View Full Version : WELCOME BACK

11-23-2006, 05:09 AM
Very glad to see the forum active again .

Could not imagine the empty space in my daily routine during the days our forum was inactive .

I take the opportunity to say thank you very much for all the very usefull information for discus keeping hobby since so many years already .

Best Rgrds

George Katsikis


Kenny's Discus
11-23-2006, 05:18 AM
Very glad to see the forum active again .

Could not imagine the empty space in my daily routine during the days our forum was inactive .

I take the opportunity to say thank you very much for all the very usefull information for discus keeping hobby since so many years already .

Best Rgrds

George Katsikis


Ditto George.:)


11-23-2006, 06:10 AM

11-23-2006, 06:56 AM
No Doubt .......... I was going through some serious withdrawl symptoms!!

Something else to be thankful for today!!

11-23-2006, 08:01 AM
Hey nice tpo see it back up and running

11-23-2006, 09:15 AM
Wow A BIG WELCOME BACK!!!!! To each and everyone of you folks....Al and Ryan THANK YOU BOTH so very much for the hard work I know you have done and put in to get Simply back up and runnning. I am so very happy to be back with all of my extended family. Now we have something more to be thankful on this day...So I will say this a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving day to each and everyone of you all.

11-23-2006, 09:29 AM
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) Nice accompaniment to my morning coffee this thanksgiving AM......great job Al & Ryan, thanks for all the hard work, we missed you, & Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Dottie ;)

11-23-2006, 09:35 AM
Also give a big thank you to Paul (pcsb23) because he's been an enormous help through all of this. We couldn't have gotten things back online without him. :)

11-23-2006, 09:44 AM
It's been hell. Thanks guys for all your hard work to bring a bit of Discus pleasure into our lives.

11-23-2006, 09:57 AM
Good to have SD back up. Ryan, Al and Paul, thanks for the hard grafting getting the forum up agian. You have done a great job.


11-23-2006, 10:26 AM
Very glad to see the forum active again .

Could not imagine the empty space in my daily routine during the days our forum was inactive .


Could not have said it better! http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_30_105.gifhttp://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_30_105.gifhttp://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_30_105.gifhttp://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_30_105.gif

It is good to be home~

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_2_15.gif

11-23-2006, 10:36 AM
Do you guys have any idea who hacked the site?

Elite Aquaria
11-23-2006, 10:49 AM
Thank you for getting this back up...I tried to get my fix at DAAH but it was just not the same for me.

Any word on Tommy???


11-23-2006, 11:00 AM
Whew!!!:thumbsup: Martha

11-23-2006, 11:04 AM
I'm back home thanks guys.

11-23-2006, 11:07 AM
Hi Everyone,
ALthough I don't post a great deal I do come here everyday. It has been a very long couple of weeks. Simply grateful to see you all again!

11-23-2006, 11:55 AM
Hi all,
Its great seeing the forum online again... As we have told you, we were hacked...who the hacker was ...I honestly can't tell you, we are looking into this, but I'll be upfront and honest... odds are..we will never find out in any concrete fashion...hacking websites is as common as dirt these days...whole forums are dedicated to exploiting weaknesses in systems. Its easy to hack a site from a remote computer or anonymous server. The odds of catching the hacker are slim... your best defense is good security...and lots of luck.

I'm not dwelling on, it happened...It angers me that someone gets their thrills this way, but aside from that...I have more important things to dwell on.. We learn more each times these things happen...and make changes to adapt where we need to. This time around Ryan and I have recruited an IT professional and a professional internet security consultant. In our five years we have been hacked 2 times. Theres alot of websites out there that are hacked and don't even know it. I count us lucky.

Instead of giving in to the disruption hackers thrive on , please join me in moving forward. Theres much on the horizon here, and as always we will try our best to give you a community atmosphere where we can all enjoy our hobby and friendships.

Welcome back and take care all,


Ps.. Paul and Ryan , Thank you a million times over for the tech work here....I know how much time you guys spent getting us to this point again.

11-23-2006, 12:28 PM
Nice little surprise this Thanksgiving morning!! Nice work guys!

Welcome back!!

Was I the only one hitting the SD link every morning??:thumbsup:

11-23-2006, 12:51 PM
Was I the only one hitting the SD link every morning??:thumbsup:

Quite a few times a day for me ....... lol.

There was another site that i frequented daily that also went down about the same time and between it being down and simply being down ..... I found myself looking for other things to fill the void. Its good to be back to my routine now .... lol.

Thanks again to Al, Ryan & Paul

11-23-2006, 02:53 PM
Welcome back Simply. Nice seeing the site up. Now I can go back to the regurlar daily routine. Thank you Al, Ryan and Paul.


11-23-2006, 03:21 PM
Whats for dinner?......:crazy:

White Worm
11-23-2006, 05:42 PM
Whats for dinner?......:crazy:


OMG! Its nice to have simply up and running again. I too went over to DAAH to pass the time but things are just not the same. Lets just put it that way, lol. I Got to chat with alot of colorful characters and now I have got a much higher appreciation for what simply not only does for a discus hobbyist but alot come here just for friendly conversation, fun, friends / family. Nice to see everyone again and thanks to all who make this possible. Al, glad to hear things are improving.....Happy Thanksgiving to ALL!

11-23-2006, 05:55 PM
I'm glad the site is back up and running.

Every day I would click on my desktop Icon, hoping it would be back up.

Great treat for Thanksgiving to be able to get back on here.

Thanks to Al and Ryan for all their hard work, and I hope whoever did this is caught and prosecuted.

Best regards,

11-23-2006, 07:15 PM
HOLY SMOKES!!!!!!!!! I am soooo happy, it is amazing how much we all are attached to this forum. It has been the longest couple of weeks. I too went
to DAAH and what a difference to say the least. It is definitely not what this forum is all about. We have some amazing moderators,administrators & a
wonderful sponser team. I can not express this enough. My Thanksgiving was turning out to be pretty bad until now. My dog was rushed to the ER & my furnace decided not to work. I just decided to throw a log on the fire and check again for the site to be up and running. So Thank you very much for turning my day around. Welcome back everyone!

Darren's Discus
11-23-2006, 07:29 PM
Nice to have this great resource back online,Big thanks to all that got it back,you never know what you got till it's gone !

cheers guys
once again thankyou

11-23-2006, 09:19 PM
As we have told you, we were hacked...who the hacker was ...I honestly can't tell you, we are looking into this, but I'll be upfront and honest... odds are..we will never find out in any concrete fashion...hacking websites is as common as dirt these days

Maybe it was the same person who was circulating the porn at http://discusasahobby.com/forum/index.php?topic=8143.0?

I picked up some LSS from another simply member while the forum was down.

(they are still settling in).

Glad that simplydiscus.com is back.


11-24-2006, 03:06 AM
So....I was just sitting here eating my second turkey and peanut butter samich and I remembered that Simply was back up....How cool is this? :thumbsup:
Hope everyone had a safe and happy Thanksgiving.


11-24-2006, 07:30 AM
Great work Ryan and Paul!
I know you were discussing technical issues well beyond me:)


11-24-2006, 11:06 AM
Welcome Back ...I can't tell you how much I missed reading your forums every day. I m so happy to see your site up and running again. Thank you Al ,Ryan and Paul .


11-27-2006, 02:39 PM
I want to say thank you to Al, Ryan, and Paul and to whomever else may have helped to get this site up and running again. I considered going to DAAH but I just did not go there much other than to find out what happened to Simply. I felt lost without this site and wondered if it was gone forever. I am so happy that it is back.I missed you all.
