View Full Version : cramped fins

11-23-2006, 07:23 AM
hi guys

i had 5 active discuses even though they are not growing as they should be since these months (if you still remember my previous post about the growing problem). after all, they are eating very well, and still have some colour, no sign of sickness.

it was not until last weekend, i bought a new discus from the local fish store, is it a quality fish store? it is hard to define, after all, everyone knows this fish store, and has been operating its business for at least 10 years. about 3 days after i added the new discus in my 40 gallons tank, all my existing discuses cramped their fins, they were almost round shape, but now they appear to be rectangle shape due the cramped fins, sometimes their colour turn dark and floating on the surface of the water. but they are still eating very well, but their fins never expand.

the new discus doesnot seem to have problem, hiding in the first few days, but now it will swim around and starting eating quite well, fins are normal (no cramped), colour look as good as when i bought it.

i didnot quarantine, because i dont have the facility.

do u think this new discus had brought some disease to my tank?

i do 75% WC every 2 days, temperature @29-30 degree, PH @ 7, amonnia 0, nitrite 0.

i feed dry food, beefheart, blood worm, and brine shrime, 3 to 4 times per day.

i also add in a new plant, but now i removed it from the tank.

could you please tell me what is happenning and any possible solution?

thank you.


11-25-2006, 07:19 AM
do u think this new discus had brought some disease to my tank?

This is very possible.

I would consider somehow separating these fish again if it is not already too late.

I would increase wc's to every day.

6 discus in a 40 gallon tank is too many.

I would increase the temp to 31 or 32 C and add salt at 5 tablespoons per 10 gallons. I Use non iodized salt (some people use iodized salt without problems).


11-25-2006, 11:20 AM
Could have come in on the plant as well, but, since the new fish are acting better than your old fish, it's most likely come in on the fish... not uncommon for this type of behaviour since the new fish has already developed some defenses against whatever it's carrying.

Sounds like it's too late to separate, but yes, you do need a larger tank! You'll need to treat the entire tank now, but use the opportunity to buy yourself a larger tank then use the 40 as a hospital / QT tank in the future.

I'd follow Ardan's advice and keep an eye on them. If no improvment you'll have to consider meds but there's very little to work with here in deciding which med to use?? Furan2 might not be a bad place to start, but again, you'll need to post more info in a day or two to narrow things down.

PS. Increase aeration of the tank, the overstocking and higher heat can cause oxygen depletion if you don't

Good Luck


Greg Richardson
11-25-2006, 11:36 AM
Try craigslist for a place to get cheap tank.

11-26-2006, 03:04 AM
thanks guys

i have now separated those cramped fin discuses and treat them in a tank with medication, this medication might not be right for them but it says it treats a broad spectrum of diseases and it worked last time where these same discuses had severe ich and rotten skin.
