View Full Version : Maj.....ic Aqu....ic

White Worm
10-24-2006, 03:20 AM
Changed owners? Brad now and not Bruce? Still same site and stuff :( . Whoever took over should shake the old namesake and start fresh. Still selling on aquabid and still using the same years old pics to sell their fish. kinda funny how they have the same pics to sell many different strains. Why not invest in a camera and take a picture of what you are selling. :mad:

10-24-2006, 04:38 AM
I believe Brad is Bruce's son, but I am not sure. You would have to check the aquabid forums.

10-24-2006, 07:40 AM
Why not invest in a camera and take a picture of what you are selling. :mad:

The pictures they use are low quality....all the discus they sell are low quality...why update low quality...with....different 'low quality'? Kind of redunant...No?


10-24-2006, 09:13 AM
Changed owners? Brad now and not Bruce? Still same site and stuff :( . Whoever took over should shake the old namesake and start fresh. Still selling on aquabid and still using the same years old pics to sell their fish. kinda funny how they have the same pics to sell many different strains. Why not invest in a camera and take a picture of what you are selling. :mad:

Because they don't want you to know what you're ultimately going to get. They also reserve the right to swap a fish out at the last moment too (different than what you pay for). :mad:


10-24-2006, 10:04 AM
Some things never change ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_145_33.gif

M ~

10-24-2006, 11:41 AM
Some things never change ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_145_33.gif

M ~


could we leave my undergarments out of this conversation?...

10-24-2006, 12:13 PM
Why not invest in a camera and take a picture of what you are selling. :mad:

Under the old ownership, they had a history of using pics of other people's fish without permission. The picture in this auction from last year happens to be one of MY fish in MY tank. BTW... it wasn't the only time they used this pic.


Here is the thread from Aquabid on it:


I believe Brad is Bruce's son, but I am not sure. You would have to check the aquabid forums.

They may be related somehow, but not father and son.


10-24-2006, 12:35 PM
How do some of these places continue to get away with this crap?....

10-24-2006, 12:50 PM
Under the old ownership, they had a history of using pics of other people's fish without permission. The picture in this auction from last year happens to be one of MY fish in MY tank. BTW... it wasn't the only time they used this pic.


They actually stole YOUR picture?? How low can you go.....

M ~

10-24-2006, 12:57 PM

could we leave my undergarments out of this conversation?...

Okay, that is too funny...

I knew they weren't the kind of place I'd ever advise anybody to buy from, but I'd never heard about the pic stealing before. It's too bad there will probably always be enough new/uneducated buyers to keep these kind of people in business.

-- Matt H.

White Worm
10-24-2006, 01:00 PM
I thought they must be related somehow because everything is pretty much the same. Their excuse for the bad pictures is that they want to show the discus in its normal habitat and not posed for pictures, lol. I was bored last night so I read the site info. Some of the pictures are taken from the rear end of the fish :confused: . Brad...whoever he is has just changed some of the wording around and now he says that the fish you get will be as good or better than the picture. How does he know this when the darn picture is the same picture they have been using for years :confused: What a scam and deceitful business practice :mad: Dont worry, I wasnt thinking of buying, just looking at aquabid. Anyone seen this www.jkfarm.com?

10-24-2006, 01:11 PM
FYI... the new owner's last name is Disney. Any relation to THE Disney?... I have no clue.


:mad: :mad: :mad: is an understatement!!!


10-24-2006, 01:15 PM
Disney? well than I definetly stand corrected. please ignore my last post...better yet I'll just delete it.:)


White Worm
10-24-2006, 01:15 PM
Because they don't want you to know what you're ultimately going to get. They also reserve the right to swap a fish out at the last moment too (different than what you pay for). :mad:


That was my hunch :D . Why take a clear and detailed picture of the crap you are selling. Easier to sell when it is blurry and you have numerous uneducated buyers out there who will buy it because the price is right.

I can speak first hand because I bought my first mail order discus from him before I found simply and knew any better. 3 DOA out of 12. None of them were even close to what I wanted. All were some form of pigeon blood and peppered. After that, I knew why he called them by color and not strain :( Yellow pigeons, red pigeons, etc. He packed (12) 2in discus in 2 small bags. 3 DOA, the rest were just tore up. All laid on the tank bottom for a couple days. Lost a couple more. I call him and he says he will give me a deal on the next ones I order. NEXT ONES??? He finally did refund for the dead ones after a little discussion. I then knew to never buy from him again. I also thought at the time that all mail order was going to be the same rip off. Luckily simply has shown me that not all are rip offs.

10-24-2006, 01:19 PM
Why take a clear and detailed picture of the crap you are selling. Easier to sell when it is blurry and you have numerous uneducated buyers out there who will buy it because the price is right.

Preach on!! lol.. that is so true..

10-24-2006, 01:44 PM
is it not the protege of Bruce, DiscusBoy?
I think I saw the DiscusBoy tag being used by a forum member here.
DaveC might know, they had long battles.

10-24-2006, 01:48 PM
Mike...you're confusing me. I once tried to give suggestions so a newcomer could avoid breeding mutts and you attacked me for it....Now you're complaining about getting mutts that someone bred....:crazy:


10-24-2006, 02:00 PM

discusboy777 listed his email in the above thread as


Judi said brads last name was disney.....so you may be right.


10-24-2006, 02:19 PM
That's the same email addy listed in the current auctions on Aquabid.


White Worm
10-24-2006, 04:18 PM
Mike...you're confusing me. I once tried to give suggestions so a newcomer could avoid breeding mutts and you attacked me for it....Now you're complaining about getting mutts that someone bred....:crazy:

They say your memory is the second thing to go.....:crazy:
Just for your reference....Please read #1, #10. Where did he say he was looking for breeders? I said he could keep different strains together but to go ahead and seperate them when the time comes. Not all discus that were bred from two different strains are mutts. My point was to be specific about what you are selling and provide pictures so there is no deceit. So, you are saying that two different red strains bred together will produce mutts? Two different blue strains produce mutts? Please show me some pure blood discus that have no history of a mix. If I am not mistaken, all came from wild browns, blues and greens. Your suggestions are yours and dave discus can take it and use it anyway he prefers, I was just doing the same thing.
Are you still holding a grudge? Sounds like someone got their.....how did you say it.....panties in a knot?:crazy:

10-24-2006, 04:38 PM
I want to buy 8-10 juvi Discus maybe all the same kind?
Grow them out in one of the 55's...when a pair forms..
Leave them in there, and move the rest to the show tank.

After the pair spawn...switch to sponge filters...try and raise fry
to eventually grow out in the other 55.

I would recommend staying with one strain. Pick a 'true' one and buy as good and as many as affordable....One of the problems with the hobby is people mixing strains in a community tank and then getting anxious when any two pair off. If they aren't a good match, its a sensless breeding ending up with mutts for the most part...They then find their way onto the market and diminish the gene pool. At the rate this is happening, we may one day be able to buy a bag full of 'feeder' discus for a few bucks.
Properly, you would allow a pair to spawn so you can sex the fish. Then males and females are seperated and you pick the best pairings to breed...Strains should only be crossed when you are chasing geneology to fix a strain...

my humble opinions...


(bold mine)

Could you show me where I said only like strains make good pairs?
Sounds like you just fell victim to what I was trying to help him avoid. Somebody bred mutts and dumped them off at Majestic...Maybe you understand the point I was making now...


White Worm
10-24-2006, 05:04 PM
I was not in on the other thread. :p
My point here was that I believe he is breeding what you would call mutts but the worst part is providing a picture of a decent fish in some cases but selling the same crap no matter which auction it is. Misleading the purchaser into thinking they are going to receive one thing but in all actuality, you receive peppered pigeons of different color. I was the un-educated discus buyer looking for a good price once upon a time and yes I hope noone falls into the same deal I got. Even if you rename crap, it is still crap. Bottom line......dont buy from there no matter who is running things because as far as I can see.......Marie you are right, some things dont change. Too bad aquabid doesnt screen sellers and quality.

White Worm
10-24-2006, 05:12 PM

discusboy777 listed his email in the above thread as


Judi said brads last name was disney.....so you may be right.


Yep, Brad and he is listed as Nuevo Ca and that is the new location for MA.

10-24-2006, 05:55 PM
Hmmmmm.. did I end up on DAAH somehow?

10-24-2006, 06:05 PM
I have always made it a policy here to not allow comments about other discus forums... I respect their forums ...I see no need to make a comment about DAAH in this thread.

I see where this is going and theres no need for it to do so. If there is something about this thread that you are concerned with, please take it up with me by Pm


10-24-2006, 06:16 PM
My bad, Al...That probably began to look like an argument but Mike and I were just clarifying things...No bad blood here...


10-24-2006, 08:37 PM
Bottom line is "Know" who you are buying from. Take the time to ask questions, and educate yourself on the seller or breeder. Take time to talk to other members/hobbyist who have purchased from the vendor, get their feedback. Weigh feedback based upon facts and not conjecture or heresay! Have the vendor send you pictures of what he is offering you for sale and confirm and chose accordingly. Ask pertinent questions about, the origins of the fish, imported, home bred etc, shipping methods/vendors used, live guarantees, health and how such issues are resolved (replacement etc., shipping cost out of whos pocket , refund of money options etc)...

theres lots of good out there along with the bad...ultimately its up to you to educate yourself..


White Worm
10-25-2006, 12:36 AM
My bad, Al...That probably began to look like an argument but Mike and I were just clarifying things...No bad blood here...


No argueing here either :) I just missed another portion of an older thread. I thought we were staying pretty civil? I never named the business directly. There are probably alot of businesses that have the initials MA and are run by a Bruce or Brad :D

Greg Richardson
10-25-2006, 12:46 AM
Tad. Very good advice!

10-25-2006, 01:34 AM
Excellent points, Tad.

Remember that no two discus hobbyists are created equal. What I find satisfactory may not be what Tad or Greg or Al find satisfactory. Meaning that person A might love a seller and rave about them, while person B may claim that they have bad fish and give them a thumbs down.

Know what YOU expect out of your fish and communicate that to the person you want to buy fish from. Also, when asking for opinions about a seller, don't be afraid to specify what type and quality of discus you're looking for... it may help those who are giving you feedback to offer suggestions and steer you in an appropriate direction.

NO one can give you a definitive answer. Read all the forums, view feedback where available, listen to people who've made purchases... then based on the opinions you gather, make the most informed decision you can.


Green Country Discus
10-25-2006, 08:18 PM
Well said Ryan ;) .