View Full Version : Lose some tanks, move some fish

12-09-2006, 08:40 PM
Okay, hubby got wind of my thinking of getting 6 new discus. Firstly, I have to downsize my number of tanks.:p So, I keep my 90 gallon the same and then I will have 2 other tanks for fish. One is the 55 gallon ~ 48 X 12 x 20, the other is, I think, a 65 gallon ~ 36 X 18 X 24

I have some inkfin calvus and Cyprichromis leptosoma (Utinta), 6 of each currently in the 55 gallon. The cyps like lots of swimming room and I will have to downsize to a pair or trio of the calvus as they mature.

So which tank would be better suited for the discus and the tanganyikans? Small juveniles of discus are daily water changes. What percentage of water do you guys change and do you honestly do daily water changes (you can PM me if you want?).

Better to ask all the questions and do all the thinking beforehand. At least I do feel more confident doing this the second time around now.:)

12-10-2006, 11:35 AM
Hey Barb ~ I would def do daily wc on your new babies ~ did you get my pm on them? As far as which tank to keep ....I have no clue:(

Perhaps after I get my coffee~

...and you call me?

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/8/8_2_102.gif