View Full Version : dimples on sides of fish

11-01-2006, 05:20 PM
Hi all-
One of my discus has what looks like a dimple on both sides of his side, they are pretty much right smack in the middle of his body. I just noticed it today. I read some of the disease forums, is this what is meant by "caved in sides"? Then I read it might be due to hex. Any ideas on what it could be?
here are my parameters:
planted tank
I just switched from a 29 gallon to a 50 gallon tall tank 2 nights ago. during the process I saved about 17 gallons of the old water and added the other 30 or so of RO water. I kept them in a bucket with air and heat for about 3 hrs and then floated them in a bag for a half hour before putting them in. The temp was pretty similar in the tank as the bucket, save a degree or two. it obviously stressed them out during the switch as any fish would have been and this may have brought on the susceptibility of some illness. the other 2 discus i have seem okay.
he has been eating okay and acting pretty much normal. I havent seen any poop, but it might help to know that about 3 weeks ago I treated them all with metro in their bloodworms for 4 days. i did this b/c a different discus had stringy poop and i wanted to knock it out. it seemed to work but i wonder if i didnt do it for long enough.
One last question to this long thread- When i mixed the metro with the bloodworms, i first thawed worms in water, drained water, added metro, and then added 2-3 drops of fish oil from a fish oil capsule that i take daily for vitamins.( the LFS said the 2-3 drops would help metro stick to worms) this seemed to work but the discus seemed not to like the taste of the worms b/c of medication. anything i can add to paste to make it taste better for the fish so they ingest it?
THank you all!!!!

11-01-2006, 05:26 PM
Does the stomach look really full in front of the dimples? (like the fish swallowed a marble) and does the fish eat a lot? Could be constipation from eating too much and can be solved by some epsom salts ( 1 to 2 tablespoons/10 gallons aquarium water ).


11-01-2006, 05:59 PM
it does look a bit fuller in front of the dimples, but not huge like a marble. he is the most dominant so he tends to chow down. If I try epsom salt, will that affect the plants?

11-01-2006, 06:10 PM
4 days of metro is enough time, question is did they get enough metro into them, they would need to have been fed at least twice a day with medicated food, preferably 3 times a day. Epsom won't affect your plants either.

It could be bloat, if so we should know soon enough if you add epsom salts. It could also be a blockage due to previous treatment possibly. Keep watching, check its feces and behaviour. Try the epsom first and give it a day or 2.

You will want to keep the water quality high too, so 2 or 3 water changes a week as a minimum around 33 - 50% will be a good start, vac the gravel well too!

If you need to treat in food again, leave the metro on the worms for half anhour before feeding or mix the metro into bh. Another option is to damp off granules and add metro to them.

Good luck,

11-01-2006, 06:27 PM
ok cool, I'll try the epsom salt. Hopefully its just constipation. thanks for responding!