View Full Version : Your favorite research page for discus?

White Worm
12-06-2006, 04:23 PM
Where do you go to for research on discus (other than simply) and what is your current interest, study, focus, etc...ie; breeding, water parameters, meds, disease, sales, importing, etc? Or.......do you just know everything and are just kickin back and enjoying the hobby?

My main interest right now in discus is breeding and proper water conditions.

A good site I use for alot of research is http://article.dphnet.com/

12-06-2006, 04:25 PM
I don't know everything, but at the moment I'm not really doing any discus research. I'm just concentrating on growing out my fish. I'm anxiously awaiting my copy of Heiko Bleher's book, though :D That should be a really fun read.

12-06-2006, 04:38 PM
Good Topic Mike! I will pop back later tonight after work and read your link;)

Ryan...make me a copy of your book and send it to me:D

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/11/11_2_104.gif

12-06-2006, 05:16 PM
Mike the day I think I know it all will be a cold day in hell! If there is one thing I've learned is that discus have an uncanny knack of teaching humility!

Most of the time now I reasearch either by searching the web, or reading the ever increasing number of books I've got. Also I'm fortunate to knwo a number of very experienced and knowledgable people who's brain I readily pick.

Good question.

12-06-2006, 05:19 PM
I just PM Paul :D

12-06-2006, 05:23 PM
''..........the day I think I know it all will be a cold day in hell! If there is one thing I've learned is that discus/fish have an uncanny knack of teaching humility!.......''

Paul Just change the word discus to fish...............Mike that's looks like an excellant site

I search the web, use the tons of books that are in front of me and then a half dozen people that I'm in contact with whose opinion that I respect to answer any question that I have


12-06-2006, 05:27 PM
G you are as usual quite right :D but this IS a discus site ;)

12-06-2006, 06:08 PM
I try to use specific Books and Websites on aquaculture, aquascience and fish biology....Theres a relative sparcity of info on Discus out there...but a wealth on cichlids in general and more on fish in general.... I apply what I learn there to what I know and have learned about Discus.

My favorite source of info are sites like.. University of Florida's ...


great articles...good science.

I also like the Koi websites...Next to commercial fish production for human foods, Koi sites have some serious research and capital invested in research.... bottom of the barrel as far as resaerch dollars goes is tropical hobby fish...IMO.


Of Course I also reference our Forums website Library...

and chat with as many discus nuts as I can...:)

White Worm
12-06-2006, 06:09 PM
There seems to be a commonality here :) . Nothing beats good ole' experience (phone a friend) but.......sometimes new people dont want to seem like question machines and dont have that Paul to call on. I agree though, its always a learning curve and if you old timers are still learning lessons than I have a very long road ahead :) Good thing ya guys are here to speed it up a bit. Its good to have a balance of research, experience and advice from experts.
Hey Al, go where the money is! Yep, best thing here is all the nutz!

<----------------------Just another nut.

12-07-2006, 12:09 PM
First of all, simply has been and are one of the best site too be at, for real:)
Everyday its allway allot of new topic too read about here, so a big up for this place.

I also love all that good information at DPH forum where good and dedicated people as fred goodall and andrew soh help people out every day, and the information bank is huge!!!
For all people that never been there, please check it out:D
The link is at the start at this thread...

DAAH is also a good place to hang around, the list could go on forever but this 3 sites are the ones i go into everyday!!!

Regards Dizkuz:angel: