View Full Version : Vancouvers water is like mud

11-21-2006, 04:26 AM
well..we;ve had record breaking rain. floods..power outages..rain..and more rain..biggest november in years and years. so..its boil your water..and filter it. no more coffee being served at some coffee shops..etc. wish i was in the bottled water business right now..the corner store made 2 k in one day on bottled water.
anyhow..i had to do wcs..so i took my chances. they are fine. just the water was muddier than when i started. used my hot magnum to clear it. i was thinking they might think its the blackwater in the amazon and get spawning. : )
eastern canada..sunshine..and 14 celcius and green grass where they ought to have piles of snow. they gave it to us...think its jasons fault . he moved here to get away from bad weather..now its here..and they are having balmy weather.
so..there was no simply..my one puter motherboard crashed..and..no water to speak of. oh and plowing through water with actual wakes on the side of the roads and lakes to drive through.
can someome out there do a sundance for vancouver?
ps welcome back simply..a little birdie told me its almost ready.

11-21-2006, 12:31 PM
Just did a little dance for ya. :D Hopefully your water will clear up soon. You might want to keep an eye on your RO system if you are running one. (not for sure) If you do it might clog it up and ruin your membrane. Just something to think about. We have the bad water issues every time the city decides to flush the fire hydrants around here. We are at the end of the water line so all the nasty stuff collects and comes into our neighborhood when they do this. It is a real pain in the butt. Hope all is well soon.

ps...I can't wait for Simply to get back up and running. We have the most professional, respectful, helpful and dedicated team here. I'm truly proud to be a part of it. :)

11-21-2006, 11:13 PM
no ro...my water is ro out of the tap. 0 hardness. especially with all this rain..no time to absorb minerals.

11-22-2006, 06:31 AM
Send that rain over here, we are in the worst drought in years...maybe Australia could pay for Jason to come and tour the country for us, and bring as much snow and rain as he likes :D

I'm glad to see Simply coming back online, visiting other discus forums is not quite the same.

11-22-2006, 09:47 AM
April, you poor thing. And to think that I was considering suicide just because Simply was down. Hope it dries out soon.

11-23-2006, 03:16 AM
yeah i was in the depths of despair..no simply and my other puter at work fried. grrr.
ill gladly send the rain over rodney. we are gonna break a new record . no lie..there were actually wakes on the side of the road driving to work..like a small river with currents. but wait i have a better idea. come and get it.
waitll they find out your fish use water..what? your using water?? no way...turn those taps off!! i think you might have to invest in killie fish. dry them out in peat while your in a drought..then back in action when the rain hits.

Greg Richardson
11-23-2006, 01:16 PM
April. We are into the record books down here for rain also. You got some of the same system we did. Family lives up on a mountain so flooding was just in garden and parts of yard which was minimal. But to go anywhere means driving into the valley. There are 3 roads out to go anywhere. Normally when valley floods one road always remains open. Not this flood. Pictures below are taken few days after we were stranded for the first time. 7 miles from our place the water separated us in the valley from leaving. Very strange feeling.



11-23-2006, 01:39 PM
It looks like it is time to start building a ark. :D

11-23-2006, 09:26 PM
We've had the wettest (most rainfall) November ever on record here.


Earlier this year, we had a water shortage - people were restricted on watering their yards, washing their cars, etc...


11-23-2006, 11:27 PM
And to think that I was considering suicide just because Simply was down.

That was so funny Liz!! And you probably were not alone either! April that is funny how they must post a sign to tell you that the road is under water....how else would you have known really? lol!

...and I almost moved there:( still wanna ~

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_4_11.gif

11-23-2006, 11:39 PM
greg. you guys got it worse than us. ive been listening to the news on washington . its terrible. i guess you got the brunt of it..then us. quite often it starts there and blows upward.
heh...wahter..what about the hurricane or tornado north carolina had last week? didnt affect you?
too bad you werent up here for our rain..marie...itd be the big initiation to canada. lol. its still raining...rain rain go away..little april wants to play. : )

11-24-2006, 02:50 PM
too bad you werent up here for our rain..marie...itd be the big initiation to canada. lol. its still raining...rain rain go away..little april wants to play. : )

Is this your rainy season April? Ours here is Jan/Feb/March.....basically~

You will play soon woman:)

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_4_10.gif

11-24-2006, 08:11 PM
heh...wahter..what about the hurricane or tornado north carolina had last week? didnt affect you?
too bad you werent up here for our rain..marie...itd be the big initiation to canada. lol. its still raining...rain rain go away..little april wants to play. : )

It finally stopped raining here yesterday (our Thanksgiving). That was a few tornados that you heard about. I'm okay - they didn't hit this area.

Now we did have a chemical explosion (http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/10/06/plant.fire/index.html) within 10 miles from me and that caused an evacuation (not where I live though).


11-27-2006, 09:48 PM
well they now informed us we can drink our water without boiling.. now..a huge snowfall. a complete whiteout. and..my power is off. it went off at 730 its now 530 pm and not on yet...at the shoppe. its -9 degrees. i put space blankets on the tanks..and left. nothing more i can do at this point..hope it comes on soon..even if i were to want to buy a generator..they are sold out im sure. too many tanks for a car thingy...
im sure they will be fine.. everyone cross their fingers.
heh greg...hows your snow? hope you have power..i hear I-5 is a complete whiteout also.
Marie. well yeah..rain..but not like this..and not snow like this. we usually dont get snow...if at all..a quick snowfall then a quick melt. its early. hope its planning on getting it all over with..my xmas rush is meant to start at work.
speaking of...anyone watch that al gore documentary on global warming? everyone should watch it..its a bit upsetting..but an eye opener.

Greg Richardson
11-27-2006, 11:52 PM
Still have power here. It is a mess in a lot of area's.
Saw power line arching last night. 4th of July! LOL!

Bought a honda generator years ago. Best investment I ever made. To many trees around here. Need to finish wc and take the kids sledding.

Steal a cord from Jason. He must have a generator?

I remember years ago heating water on the wood stove adding it to tank. Oh man what an ordeal. It worked though.

My fish made it 5 days before so their's hope for you!

11-28-2006, 01:47 AM
nope..no generator for jason. he moved across the country with a tiny truck . didnt bring much. but i think we might invest in one..then we could share. its on now..went 12 hours. im at home..so ill see how they are in the morning. im sure they will be fine.

11-28-2006, 09:58 AM
Good luck, April. Let us know.

11-28-2006, 06:16 PM
Yep been an interesting few weeks. First the rain and floods. Next the wind(80 mph) and no electricity for 2 days. Now 16 inches of snow and frozen water pipes. Worse November I can remember.

I'm just south of the boarder in Blaine, WA.