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12-16-2006, 05:00 PM
HI all,
I have been hearing of possible reactions by discus to Prazi products... Not anything concrete at this point but there does appear to be some Risks under some conditions for its use...Not sure what these are yet but I thought we might talk about it..

If you have had any problems with medications containing praziquantel..please share them here in as much detail as you can..


12-17-2006, 05:10 PM
I had some trouble when I mixed praziquantel and metronidazole together one time. Luckily, I was there to watch the fish and was able to do several water changes to prevent the fish from dying.

Jeff had made a post about using Parasite Clear and his unfortunate experience:


12-17-2006, 05:24 PM
IMO I believe a High Bioload has alot to do with it!

Either from Dirty tanks, To many Occupants, low oxygen levels + parmeters.


12-17-2006, 05:57 PM
I've been using AquaScience Praziquantel Powder with much success.


12-17-2006, 06:45 PM
Interesting time for this thread to have begun. Just this morning I walked into the fishroom to see 26 out of 30 ~1" albino bristlenose plecoes dead. I received 11 wild discus on the 12th from Belowwater, and Oliver strongly suggested treating them with prazi. I just figured I'd treat all my fish tanks. I had the BN's in 2 tanks of recent spawns I am raising up. These tanks get 20% W/C each morning and a 90% W/C every evening. I used Prazi Pro. I have never had anything like this happen in the past. The discus fry are fine as are adult BN's in other treated tanks. I never used prazi on BN's that small before.


01-21-2007, 09:18 PM
Just curious :confused: if there is a praziquantel product you all agree on, or have had good success with? I am new to this thing of worming discus. This could be the reason I've lost so many. I would like to try this if you have a good recomendation. Thanks, Joela

01-22-2007, 12:50 AM
I wish I had read this thread a few days ago.....I used a prazi product by JUNGLE products. It contains prazi, diflubenzuron, metronidazole and acriflavine. My discus turned black and I'm sure I will lose 2 of them. Right now I'm in the process of doing one third water changes every hour. The young ones have perked up but the older ones seem to have taken it the hardest. I used the same product at the same time on my community tank and everything seems fine, I lost 1 tetra but the medicine may not have had anything to do with it. Any suggestions on my water changes? thanks elaine

Greg Richardson
01-22-2007, 01:13 AM
I wish I had read this thread a few days ago.....I used a prazi product by JUNGLE products. It contains prazi, diflubenzuron, metronidazole and acriflavine. My discus turned black and I'm sure I will lose 2 of them. Right now I'm in the process of doing one third water changes every hour. The young ones have perked up but the older ones seem to have taken it the hardest. I used the same product at the same time on my community tank and everything seems fine, I lost 1 tetra but the medicine may not have had anything to do with it. Any suggestions on my water changes?

You haven't said what was wrong in the first place with your fish.
As far as wc's go if you aren't using stored water I think it may have a worse effect on your fish.

After reading Jeff's thread from the link here and posts here I think we are starting to get in a dangerous area listing meds that we think have effected our fish in a bad way before looking at all the facts.

01-22-2007, 10:28 AM
I recently exposed my adults to a long treatment of prazi & metro combined and with the exception of the first treatement ( where they did look just a little uncomfortable) there was no ill effect as far as I can detect. Conversely, all of the fish are acting just fine and eating better than before the treatment.

My old BD even started growing back some of his Dorsal fin, which had looked like a Mohawk hairdoo for several years following a severe "bad water" WC. I had thought 4 year olds were too old to do that :confused:

Went to the store and found most of the parasite "cures" had metro and prazi as main ingredients, so I just used the powders I had bought at Jehmco and made my own concoction. It's a 180 gal tank and I dosed with
- 2 teaspoons prazi powder dissolved in a small amount of vodka
- added about 1/2 cup RO water
- mixed in 2 teaspoons metro
shook well and administered daily following a 45/50% WC.

This was obviously not done as a phrophylactic treatment, and I was worried (and even prepared) for some fatalaities ,but I had reason to believe there was a parasitic issue in the tank. Fortunately, like I stated, they all survived and thrived :)

I always run LOTS of air through my tank and maybe that helped during treatment?


01-26-2007, 08:11 PM
Just curious :confused: if there is a praziquantel product you all agree on, or have had good success with?

Praziquantel is the problem.... its not tested or proven to be safe for fish use as far as I have been able to find out, if it was, would a certain well known make have notes like these on it? if its like that for humans, I dont think the fishies eyes would like it either.

Caution: In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. In case of skin contact, wash with soap and plenty of water. If swallowed, rinse mouth with water (if person is conscious). Obtain medical advice.

Praziquantel works by forcing the parsites muscles to contract and relax until it dies. One of the problem with this is that often the parasite stays inside the fish and rots or only the body is removed by the fish, leaving the head in place, sometimes leading to the fish getting infected with whatever else the parasite has been in

01-26-2007, 10:21 PM
Praziquantel works by forcing the parsites muscles to contract and relax until it dies. One of the problem with this is that often the parasite stays inside the fish and rots or only the body is removed by the fish, leaving the head in place, sometimes leading to the fish getting infected with whatever else the parasite has been in

ACK! How that must feel to the discus having a tapeworm contract and relax inside of them!


01-27-2007, 07:11 PM
Praziquantel works by forcing the parsites muscles to contract and relax until it dies. One of the problem with this is that often the parasite stays inside the fish and rots or only the body is removed by the fish, leaving the head in place, sometimes leading to the fish getting infected with whatever else the parasite has been in[/QUOTE]

If this is the case how would you get these worms out of your fish??? :(

01-27-2007, 07:45 PM
Actually, I don't believe muscular contraction is the reason for Prazi effectiveness. I don't think it's a nicotinic receptor agonist like most pesticides. I'll look it up.

I observed an adverse reaction once when using pure Praziquantel powder. I believe it was caused by overdose. This was in my quarantine tank when I was treating some new Otos. I always keep some Discus culls in my quarantine tank, both to keep it cycled, and as a "test" for any diseases brought in by new fish.

So the culls had no diseases, and had been treated with Prazi before with no ill effects.

I believe I overdosed the Prazi because I mixed the powder in hot, distilled water, then poured the appropriate amount in the tank. However, as usual, a substantial amount of the powder had not dissolved. I was preparing enough Prazi solution to last through several water changes, so there was a fair amount of excess powder floating on the top of the liquid. When I poured the "proper" amount of liquid into the tank, ALL of the powder that hadn't dissolved also went into the tank. This was about 9 pm at night. I thought nothing of it, but when I came back to look at the tank the next morning, all of the fish were floating upside down, breathing very slowy. I did a complete water change, and within a few minutes, all of the fish were much better, and all survived. I don't beleive low oxygen was a factor as none of the fish gasped, breathed heavily or any other signs of asphixia.

I have subsequently used the same batch Prazi many times on several varieties of fish including otos and BNs, but made sure the undissolved powder always went in in the appropriate amount. I have not observed any adverse reactions since then. This is still the same lot of Prazi, so I don't believe the lot was bad.

01-27-2007, 08:57 PM
Actually, I don't believe muscular contraction is the reason for Prazi effectiveness. I don't think it's a nicotinic receptor agonist like most pesticides. I'll look it up.

Please do then you will see I am right :)

If this is the case how would you get these worms out of your fish???

You dont, thats why I dont like it....

01-30-2007, 11:52 AM
Paulf was at least partly right. Prazi does cause muscular contraction in cestids. However, the description of "violent contractions" is a bit on the extreme side. In lower concentrations, Prazi causes the worm to lose suction in their suckers, causing them to be expelled. There is also an action on the tegument, causing intestinal worms to be exposed to intestinal proteases that chew up the worms. If small enough, this results in their digestion.

In humans the description of the drug is amazingly benign. Side effects at even very high overdose concentrations has been associated with almost no side effects.

For fluke treatment, the contractions are, obviously, not important. For tapeworms, even large ones, the contractions are of no concern. The only concern would be from large worms and heavy infestations where the worms come loose and block the intestinal tract because they are in too large a size to be digested quickly.

The recommendation here would be to treat with Epsom salts when you use Prazi for tapeworm treatment to aid in expelling the dead and dying worms.

The other recommendation would be to treat with Prazi early, when worms are likely to be much smaller. In other words, treat all new fish as if they had tapeworms before introducing them to already treated fish.

01-30-2007, 12:04 PM
Hi Al,

I posted this info previously


, but I'll repost here as well..


Active Ingredient

Mode of Action

Within a few seconds of the tapeworm coming into contact with praziquantel its interaction with phospholipids and proteins causes damage to the tegument. The inflow of Ca+2ions results in an immadiate contraction of the entire strobila. Moreover, these changes lead to a reduction of glucose intake and an accelerated depletion of energy reserves. DRONCIT`s mechanism of action against tapeworms has been investigated with in vitro Hymenolepis diminuta. At very low concentrations (1.0 –10 µg/l) DRONCIT stimulates the motility of H. diminuta and impairs the functional ability of the suckers. At concentrations of 10 – 100 µg/l and above the substance causes very strong contractions of the entire strobila. At concentration of 1 mg/l (1ppm) this contraction takes place the moment the worm comes into contact with the active ingredient solution. This very pronounced in-vitro effect of DRONCIT on tapeworms and the rapid onset of action after the treatment of the host suggest that DRONCIT itself is the cestocidal substance and not its metabolites. The studies of DRONCIT`s mechanism of action against tapeworms performed to date have shown that the drug has an effect on carbohydrate metabolism. The uptake of glucose by the tapeworm is dose-dependently reduced by the administration of DRONCIT: by half at an active concentration of 100 µg/l. The excretion of lactate was not dependent upon the presence of glucose in the surrounding solution. This suggests that lactate excretion is due to an effect on endogenous carbohydrate, probably glycogen. A reduction in the levels of glycogen in worms of the species H. diminuta was detected in rats which has been treated orally with 25 mg DRONCIT/kg: 2 hours after administration the glycogen levels in the worms were 20 – 50% lower than in the worms of the placebo-treated control rats. It was also demonstrated that the tegument of the worms becomes permeable to glucose as a result of the administration of DRONCIT. If H. diminuta treated with DRONCIT were transferred to a glucose-free medium, the parasites released glucose into the surrounding medium.


01-30-2007, 12:15 PM
When I read the decription of how it works I see the probable scenario as follows..

The attached Tapeworm is exposed to low concentrations initially and that causes it to become motile, as its sucker no longer works... This means it can no longer stay attached....

as the concentration of the prazi increases due to increased absorption and uptake into the fish... The medication causes a the rupture the tegument and compromise the parasites ability to maintain energy reserves... It dies and is passed out of the fish.

Thats at least how it sounds to me... Does anyone see a different interpretation here?

It seems to me that if the medicine works as rapidly as it is supposed to that the very first effect it has is to cause the worms to release their hold....after that the contractions occur as the concentration of the med increases.. Thats at least what the invitro experiments imply.

03-25-2007, 12:23 AM
Have you ever had ill effects/mortality for the plecos or loaches in a tank treated with prazi? Do you remove them first? I dosed with metro and it killed plecos. Catching small plecos can be done, but it is a heck of a job catching them if it isn't necessary!

07-10-2007, 02:57 PM
Just want to share what I experienced regarding the use of this product.

A few years ago I noticed one of my adults Discus had a string like thing going in and out of its mouth. I was white and it kept getting longer every time I saw it every few hours. I began to look for information on the internet and came across an article regarding deworming fishes using "Droncit" and from what I remember you could only get the pills from a Vet. So, I went to a Vet and asked if he could sell me some Droncit and he asked for what. I explained the article and he was puzzled but, sold me 20 pills for $20. I followed the instruction on the article one pill per 10g every day for 5 days and begin treatment again to get rid of the new worm which were in the egg stage since I began treatment.

The next day, there was like 20 tape/ flat white worms different lenghs up to 2 inches long all over the bottom tank. I could not believe what I saw, I never suspected this fish was infested. He ate and appeared healthy active but, he was so infested that they were coming out the other way, the mouth, disgusting.

Anyway no adverse affects, the trick is get the worm exposed to the prazi to then release from the host then follow up and treat the new hatchings. I believe the Droncit pill are 35g which is a good dose per 10g which I believe is the recomemded dosage.

07-10-2007, 05:20 PM
Just want to share what I experienced regarding the use of this product.

A few years ago I noticed one of my adults Discus had a string like thing going in and out of its mouth. I was white and it kept getting longer every time I saw it every few hours. I began to look for information on the internet and came across an article regarding deworming fishes using "Droncit" and from what I remember you could only get the pills from a Vet. So, I went to a Vet and asked if he could sell me some Droncit and he asked for what. I explained the article and he was puzzled but, sold me 20 pills for $20. I followed the instruction on the article one pill per 10g every day for 5 days and begin treatment again to get rid of the new worm which were in the egg stage since I began treatment.

The next day, there was like 20 tape/ flat white worms different lenghs up to 2 inches long all over the bottom tank. I could not believe what I saw, I never suspected this fish was infested. He ate and appeared healthy active but, he was so infested that they were coming out the other way, the mouth, disgusting.

Anyway no adverse affects, the trick is get the worm exposed to the prazi to then release from the host then follow up and treat the new hatchings. I believe the Droncit pill are 35g which is a good dose per 10g which I believe is the recomemded dosage.

Droncit is 50mg each, a question, can droncit be disolved in water or it needs vodka or acetone?

07-11-2007, 01:03 AM
GUILLE2007, first I am no expert using this stuff. But, a few months ago I was interested in buying this stuff bulk and researched it. This stuff is expensive because it works especially if you have lots of tanks and are always getting new fishes and deworming them is part of you regiment.

Praziquantel is made in Asia and imported and sold here through pharmaceutical companies. The pill which I did receive from a Vet can be crush and let it sit until fully dissolved then added to water directly. I came across a Prazi product that came in powder and when added to the water is floated on the surface. This product was not as effective. What I did was I mixed this powder in a specimen tube with Melafix. After shaking it a bit this dissolved perfectly in the water. I will only guess that this is the powder product which needs to be dissolved in Ethyl Alcohol or some sort of Alcohol.

The pill Prazi I would think is the most effective because its intended for consumption. The other products are the raw ingredients to making Prazi and
I am not sure how effective it is.


07-11-2007, 07:50 AM
You know that this is available in injectable (liquid) form as well. It's 56.8 mg per ml.

07-11-2007, 11:59 AM
You know that this is available in injectable (liquid) form as well. It's 56.8 mg per ml.

Yes I have used it for dogs, have you used it or anyone for fishes?

BT Lee
07-24-2007, 03:37 AM
Dear Alight and Fern,

I have bought some Praziquantel tablet for human ( 200 mg ) and intend to use it for deworming my discus.
Can you share with us the dosage of Prziquantel that you use for deworming ( how many gramn of active ingredient per litre of aquanrium water and the treatment regime )?
Also, have you tried using praziquantel in the food?
How much praziquantel per 100 gram of say beefheart mix ?

Looking forward to your response.


BT Lee

07-24-2007, 03:49 AM

I fed Droncit (praziquantel) to my discus a couple of days back and now I find that all 4 of them have contracted their fins and are huddled up together face up (pointing to the top of the tank) and facing the backside of the tank. I have been doing a 30% water change since then and have set up the temperature to 32 degrees. These babies are not eating eating as well and I am concerned. Can someone please let me know if they have faced such a problem and how they have gone about with the cure.

back 2 discus biz
10-12-2007, 07:37 PM
I wish I had read this thread a few days ago.....I used a prazi product by JUNGLE products. It contains prazi, diflubenzuron, metronidazole and acriflavine. My discus turned black and I'm sure I will lose 2 of them. Right now I'm in the process of doing one third water changes every hour. The young ones have perked up but the older ones seem to have taken it the hardest. I used the same product at the same time on my community tank and everything seems fine, I lost 1 tetra but the medicine may not have had anything to do with it. Any suggestions on my water changes? thanks elaine

The Jungle medication referenced above is Parasite Clear. I had mild flashing with three of eight new juveniles in a recently-converted 90 gallon tank. After taking measurements of gravel displacement and estimating rock displacement I figured I had 70 gallons of water to treat. I used Parasite Clear with absolutely no interruption in the fish's behavior. I made no other changes. The flashing immediately disappeared. All is great now. Waiting to see if I have a fluke re-hatch. If I do I plan to use the product for two consecutive weeks rather than the one week/one dose treatment. I'm a believer.

10-13-2007, 12:42 PM
Just discovered that prazi+metro combo may be deadly to 1" juvenile fish. Had administered it in the afternoon to discover 5 hours later one dead fish.
Perhaps I had OD'ed the metro and prazi. :(

11-22-2007, 03:09 PM
I used PraziPro, Hikari, on my ten Heckels as soon as I could get them to eat Tetra Color Bits. That took about one month for them to become accustomed to the prepared foods instead of live Black worms.
I fed them the Color Bits saturated in PraziPro once or twice a day for a month. I would mix up enough of the medicated food to last several days and kept the unused portion in the fridge. I did not try it in their water. They reacted positively. Excellent appetites. I repeated the treatment again about six months later but only for one week that time.
My impression was that it didn't harm them and based on their rapid growth I assume they were not having to share their food with worms. Seems to me that if the discus will ingest it the blood serum levels would be higher than those obtained when using a prazi bath treatment. This was when they were a little more than 3-inches May '06. Now they are all 5-1/2 to 6 inches in diameter.
These were the first wild discus I had kept since the advent of vermicidal drugs for fish. Wish I could have had drugs of this class ages ago.

11-28-2007, 02:51 PM
I just dosed liquid PraziPro in my 78 gallon with six four-inch discus (they were three inches when I picked them up two weeks ago), two angels, two clown loaches and a bunch of cardinals and rummy-nose tetras-- mostly because I spotted a very long, mucus-coloured, stringy feces hanging from one angel, but also partly as a precautionary dose. They've been in the tank for two weeks and I'd like to lessen the possibility of gill flukes becoming a problem in future, as I did notice one discus doing an occasional little twitchy head-shake and flashing a bit.
The reading I did prior to dosing indicated that you should not dose metro and prazi concurrently, but should instead administer each consecutively. Metro acts on different bio-pests (specifically the dreaded hexamita) than Prazi.
Everybody in the tank remains energetic, hungry and happy. It's not supposed to affect the bacterial biosystem at all, but I cannot do a water change for seven days, according to the dosage directions. Did one before dosing, cleaned the biggest filter on the tank, and will watch the water parameters like a hawk.
After that, I may run them through a course of metro-medicated beefheart blend I have stashed away. But I tried out a piece on them shortly after their arrival, and they don't seem to care for it much.

09-15-2008, 10:28 PM
I just treated 5 new discus (2-3in) with PraziPro liquid concentrate for gill flukes and any kind of other worm or parasite they might have had when they came in and they are having no problems what so ever with treatment. One of the fish (smallest one) wasn't eating, had excessive breathing, clamped gill plate, and obviously head shaking:(. In less than 24 hours of the PraziPro treatment it was breathing normal, no clamped gill, no more head shaking or flashing, and is now eating like a pig:D. I did a WC first then added treatment. I treated 3 1/2 teaspoons to a 75gal tank. So far excellent results.

(Aquarium Solutions) PraziPro Concentrate Liquid
4 fl. oz.
Contents: oxybispropanol (as n inert solubilizing agent), and 5% praziquantel by weight.
Distributed by Hikari Sales Inc
Hayward, CA :)

09-16-2008, 09:35 PM

I have one large discus (over 6") which is clearly allergic to praziquantel. I have used Prazipro on him twice and Parasite Clear once and each time his reaction got worse. He sheds an enormous amount of slime coat and gets extremely stressed out. He's however, fine with metro and other antibiotics.
Clearly, some fish are more sensitive to this product than thought....
He's the only one in my tank which reacts like that!!!


12-02-2008, 12:42 PM
i have always been leary of aquarium pharmicuticals. i do not believe they are as fresh or as controlled as those purchased through a vet or doctor. reading this post just strengthens my belief. if the fish are as valuable as we claim then we should use top quality medications. always purchase through an MD or Vet. develope a repor with your doctor.

12-02-2008, 12:48 PM
don't mix meds. this is tough on the fish. these over the shelf cocktails rely on the shotgun affect. the aquarium pharm companies do not have a responsibility for your losses. they let you play doctor. make sure you know for what you are treating for and what you should use. discus your problems with a vet. there are vets all over the world that know fish. i realize in the USA we always skimp on equipment, quality of fish (you can argue this one all you want but it is true), getting the right help for your problems.
but if you really care, pay a vet for his services it will relieve a lot of your grief.

12-10-2008, 08:00 AM
I have used both Prazi and metro - but never together. I have used them in the water column, as well as on other occasions added it to my beef heart.

I've not had any adverse reaction. Even though instructions for prazi say not to use with tetras, they are too hard to catch if I want to treat the whole tank. They, like my cories, apistos & ottos, all passed through treatment with no ill effect.

Someone earlier mentioned Epsom salts. That's something I have used as well. It is a mild laxative & helps them pass the worm.

there are vets all over the world that know fish I don't find that to be the case where I live. Vets here (at least those that I have found) are not comfortable at all with treating fish. It took several phone calls, only to be told by most that they don't treat or prescribe for fish, as they don't have fish knowledge. I managed to convince one vet, reluctantly. But I had to go armed with the instructions of what I was told I needed by forum members, including the dose. Prescription was as per a sticky on medication that I printed & took with me.

Since then, I have found a vet who is a fish hobbyist & a member of another forum in Aus that I visit. This makes it easier for me to get the right meds, but before I found him - it was tough going.

12-10-2008, 08:06 AM
Used Parasite Clear and General Cure which both contain Praziquantel along with other meds and never had any adverse reactions. The fish always seemed to do just fine. I agree that it's better to use a specific drug for a specific problem since the combination is pretty much useless unless your fish have every known problem in the world. ;)

If I need Prazi products I go with Prazi Pro alone.


12-11-2008, 03:39 AM
because your fish have not shown immediate advers effects doesn't necessarilly mean it is a safe practice. i still believe one problem should be addressed at a time. and prior to treating with any medication out comes the microscope.

12-19-2008, 09:19 PM
I am a firm believer in the parziquantel products. I have had a great deal of success using Jungle Clear. This product has really done the trick in clearing up parasite infestations.

On one occasion, the first day of treating w/Jungle Clear my discus turned dark, huddled and started breathing heavier than normal. I kept a close eye on them and by day 2 they were fine. I must add though that these particular fish were heavily infested with parasite's when I acquired them from another source. Every other time I have used this product, there has been no ill effects.

It saddens me to see others having had tragic outcomes in using these products. But in my case they have been fish life savors. And the fact they do not harm your biological filtration is defiantly a plus. On the package it does state don't overdose, and if overdose occurs add carbon and neutralize immediately.

I do keep a great deal of aeration in all my tanks, I'm not sure if that is a factor or not.


12-20-2008, 07:33 PM
Sadly, even if I had a microscope, I don't think I would understand what I am looking at. I agree one problem should be addressed at a time.

01-22-2009, 10:21 PM
Anyone know if prazipro will kill red cherry shrimp?

01-23-2009, 06:52 AM
It shouldn't, but when using any med there is always a risk.

01-26-2009, 09:19 AM
Anyone know if prazipro will kill red cherry shrimp?

I have not dosed the water with PraziPro

But I have fed food soaked with UltraCure PX to a tank that contained RCS with no ill affects. The shrimp inevitably ate some of it and I'm sure a small amount escaped into the water.

02-04-2009, 06:15 PM
Hello All,

Has anyone used Jungle Labs medicated foods? They have a food which contains both Praziquantel and Metro in it. I've been tempted to use this rather then mix my own food or dose the water column.


02-04-2009, 06:58 PM
Hello All,

Has anyone used Jungle Labs medicated foods? They have a food which contains both Praziquantel and Metro in it. I've been tempted to use this rather then mix my own food or dose the water column.


If your fish readily take any pellet (I mean ANY), they will be fine but if they don't take pellets of that size or color, they definitely won't touch those pellets. Thats just in my experience.

I have a few discus that will eat any thing that comes near there mouth ANYTHING and they were picky about those pellets. The rest of discus didn't even look at them.


03-20-2009, 04:30 PM
I am doing a Prazipro treatment for 6 days now because of my discus had gill flukes. It was breathing very fast from one gill. He was back to normal within 2 hours but as I stopped the treatment after 5 days, yesterday he started to breath fast again. I redosed and after 2 minutes he was breathing normaly again. One treatment is not enough! The treatment is quite safe because I did a double dose to begin on the first day (then it was water change and regular dose), watching the fish carefully. I even saw the fish spit out something withish that looked like a little cloud of very tiny particles (flukes?). It was after that spitting that it started to breath normaly. The fishes are now all breathing slower and better.

My only adverse reaction is that they have became skittish and my largest has stopped eating or is eating very little. Since day one its appetite was reduced by the medication and it's not getting any better since I had to redose.

It did not kill the snails at all. They are all doing fine as well as the cory. I did remove my wood shrimps though, just to be on the safe side.

The med seem to be very effective against gill flukes but it needs to be given long enough I guess. I am going to buy a UV sterilizer to help control these buggers. I plan on doing another 4 or 5 days to be safe.

03-20-2009, 06:28 PM
I was running out of PraziPro and decided to get az 50 gram container of the pure praziquantel powder. There were some allusions to how to mix this in previous postings of this thread, but nothing that mentions "Dissolve Z tsp of powder with liquids X & Y to treat W gallons of water.

I've also heard some people say treat 3 days, lay off 4 days and do this for 3 weeks. The instructions just say to treat for 7 days straight and redose as needed. In my uneducated opinion about this, it seems like treating them for a ton of days in a row should knock out the flukes completely. But maybe future generations while in egg and larval form build a tolerance to Prazi? Is that the rationale behind the 3 days on, 4 days off thing?

03-26-2009, 03:25 PM
I don;t know about the 3/4 thing, but I do know that when I dose Prazi, I dose twice, seven days apart, with a WC in between. During treatment, no WC. And all my fish are free of flukes and worms...
should add I have also used mtero completely separately to deal with what Prazi doesn't knock out.
Between those two meds and Maracyn Plus, that seems to be all I need in my med cabinet. And a small bottle of Fungus Cure.

03-27-2009, 03:10 AM
Yes, Prazi only affects the adult flukes and tapeworms. The first treatment is to treat the adults, and the second treatment is to knock out the following generation. Some treat for 21 days to make sure they get everything.

04-12-2009, 01:04 PM
Ok I am presently trying to feed my 2 discus and 2 angels med food that has Praziquantel in it. So far they have each tried a piece and spit it back out. I have a couple of angels in another tank and am treating their water directly. It was suggested that I also treat the tank with the discus and angels just in case, as I have recently moved angels around. Now I am wondering if I should continue to try to feed the discus this med????

04-13-2009, 04:50 PM
They could be spitting it out because they do not like the taste of the meds, or the infection is preventing them from swallowing. Often times, fish that has Hex will refuse food, try to eat, and spit it back out.

04-27-2009, 02:54 PM
Wel this is fine if your fish do not stop eating. In my case, my fish just stopped eating when ever there was prazi in the tank for more than 3 days. First time the fish did not eat anything for 2 weeks and was extremely nervous and skittish after 7 days of prazipro.

the second treatment I did, about 4 weeks later because the flukes came back with a vengence, I only did 3 days at the time and the fish did not stop eating.

Surely enough if you can keep it for 7 days (will you do water change??) then you still need to do at least 2 weeks treatment.

Also the flukes seem to get used to prazipro and develop some resistance. THen a higher dose is necessary. I had to double the dose last time and if that does not work, I will go for something really drastic like fluke tabs. I am sick of it now :)

I was running out of PraziPro and decided to get az 50 gram container of the pure praziquantel powder. There were some allusions to how to mix this in previous postings of this thread, but nothing that mentions "Dissolve Z tsp of powder with liquids X & Y to treat W gallons of water.

I've also heard some people say treat 3 days, lay off 4 days and do this for 3 weeks. The instructions just say to treat for 7 days straight and redose as needed. In my uneducated opinion about this, it seems like treating them for a ton of days in a row should knock out the flukes completely. But maybe future generations while in egg and larval form build a tolerance to Prazi? Is that the rationale behind the 3 days on, 4 days off thing?

04-27-2009, 07:43 PM
I followed the directions on prazipro for the seven days and then used parasite fizz tabs from jungle after a water change and my discus are all great since the treatment. I would follow the directions they work. seven days and the fish pass the parasites and eggs, then the fizz tabs kill anything else in the tank and gravel or crevices that you have.

04-29-2009, 09:15 AM
I did 3 treatments with prazipro and so far it does not work much. I guess I will need to get something else to finish that off or the flukes keep coming back with a vengance.

BTW, parasite fizz ingredients: Active Ingredients: Metronidazole, praziquantel, trichlorfon, diflubenzuron.

seems powerful med. No adverse reaction with your fish? I am thinking of using something like that because prazi alone can't get the hold on flukes in my tank. trichlorfon is a powerful pesticide as well as diflubenzuron. No wonter it solved your problem. I beleive that is what really solved your fulkes rather than the prazi.

I followed the directions on prazipro for the seven days and then used parasite fizz tabs from jungle after a water change and my discus are all great since the treatment. I would follow the directions they work. seven days and the fish pass the parasites and eggs, then the fizz tabs kill anything else in the tank and gravel or crevices that you have.

04-29-2009, 10:32 PM
The reason behind prazipro is not to kill the parasites its to get them to unlatch from the fish without hurting any internals. The metro kills the parasites after that. I used the fizz tabs as a broad spectrum med as I was not sure what they actually had for parasites.
My fish ate normal and where not affected by the meds at all.

04-29-2009, 10:36 PM
The reason behind prazipro is not to kill the parasites its to get them to unlatch from the fish without hurting any internals. The metro kills the parasites after that. I used the fizz tabs as a broad spectrum med as I was not sure what they actually had for parasites.
My fish ate normal and where not affected by the meds at all.

I'm pretty sure metro doesn't affect flukes at all.


04-29-2009, 11:13 PM
I agree with Eddie, I've scoped live flukes in a tank while metro was in it. Had to go back after them with F & MG..

04-29-2009, 11:15 PM
I did 3 treatments with prazipro and so far it does not work much. I guess I will need to get something else to finish that off or the flukes keep coming back with a vengance.

..prazi alone can't get the hold on flukes in my tank. trichlorfon is a powerful pesticide as well as diflubenzuron. No wonter it solved your problem. I beleive that is what really solved your fulkes rather than the prazi.

First part: how often were you dosing with prazi? at least every 3 days?

Second Part: Trichlorfon is a fluke med that Rod Lewis uses...

05-02-2009, 07:20 PM
I'm currently on my second treatment with Jungle Parasite clear and epsom salt.
Does the fish normally eat during the treatment?

I dont see any signs of stress, only lack of an appetite.

05-03-2009, 09:26 AM
I'm currently on my second treatment with Jungle Parasite clear and epsom salt.
Does the fish normally eat during the treatment?

I dont see any signs of stress, only lack of an appetite.

Hi Eva, yes it can sometimes turn fish off food during treatment so no worries. ;)


05-14-2009, 02:32 PM
Can't remember. I think 2 or 3 days and for 7 days at first. they came back. I did another round of 2 weeks, 3days each day, then 2 days break etc...they came back. I used double the dose, they came back. I think there are resistant strain of flukes that now resist to prazi. I read more and more reference about it.

trichlorfon is a powerfull pesticide.

Recently with all the med I gave my fish for the plague, I am sure there are no more flukes :)

could not see a single one under the microscope on any fish that I scraped.

First part: how often were you dosing with prazi? at least every 3 days?

Second Part: Trichlorfon is a fluke med that Rod Lewis uses...

06-09-2009, 07:26 PM
Hi everyone,
Just thought I'd share my 1st experience with Praziquantel.
2 of my discus had gill flukes i believe (they were breathing with one gill only) so I decided to run a treatment in my community tank. I have 55 gallon planted tank with 7 2.5 - 3 inch discus 3 BN high fin plecos, 4 Cory's sp.jully, 4 Otto's 2 Neritina Natalensis /Zebra Snail/ and god knows how many brown snails.
I couldn't find prazi for fish in my country so i purchased one for dog use. The pill contains 50mg of Prazi and 2 mg of abamectinum. I followed the dose of 100mg/10gal and i dissolved 12 tablets in maybe, well not more than 25ml of vodka (the cheapest i could find - 37.5% vol.) then mixed this solution into 10 gal. of water and added to the tank. After i poured everything in the tank the water looked kinda milky. I had to leave the house for about 3 hours and when i came back i went to check up on the tank. The discus seemed fine but i believe they were still breathing with one gill only( i'm certain about one of them and not sure about the other). Apart from that, they looked fine - picking for food at the bottom, came to greet me etc... After taking a closer look at the tank i spotted one of my zebra snails laying on the bottom with the shell opening pointing upwards. If you never had snails this generally means the snail is a ghost. I looked for the other one and it was on a piece of driftwood where there normally is loads of GSA but it was not moving. I looked for the small brown snails and saw maybe 4-5 of them with body overexposed from the shell (like they were trying to flee from it) and not moving. I could only find one of my BNs at the front part of my tank and although it was breathing it did not look happy at all. I thought the prazi might have done something to it so i decided to put it in a separate tank with good water. It took me about 20 minutes to set up the tank and by the time i was done the pleco had nearly "gone". Quickly i took it out and into the other tank and started searching for the other two plecos. I found them but they were hardly breathing. I put them into the other tank too, trying to save them. By this time my Cory's did not look good either. I caught them basically with my hand (it was easier with all the plants in the tank) and put them in the tank with both snails and the 3 BNs expecting them to die. I left them in there with heavy aireation and quickly did around 60% water change in the main tank because i did not want to start losing any of my discus. I guess i just panicked :o. While doing the WC i counted all 4 of the Otto's and they seemed fine. I did not bother catching them because is no fun trying to catch a little Otto that doesn't want to be caught in a planted tank...
So now about 6 hours after i dosed prazi i have 7 discus and 4 Otto's that look fine, 4 Cory's that may survive (not sure yet), 3 dead high fin BNs plecos and 2 probably dead zebra snails.
So to sum it up - 100mg/10gal of Prazi for 3 hours
1.was deadly to i guess all little brown snails and 3 of 3 BN's plecos.
2. Had very negative effect on 2 of 2 Zebra snail and 4 of 4 Cory's Sp. Jully
3. Had positive or no effect to all 7 discus and 4 Otto's.

Hope this helps anyone looking for answers. I'm not saying prazi shoud not be used as a medicine but rather as a word of warning. I would personally take all my catfish and snails, i want to keep alive, out of the comunity tank before i dose again.

P.S. Sorry if my English is bad but is not my mother tongue.

06-10-2009, 02:32 PM
Your english is fine, easy to understand. The problems you had were almost certainly due to the abamectinum that is in the pill along with the prazi. It contains an insecticide, which can be very toxic to a wide variety of animals. I think you are very lucky that you didn't lose more of your tanks inhabitents.
Any time you use a drug that's intended for a different purpose than what you are using it for you need to check very carefully for any differences, such as added drugs that can be harmful to the animals you're treating.


06-12-2009, 02:53 PM
Hi everyone,
Just thought I'd share my 1st experience with Praziquantel.
2 of my discus had gill flukes i believe (they were breathing with one gill only) so I decided to run a treatment in my community tank. I have 55 gallon planted tank with 7 2.5 - 3 inch discus 3 BN high fin plecos, 4 Cory's sp.jully, 4 Otto's 2 Neritina Natalensis /Zebra Snail/ and god knows how many brown snails.
I couldn't find prazi for fish in my country so i purchased one for dog use. The pill contains 50mg of Prazi and 2 mg of abamectinum. I followed the dose of 100mg/10gal and i dissolved 12 tablets in maybe, well not more than 25ml of vodka (the cheapest i could find - 37.5% vol.) then mixed this solution into 10 gal. of water and added to the tank. After i poured everything in the tank the water looked kinda milky. I had to leave the house for about 3 hours and when i came back i went to check up on the tank. The discus seemed fine but i believe they were still breathing with one gill only( i'm certain about one of them and not sure about the other). Apart from that, they looked fine - picking for food at the bottom, came to greet me etc... After taking a closer look at the tank i spotted one of my zebra snails laying on the bottom with the shell opening pointing upwards. If you never had snails this generally means the snail is a ghost. I looked for the other one and it was on a piece of driftwood where there normally is loads of GSA but it was not moving. I looked for the small brown snails and saw maybe 4-5 of them with body overexposed from the shell (like they were trying to flee from it) and not moving. I could only find one of my BNs at the front part of my tank and although it was breathing it did not look happy at all. I thought the prazi might have done something to it so i decided to put it in a separate tank with good water. It took me about 20 minutes to set up the tank and by the time i was done the pleco had nearly "gone". Quickly i took it out and into the other tank and started searching for the other two plecos. I found them but they were hardly breathing. I put them into the other tank too, trying to save them. By this time my Cory's did not look good either. I caught them basically with my hand (it was easier with all the plants in the tank) and put them in the tank with both snails and the 3 BNs expecting them to die. I left them in there with heavy aireation and quickly did around 60% water change in the main tank because i did not want to start losing any of my discus. I guess i just panicked :o. While doing the WC i counted all 4 of the Otto's and they seemed fine. I did not bother catching them because is no fun trying to catch a little Otto that doesn't want to be caught in a planted tank...
So now about 6 hours after i dosed prazi i have 7 discus and 4 Otto's that look fine, 4 Cory's that may survive (not sure yet), 3 dead high fin BNs plecos and 2 probably dead zebra snails.
So to sum it up - 100mg/10gal of Prazi for 3 hours
1.was deadly to i guess all little brown snails and 3 of 3 BN's plecos.
2. Had very negative effect on 2 of 2 Zebra snail and 4 of 4 Cory's Sp. Jully
3. Had positive or no effect to all 7 discus and 4 Otto's.

Hope this helps anyone looking for answers. I'm not saying prazi shoud not be used as a medicine but rather as a word of warning. I would personally take all my catfish and snails, i want to keep alive, out of the comunity tank before i dose again.

P.S. Sorry if my English is bad but is not my mother tongue.

Sorry for your losses. Sometimes lessons are harsh, but by posting here and explaining what you used, and the results will prevent the same from happening to someone else in the future. I applaud you for sharing your story.

06-12-2009, 07:13 PM
To Kaceyo:

The problems you had were almost certainly due to the abamectinum that is in the pill along with the prazi. It contains an insecticide, which can be very toxic to a wide variety of animals.
I tried searching for abamectinum before I ran the treatment but the only two hits i got from google were in, i believe Polish, which sadly isn't one of my strongest languages :o. After reading your post i searched again, this time for abamectin and found out it was highly toxic to fish and extremely toxic to aquarium invertebrates. This i believe, explains all snail mortalities.
To shawnhu:

Sometimes lessons are harsh, but by posting here and explaining what you used, and the results will prevent the same from happening to someone else in the future.
I have learned so much from this forum that i felt i had to share this story in hopes to give anyone as detailed information, with approximate time frames, should he/she ever needs it.
Thank you for your sympathies.

09-21-2009, 10:09 PM
from what ive read most popular dewormers with prazi in Poland r:
ANIPRAZOL : prazikwantel, fenbendazol.

CESTAL PLUS: prazikwantel, pyrantel, fenbendazol.

DRONTAL PLUS : prazikwantel, febantel, pyrantel pamoatelu.

PRATEL : prazikwantel, pyrantel pamoate.

1000mg prazi / 100l 4-6 hours treatment

01-09-2010, 06:39 PM
I use "sera med Professional Tremazol" just once.

works for me fine,so what are you think ?

01-10-2010, 12:08 AM
Just started using Praiquantel in my tank one of the pair got Gill Flukes this is day three and I am seeing a lot good results. Was told by Fish Pharmaceuticals don't mix with other meds could have adverse reactions with all the fish in the tank.

01-10-2010, 12:37 PM
U can try PRAZIVET(google it) for bath it will kill few worms at one time and its safe when use as directed
1tablet for 5l of wtr+air stone , gh 4-10, temp 28C+-1,ph 6.5-6.8 bath 4-6 hours

03-09-2010, 04:54 AM
U can try PRAZIVET(google it) for bath it will kill few worms at one time and its safe when use as directed
1tablet for 5l of wtr+air stone , gh 4-10, temp 28C+-1,ph 6.5-6.8 bath 4-6 hours

Is Prazivet safe for fish? It contains Praziquantel (50mg) + Pyrantel Pamoate (144mg).

03-17-2010, 09:17 AM
hi i am currently treating my discus with parzi gold, may i know much how should i feed my discus during this treatment period?

03-17-2010, 09:22 AM
hi i am currently treating my discus with parzi gold, may i know much how should i feed my discus during this treatment period?

Never heard of this brand of Prazi feed, is it a pellet? If so, I would feed them the pellet exclusively for 5 days.


03-17-2010, 10:30 AM
er i mean while treating my discus with praziquentel how much tetrabits granules should i be feeding my discus during this treatment period?

03-17-2010, 10:36 AM
er i mean while treating my discus with praziquentel how much tetrabits granules should i be feeding my discus during this treatment period?

It doesn't really matter. If treating for tapeworms, I'd suggest a food that would help purge them. Something such as brine shrimp.


03-17-2010, 10:48 AM
Never heard of this brand of Prazi feed, is it a pellet? If so, I would feed them the pellet exclusively for 5 days.


er nope u misinterpreted my question :p im using this prazi gold by the brand eiho but even the prazi on its bottle is spelled wrongly -.-! it still cost around US$8 tho with the wrong spelling..

04-03-2010, 11:10 AM
I got me some Aquascience Prazi. The label says the 10 gram bottle doses 1000 gallons and treatment is for 7 days only. I read here on simply that I should treat for 3 weeks.
If I'm treating a 90 gallon tank. Would a 1 gram treatment be sufficient? Can I double the dosage... maybe 2 grams? I was thinking I'd dose 2 grams for 3 weeks, water change 50 percent once in the middle of each week and replace 1 gram back into the water.

Is this a good treatment? if not any recommendations?

04-03-2010, 11:14 AM
I got me some Aquascience Prazi. The label says the 10 gram bottle doses 1000 gallons and treatment is for 7 days only. I read here on simply that I should treat for 3 weeks.
If I'm treating a 90 gallon tank. Would a 1 gram treatment be sufficient? Can I double the dosage... maybe 2 grams? I was thinking I'd dose 2 grams for 3 weeks, water change 50 percent once in the middle of each week and replace 1 gram back into the water.

Is this a good treatment? if not any recommendations?

This depends on what you are treating for, are you treating for flukes or cestodes (tapeworms)?

04-03-2010, 11:22 AM

04-03-2010, 11:28 AM

Typically, its a 3 week treatment. Treat for 3 consecutive days and then 4 days off, then the cycle starts again, 3 days on 4 days off for total of 21 days.

Now, the reason why you see the one treatment for seven days on the package is because they assume you are not performing daily water changes. Also, "supposedly" prazi does not denature or weaken each passing day. I prefer to do a good tank clean/water change and re-dose each day. Its been a long time since I've used Praziquantel for flukes. You must have sensitive fish, such as tetras or scaleless fish.


04-03-2010, 11:35 AM
Yes I have a school of tetras, I figured I'd give that a try first before anything because its the safest.

Thanks again eddie

04-03-2010, 11:39 AM
Yes I have a school of tetras, I figured I'd give that a try first before anything because its the safest.

Thanks again eddie

Anytime man! Also, depending on your set-up, you may be able to just keep the tank filled half way to save on meds. Praziquantel powder is one of the more expensive products. Not sure if you filtration set-up will allow you to run your tank only half full.


04-20-2010, 02:19 PM
I had been using prazi... the LFS here sold a medication by the name of Tremisole... praziquentil was the sole active ingredient... just curious if anyone else had come across this brand?

05-08-2010, 04:24 PM
I have used prazipro. Seems to give the fish relief right away. I have fish that I'm not sure what the problem is. Can the filament show from under the gill plates if the fish has flukes for a long time or is it probably bacterial? Prazipro seemed to give them relief and breathing returned to normal for about 3-4 weeks. The filament seemed to get thinner and was harder to see. If this is bacterial what works well? I need a microscope. Breathing is starting to elevate again and the filament is starting to extend on a few of my fish.

05-08-2010, 09:14 PM
I have used prazipro. Seems to give the fish relief right away. I have fish that I'm not sure what the problem is. Can the filament show from under the gill plates if the fish has flukes for a long time or is it probably bacterial? Prazipro seemed to give them relief and breathing returned to normal for about 3-4 weeks. The filament seemed to get thinner and was harder to see. If this is bacterial what works well? I need a microscope. Breathing is starting to elevate again and the filament is starting to extend on a few of my fish.

Good info on gill issues.


05-10-2010, 05:46 PM
Thanks, this is very informative......and a bit scary.

05-11-2010, 08:42 PM
Typically, its a 3 week treatment. Treat for 3 consecutive days and then 4 days off, then the cycle starts again, 3 days on 4 days off for total of 21 days.

Now, the reason why you see the one treatment for seven days on the package is because they assume you are not performing daily water changes. Also, "supposedly" prazi does not denature or weaken each passing day. I prefer to do a good tank clean/water change and re-dose each day. Its been a long time since I've used Praziquantel for flukes. You must have sensitive fish, such as tetras or scaleless fish.


Why 3 weeks? IMO its better and not expesnive if u do the bath (prazi or salt) and move all fishes (after bath) to clean hospital for 3 days(9 if it was gill flukes - repeat bath ) and move them back to main tank(in main flukes gonna die after 2 days )

05-12-2010, 03:50 AM
Why 3 weeks? IMO its better and not expesnive if u do the bath (prazi or salt) and move all fishes (after bath) to clean hospital for 3 days(9 if it was gill flukes - repeat bath ) and move them back to main tank(in main flukes gonna die after 2 days )

If that is better for you, use your method. ;)

11-19-2010, 01:16 PM
I have used pure Praziquantel for 2 years now and have never had any adverse reactions. In fact, I have a much higher success rate with my discus. I have kept discus for 18 years. I use praziquantel on a regular basis, about every 3-6 months as I feed live white worms and on rare occassions, black worms. I was told by my Prazi source that you couldn't overdose with Prazi. Having said that, I still stick to the recommended amount. I puree mine with aquarium water, in a blender for a minute, let it sit for 15 minutes, and then puree it again for a couple minutes. It seems to dissolve almost completely this way. I have never tried vodka. Maybe I will. At any rate, I just wanted to express my experience with Prazi.

11-19-2010, 01:22 PM
I agree Eddie. If I think my discus' are having an issue, I always raise the temp. to 90 degrees and add salt, 1 cup per 50 gallons. That usually brings them around. If not, I go to plan B which is trying to diagnose the problem and responding accordingly.

11-19-2010, 01:29 PM
I also use salt first. But I'll add up to 3 cups per 50gal and don't raise the temp.

12-04-2010, 08:39 PM
I would like to ask, how long prazi is active in the water?

12-06-2010, 02:00 PM
I would like to ask, how long prazi is active in the water?I've just spoken with a fish vet (Fiona MacDonald) and she tells me that prazi will remain active for many days as it is stable in water.

12-06-2010, 04:57 PM
Thank you Paul

12-06-2010, 08:41 PM
I've just spoken with a fish vet (Fiona MacDonald) and she tells me that prazi will remain active for many days as it is stable in water.

I was also under the impression that Prazi did not dissipate or weaken over time. Good to know Paul, thanks for the vet verification.


02-13-2012, 04:46 PM
Hi all, I'm new to Discus. I have only 3 that survived shipping with flashing, breathing heavy, & head shakes. Water Params are good. Thankfully they are eating now. I was told to try Prazipro & ordered it. My ? is: should I follow the directions on the bottle, or is there a different recommendation from experienced discus enthusiasts? Please help...

02-13-2012, 05:39 PM
Hi all, I'm new to Discus. I have only 3 that survived shipping with flashing, breathing heavy, & head shakes. Water Params are good. Thankfully they are eating now. I was told to try Prazipro & ordered it. My ? is: should I follow the directions on the bottle, or is there a different recommendation from experienced discus enthusiasts? Please help...
WendyHello Wendy, if you do w/c's then replace any you remove, so if you changed 10 gallons, add enough back in to dose that 10 gallons. For flukes you will need to keep prazi in the water for 12 - 14 days.

02-19-2012, 09:01 PM
Paulf was at least partly right. Prazi does cause muscular contraction in cestids. However, the description of "violent contractions" is a bit on the extreme side. In lower concentrations, Prazi causes the worm to lose suction in their suckers, causing them to be expelled. There is also an action on the tegument, causing intestinal worms to be exposed to intestinal proteases that chew up the worms. If small enough, this results in their digestion.

In humans the description of the drug is amazingly benign. Side effects at even very high overdose concentrations has been associated with almost no side effects.

For fluke treatment, the contractions are, obviously, not important. For tapeworms, even large ones, the contractions are of no concern. The only concern would be from large worms and heavy infestations where the worms come loose and block the intestinal tract because they are in too large a size to be digested quickly.

The recommendation here would be to treat with Epsom salts when you use Prazi for tapeworm treatment to aid in expelling the dead and dying worms.

The other recommendation would be to treat with Prazi early, when worms are likely to be much smaller. In other words, treat all new fish as if they had tapeworms before introducing them to already treated fish.

I know this thread is old but I would like to ask something regarding this post. You adviced to use Epsom salt in conjunction with using prazi to help with expelling the tapeworm. How much Epsom salt per gallon is recommended? Thanks.

02-12-2013, 12:14 PM
Is this thread 'dead'? wanted some info please....

02-12-2013, 12:24 PM
Is this thread 'dead'? wanted some info please....

the thread started 7 years ago.. and 7 pages long.. what info are you looking for

02-19-2013, 11:06 AM
the thread started 7 years ago.. and 7 pages long.. what info are you looking for
I read through the thread and wanted to be clear on this.
I bought PraziPro and wanted to know when I dose I should do this for 3 days and continue water changes and re-dose for the amount of water I change, Then Re-dose after seven days for another three days?

05-15-2013, 08:05 AM
Hi all...is Praziquantel very costly compared to other typical discus medicines? In india I checked with a shop it is very costly

10-30-2013, 10:30 PM
I agree Eddie. If I think my discus' are having an issue, I always raise the temp. to 90 degrees and add salt, 1 cup per 50 gallons. That usually brings them around. If not, I go to plan B which is trying to diagnose the problem and responding accordingly.
What type of salt do u use?

09-08-2014, 11:38 PM
I realize that this is a very old post, but it just became very pertinent to my situation. I've come to the conclusion that some discus (just like some people) are simply allergic to certain medications. I just recently treated my tank with PraziPro because I thought I could be dealing with a fluke issue. And since I've heard so much about how PraziPro is supposedly so safe for ALL fish, and because flukes would mean the entire tank is compromised, I figured that there was no reason not to treat the entire tank. And the PraziPro did in fact prove to have no ill effects on 14 out of 15 of my discus. However, one discus (picture attached) immediately went dark and had shed a lot of his slime coat within the first hour. It's a good thing I was watching closely, or I'm quite sure he would have died soon. Anyway, just thought I would share. Again, I just think some fish are allergic to Prazi, just like some humans are allergic to penicillin.


05-02-2015, 10:56 PM
I have been using liquid Prazipro this week on all my discus for fluke treatment. I have 5 large ones in a 55 gallon and 4 smaller 3 to 3.5 inch in another 55 gallon and dosed both aquariums the same. I went by a quarantine schedule of day 1 full dose, day 2 50% W/C half dose, day 3 50% W/C no dose and start again with a full dose on day 4 and so on for 21 days. Today was day 4 with a full dose and after several hours the
smaller discus started acting extremely skittish and breathing fast and just going crazy except for one. The larger discus were not acting differently except for one that always acts slightly lethargic when I administer prazipro. I immediately put all the smaller discus in another tank that was already to go with clean water. The worst affected one immediately calmed down. I am going to be very careful from now on with using Prazipro.
prazipro as it definitely affects some of the fish badly.

09-03-2015, 03:46 PM
This is my third seperate incident of my discus having bad reactions to prazipro. I used the prescribed measurement for a 55 gallon aquarium. All 3 incidents were juvenile discus about 3 to 3.5 inches big that started darting fast and acting strange..... now whenever they get scared or stressed for no reason they have a siezure that lasts about 2 minutes and then they are ok. The larger discus were never affected that I can tell. Now, I am being very careful to use this medication and am looking at other alternatives for fluke infestation.