View Full Version : Small colbalt in a daze

12-05-2006, 07:53 AM
2 days now Ive seen the small colbalt with no energy, problems staying upright, fighting to stay alive. not eating. any suggestions?

Elite Aquaria
12-05-2006, 08:12 AM
He may have a swim bladder problem. If this is the case there is no cure.



12-05-2006, 09:36 AM
Hi ,
Is he bloated at all?


12-05-2006, 10:38 AM
Yes, more info, particularly what Al asked whould be helpful. If he is, describe the location and nature of the bloat. Could be simple blockage of the intestinal track, worms, or swim bladder infection. It's important to pinpoint since the approach to the cure is different.

Simple bloat can be mediated my adding epsom salts to the water. This acts as a laxative and the fish will pass whatever is blocking him. This you should probably add in conjunction with non-iodized salt in any event as it may provide some relief and can't hurt. Maybe 1 tbls each of the epsom and non-iodized per 10 gal.

Have you seen any worms excreted? Sometimes you do, often you don't but a single dose of Prazi will expel any if they're in there. Then, you need to worry about secondary infections which is best addressed IMO with Kanamycin Sulfate.

As it turns out, while normally fatal, swim bladder can be treated with 10 day plus heavy dose of Kanamycin Sulfate although the odds aren't good unless you catch it early. From the sounds of it, it may not be early enough but don't give up hope.

Describe the location and nature of any bloat you can observe on the fish so Al the expert can tell you exactly what needs to be done. If there is no bloat, I'd personally put the fish into a hospital tank and hit it with Prazi followed by a full regimen of Kanamycin ... kanamycin can be difficult to find locally so unless you have it already you might try Maracyn 2 in it's place.

Maracyn 2 may not be strong enough to do any good against swim bladder infections though :(

good luck, and let us know.

12-05-2006, 05:41 PM
finally to a pc.. bloat looks like its right at the 2 tenacles ....
epson salt added 8 hours ago...... definatly getting worst... i can hold him

12-05-2006, 07:25 PM
If I understand this, its a small fish, hasn't eaten in a couple of days, and has a swollen abdomen just behind the pelvic fins. I'm guessing its been ther for 2 days too. It sounds like it could be a blockage in the stomach. Prognosis is not good at this stage.

Other than the epsom salts have you treated with anything? changed food at all? what are or were they fed on.

Looking at the fish head on does it look thick or is there a definite ridge?

How is its colour and what does the eye looke like.

Sorry for all the questions, if it has had a blockage for 2 days or more then by now its almost certain that a secondary infection will be setting in.Agree with Jim about the Kanamycin on hand just in case. Keep the temp around 84, if its bacterial it will go fast at higher temps. Don't bother with ordinary salt, justuse some epsom at 1-2 tablespoon per 10 gallons. Keep the tank clean.

12-05-2006, 08:23 PM
not good hes gone.........my fault for not paying more attention. Been alternating CBW and FBW 2 small feedings a day.noticed saturday night not too interseted in food, yet ate alittle. Moved him and a red marlboro from a 10g to a 20g extra high(24")with the 10g water. Once bloat was brought up i was thinking the depth of the tank may have assisted in some way. Added 2 tbl epson salt about 12 hours ago, adding marcyin 2 about 2 hours ago, him passing about 30 min ago... Hope this dont happen to my breeders. Thanks for your help and support