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View Full Version : need some help please

10-30-2006, 02:01 PM
Hi, I just had a discus die with no appearant reason. She was eating very good one of the top discus in her tank. tank size is 75 gallon with 2 HOB filters and a sponge filter and an airstone ,temp 84 .water change every other day. stocking is 6 discus. All eating well and nothing out of the ordinary. went to bed and she is dead the nest morning..

Should this be something to worry about?? I am guessing she was 3 years old or older as she was 5" when I got her and I have had her for a little over 2 years .

I am watching the other fish and nothing different happening ,so that is a good sign.Just can't figure out why she died..


10-30-2006, 03:03 PM
Hi Debbie, If there was no outward signs and the gills looked fine..........with out dissecting the fish and looking at the liver and kidneys to see if anything is abnormal, it's hard to tell....any answer would just be a wild guess.


10-30-2006, 04:07 PM
Agree with G's assessment. It wouldn't harm just to check the usual water params. You are already watching the remainder closely.

10-31-2006, 12:34 AM
Thank you all for your replies.
Can a discus just die of old age at a younger age??? She had good color and good gill function. Water hasn't changed.I think the big male in there is looking for her.


10-31-2006, 05:59 AM
Debbie, people die young for no obvious reason so why not fish?