther is not alot of traffic so I am worried they will not get use to people going by. I do 20% WC daily.

Please advise on how to get these guys used to there home.

10-23-2006, 10:48 PM
Your nitrite level should be zero. Why do you have a timer on the filter?


10-23-2006, 11:00 PM
I found that there was to much current in the tank as they seemed to be bothered by it. As for the Niteite level my tester states that you need to be higher than .3 ??

Thanks for the imput

10-23-2006, 11:08 PM
Let me finish that statement: The tester states that you must be higher than .3 to have dangerous amounts of Nitrite in the water. Thus needing emmediate water change.

10-23-2006, 11:26 PM
Your tester needs to be calibrated to discus...:crazy:

10-23-2006, 11:53 PM
Nitrite or Nitrate? And why is there current in your tank?

Greg Richardson
10-24-2006, 12:26 AM
Nothing wrong with HOB providing some current. If you use it keep it on full time.

Spend some time reading a book or doing an activity in front of the tank. Make noise. Play a CD or radio when you leave during the day for a while. Eric Clapton up loud is what my discus like the best.

Make different noise when you are there. Last thing you want is them to think every single different type of noise and movement is trouble for them.

Yes, it's not going to look good for a week or may take even a month or so. But I guarantee you they will eventually adjust and once that happens you will be able to enjoy them to the fullest.

10-24-2006, 01:05 AM
Nitrite or Nitrate? And why is there current in your tank?

I thought he meant there was electrical discharge in the water lol.

10-24-2006, 04:59 PM
Thanks for the responses,

I have done another WC and I currently useing prime on new added water. I would love to move the discus upstairs where there is more traffic but that wont happen any time soon.

10-30-2006, 11:49 PM
They get used to plenty of activity. Mine will even watch TV! Ok, maybe they don't actually watch it but it does provided an interesting change of scenery even when I am in the room with them, actively engaged on the computer. All I need to do is turn my head to look at them and they come running, looking for a handout (again!)

10-31-2006, 01:27 PM
By turning off your HOB filter you may be killing some of the nitrifying bacteria in the media. You should either run it continously or take it out.
I just have sponge filters in my tanks. No need for mehanical filtration if you do daily wc.

10-31-2006, 02:00 PM
Let me finish that statement: The tester states that you must be higher than .3 to have dangerous amounts of Nitrite in the water. Thus needing emmediate water change.
Nitrite should be zero. Its very toxic to fish, I believe more so than ammonia. You can add 1 tsp. of kosher/aquarium salt per 10 gals. to prevent nitrite poisoning until your reading is zero. Your Discus are most likely skittish because of poor water quality. After nitrite is 0, you want to test nitrates and keep them low. The lower, the better, but definitely below 20 ppm.

I had an Aquaclear 500 on my 45 gallon tank for years. It would blow the fish around a bit if it hit them just right. They seemed to like it... I wouldn't worry about a little water current. If you have your HOB filter turned off for periods of time, you may be pumping dead nitrifying bacteria into your water, again contributing to poor water quality. You need to either leave it running 24/7 or remove it.

P.S. - My Discus definitely watch TV!

10-31-2006, 02:37 PM
If there is anything for them to hide behind, they will hide behind it. Remove it. Teach your fish clues so they can anticipate your behavior. When my discus were new I fed them from the left of the tank and went in to clean from the right. Give them a treat when you are done cleaning. And I mean completely done- no more wiping, adjusting, etc. And be patient. We're dealing with clever fish here. Martha