View Full Version : Best/Worst strains

12-05-2006, 04:54 AM
Does one selectivly bred morph of Discus do better than another?

12-05-2006, 11:53 AM
Good old standards like pigeons and red turks seem to be great beginner fish. I haven't really found any of the varieties I've kept to be overly difficult compared to others, given that the fish are healthy to begin with. I also haven't kept the newer/fancier strains like spotted discus (leopards, leopard snakes, etc.), white-based varieties, or albinos, so I can't really comment on those. I do know that all the snakeskin-type discus I've had seem to grow a little slower. Others have noted this as well.


12-05-2006, 01:48 PM
I've seem to have had trouble with the leopards and leopard snakes too with hardiness (they seem weeker overall) compared to my other blue strains, pigeon and even snow leopards. I would agree and put the good ole pigeon strains and RT on the top of the hardy list.

I've never had any troubles with other strains as I've had with leopards :(. (again snow leopards are the exception, I still have another snow that is easily one of my top 3 or 4 biggest).


12-05-2006, 02:23 PM
I Agree with Tina + Ryan

But the truth is Theres the good bad and the Ugly in all color types + strains.

Cary Gld!

12-05-2006, 02:26 PM
I only have one LSS and she is very hardy. I'm not disagreeing with Ryan or Tina since I only have the one fish but she is amoung the hardiest discus I have kept. I do agree that the older strains seem to be hardier, RT's and PB's are certainly hardy, but I would personally include SS in this group. All of my Snakeskins have so far proven to be quite hardy, but they are also an older strain. I feel that the newer strains, since they are almost certainly "line bred" are most susecpetable to diseases.

12-05-2006, 02:35 PM
I Agree with Tina + Ryan

But the truth is Theres the good bad and the Ugly in all color types + strains.

Cary Gld!

Why does the Clint Eastwood soundtrack go through my head reading this? LOL. I agree, even in the same spawn you get the tough ones and the wooses.


12-05-2006, 02:56 PM
Polar Bear,
Like I said There are weak discus in all color types!

As for Disease in new color type strains I do not agree with You

IMO any weak discus no matter the color type is suseptible to disease because of its weak ummune system.

Cary Gld!

12-05-2006, 07:57 PM
I have been in discus for two years +- . I have had Red Melons(thanks Cary) , Brilliant turks (thanks Hans) and Super Angel Diamonds (thanks Ryan) . At first I though the stronger fish would be the brilliants, the second stronger strain the red melons and the weakest the s.angel Blue diamonds . well I have been proven all wrong , the ones that have been stronger and more enjoyable (personality wise) have been the S. A. B . diamonds . They are agresive and fun to interact with. I have a pet brilliant that I love and the reds have been good fish (sold them to a good home) they were my wife's pick but really she does not do the upkeep so I get to choose who I keep. :) . In the small amount of time I have been involved and with strains I have been involved with I do not think there are any Best/Worst strains but don't forget I did not start with substandart fish.


12-06-2006, 12:11 AM
Hi Reberto,
Sorry I missed You guy' When You were in town!
Hope You and the Wife are Well.

Anyways Next time You come you will be able to seee lots and lots of Discus!

Cary Gld!