View Full Version : EMERGENCY!!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP ME!

12-18-2006, 12:37 PM
Hey guys we noticed a leak in our garage and I went upstairs to my room and my new 55gal is cracked!!! A big *** one in the back...water is pouring everywhere..

I do not have time to set up another tank...What am i gonna do with my babies from Kenny? They are still in QT!!!!!!!!! I have had them a month!

The water is going quick! WE are takiing some out to get below the crack line!!

I need some advice please!!!!! Really quick man!!!!!!!

12-18-2006, 12:38 PM
I am going to have to put htme in another discus tank????? OMG! CAn I do that????

Please some onen come soon!!

12-18-2006, 12:39 PM
put them in their water storage container.

12-18-2006, 12:42 PM
I do not have one liz!! We just moved here!! My house is boxed mess! Tell me something....to put them in my other tanks is hella dumb yes???

don't answer that ~

We are blow the crack line now but ....it will prolly crack more!! Real soon!

12-18-2006, 12:43 PM
put them in their water storage container.

Failing that as big a bucket/container that you have with the sponges/filters from the qt tank. Buy yourself time to get another tank up.

12-18-2006, 12:45 PM
If they haven't shown any symptoms go ahead and put them in with your others, this is an emergency.

Your others are they OK? Or were they the ones with the gill problems? Have you been using different water changing equipment for everybody or the same? If it is the same it is a moot point and put them in with the others.


That stinks about the tank :(.


12-18-2006, 12:45 PM
the bath as an emergency. Rinse thouroughly with hot water first.

12-18-2006, 12:46 PM
Don't you have a 20 gallon? Or your 35 gallon tank you used to have the malawis in is empty?

12-18-2006, 12:47 PM
the bath as an emergency. Rinse thouroughly with hot water first.

I was just going to say that Paul, but didn't feel confident to actually say it. :D

12-18-2006, 12:56 PM
I was just going to say that Paul, but didn't feel confident to actually say it. :D
Basically anything thats clean and can hold water will do for a short while.:)

12-18-2006, 12:57 PM
Good to know for future reference.

12-18-2006, 01:00 PM
the bath as an emergency. Rinse thouroughly with hot water first.

The BATHTUB!!! okay okay

12-18-2006, 01:09 PM
Don't forget your Prime, make sure that the water doesn't sud up (soap still in the tub).


12-18-2006, 01:15 PM
The BATHTUB!!! okay okay

Why not? as long as its clean and holds water. :)

12-18-2006, 01:23 PM
Holy Crap I jinxed you!

12-18-2006, 01:28 PM
I'll probably get a lot of hate posts for this, but I agree with Tina, just put them with your other fish. Personally I would not use the bath tub, only because I don't see how you could possibly get it free enough from soap residue. Soap and discus definately do not mix IMO.

12-18-2006, 01:30 PM
I'll probably get a lot of hate posts for this, but I agree with Tina, just put them with your other fish.
Its not unreasonable after 4 weeks qt. Add the sponge too if you do this it will keep up with the bioload then.

12-18-2006, 01:41 PM
a burket with air stone or sponge filter will be ok.dont mix the fishes since they all in new enviroment.


12-18-2006, 01:46 PM

Do you have a big igloo cooler? I think I remember you said you had one that you transported your fish in during the move?


12-18-2006, 01:47 PM
Don't you have a 20 gallon? Or your 35 gallon tank you used to have the malawis in is empty?

I do Barb....I have my 35 gal...we are going to clean it now. My fav one, the Golden Albino jumped out of the net and flew in the corner...and Raja almost ate him.

Talk about the morning from hell

12-18-2006, 01:52 PM
Why not? as long as its clean and holds water. :)

Hey Paul I thought that was a great idea! But we cld not get all the suds out and so we dug in the garage and found the 18gal rubber maid that we transferred them all over here in when we moved...

They are in there now Paul...with air, sponges, heat...I turned the heat down to like 70 tho cuz it is a big heater...right?

I also..well, he flew, the Albino flew out of the net all the way to the corner and was almost eaten by Raja Paul! He does not look good:(

I am sick and I am feeling the tears coming man....Now I have to put them in a 35 gal...I so can not get a new 55 gal now...or in the future...there is no way Paul ~

Tell me ~ you would absolutely NOT mix these fish with my others?

They are going to be stunded now in a tank too small:(

12-18-2006, 01:53 PM
Well, hopefully, later on when things settle down and everyone turns out fine, we can laugh about Raja and the Ninja Albino.:o http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_6_7.gif

12-18-2006, 01:53 PM
dont mix the fishes since they all in new enviroment.


EVER Forrest?

12-18-2006, 01:55 PM
No, they won't be stunted in the smaller tank for now:) . Let's hope Santa hears about your morning for heck-a-doodle and you get a new tank for Christmas. How long was the warranty for and you had it on a proper stand too, I think?

12-18-2006, 02:04 PM

These are small fish right. So for a few weeks in a 35 they will be fine. First thing is to get the 35 up and running, nice and clean then move the filter sponge and heater in there, then the fish. From there it will be down to the w/c's more than anything else.

With the albino, do a salt dip on the way into the new tank, it will "clean" it and help with any possible external injuries.

Focus on getting those things done, that way the fish will be safe. The future will take care of itself for now :)

As for mixing them, we'll talk about that later but it can be done and can be done safely, provided reasonable care is taken. Forrest is right at the moment though, best not to just yet.

Oh and I have kept fish (not discus admitedly) in the bath, I knocked a speaker into a tank, not good :( but we live and learn!

12-18-2006, 02:12 PM
The bathtub can look clean, but be microbiologically filthy!! At the very least, rinse thoroughly with HOT water.

A five gal bucket(s), preferably with water salvaged from the tank would be better IMO. Airstone minimum.. sponge better. Keep a 32 gal rubbermaid on hand in the future events of this sort of thing ( I keep several), large enough for the entire school of fish plus room for filtration and heaters.

Good Luck.. we'll be holding our breathes until we hear back


12-18-2006, 02:40 PM
This is a total drag but there is NO problem putting them in a 35. Just stay completeyl on top of water changes and feed normally, Marie. It's not that big a deal. You have some time while you get another 55 together. there are always used tanks floating around.
Good luck

12-18-2006, 02:58 PM

These are small fish right. So for a few weeks in a 35 they will be fine. First thing is to get the 35 up and running, nice and clean then move the filter sponge and heater in there, then the fish. From there it will be down to the w/c's more than anything else.

With the albino, do a salt dip on the way into the new tank, it will "clean" it and help with any possible external injuries.

Focus on getting those things done, that way the fish will be safe. The future will take care of itself for now :)

As for mixing them, we'll talk about that later but it can be done and can be done safely, provided reasonable care is taken. Forrest is right at the moment though, best not to just yet.

Oh and I have kept fish (not discus admitedly) in the bath, I knocked a speaker into a tank, not good :( but we live and learn!

Paul, Back when I was a newbie I actually used my bath as a water storage container. I'd fill the tub with water of the correct temperature, put in a sump pump to make a fountain and aerate the water while I did my other chores (I milked goats twice a day back then), then I'd come back and use the aerated water for my WC. All I did was rinse the tub well. I never had a problem with soap residue even though I bathed in this tub every day. The reason I quit doing it that way was that the water may have become over oxygenated. The pH went way higher than water that was aerated the normal way. I felt that the constant pH swings weren't good for the fish. Besides I got more tanks that the bath could accomadate for WC.

12-18-2006, 03:10 PM
Oh Marie, I can't believe this. At least it sounds like things are starting to calm down a little bit (hopefully). I'm sure your Albino will be fine. I have had some do that before but it was jumping out of the tank and laying on the floor for a couple seconds before I realized it had jumped out. Keep your chin up.

12-18-2006, 04:09 PM
Hey Guys ~ I have the 35 all set up and I pulled the sponges and air and heater to put in there...But...the prob now is the tank is only 82! They are coming from almost 90...as I had high heat for a while for they were new...

We ran out of hot water:( I kicked the heater up and added the light and closed the tank to keep in some heat ...but now they are in the rubbermaid with no air or heat man!

Shld I just put them in the tank or is it way too cold?? I am going to check the hot water in a bit..this place runs out so quick ~

Here are some pics ~

Thank you all so much!

Oh...and someone bought me a new tank...from here:) I was notified and to pick it up at Capitol...our lfs! It was Amber guys ~ I am going to kick her *** and she knows it!

talk about tears~

Marie ~


12-18-2006, 04:22 PM
Are you putting the new tank where the old one was? By saying that, it is a possibility that your tank crack because of what it was sitting on, whether it be the stand or the floor that the standing is on.

12-18-2006, 04:25 PM
I can't believe nobody said ductape....:crazy:

White Worm
12-18-2006, 04:28 PM
82 would be fine. You could always boil some water and add it slowly. I wondered why she was saying "not anymore"...how nice is that!!!!

12-18-2006, 04:48 PM
Marie, I would get them into the tank. They may be stressed a little while, but it's not good to have them in water with no aeration. Put them in, turn the lights off, and leave them alone for the rest of the day. No food or light. They should be fine in the morning.


12-18-2006, 05:14 PM
Oh Marie!!! What a thing to wake up to! I am sure glad you noticed the water.

And what trooper Amber is! Very nice Christmas present!! Your babies will be fine. Dont worry about that. I have had jumpers that did ok afterwards.

Keep us all informed!

12-18-2006, 05:16 PM
I can't believe nobody said ductape....:crazy:

Duct tape

12-18-2006, 05:22 PM
Are you putting the new tank where the old one was? By saying that, it is a possibility that your tank crack because of what it was sitting on, whether it be the stand or the floor that the standing is on.

Nope ~ no more tanks upstairs:mad:

12-18-2006, 05:24 PM
I can't believe nobody said ductape....:crazy:

Well this friend of my came over and said he could fix that crack! umm...that'd be No!

Don't think I will see HIM anymore ~

12-18-2006, 05:25 PM
Marie, I would get them into the tank. They may be stressed a little while, but it's not good to have them in water with no aeration. Put them in, turn the lights off, and leave them alone for the rest of the day. No food or light. They should be fine in the morning.


I did Ryan ~ just now ~ they are not looking all that at the moment:( I did add some salt...The temp is rising a bit too ~

Hell ~ I am stressed Ryan! lol! What a morning~

12-18-2006, 05:29 PM
Ah Marie! What a day, huh?
Glad the fish are ok and getting a new tank. I shudder to think what would have happened if you hadn't been there to save them!

12-18-2006, 06:59 PM
I cracked a 70 gallon tank once, which then exploded all over our 10th floor apartment. We put the fish in the bath tub, and all survived. Any large container will work temporarily. We put the fish in a large plastic waste basket after we bought it, so we could take a shower again. Just make sure to use your filter from the cracked tank in whatever new container you put them in (the 35 gallon tank, for example), and everything will remain cycled and you will have a cycled filter for the new tank you get.

The glass can be replaced, if you really want to keep the tank, but the cut and polished new piece of glass my cost more than a new tank.

Almost certainly, the crack was caused by flexibility in the stand on which you put the tank, assuming that the bottom of the tank frame was evenly supported by the stand.

12-18-2006, 08:11 PM
Ummm, is that house a rental? What'll the landlord say? Any damage to the floor?


12-18-2006, 08:22 PM
What'll the landlord say? Any damage to the floor?


Who's gonna tell em? ;) Guess what Marie has been doing all day lol.. cleaning up water! She and Amber got it all cleaned up since they were home when it happened, so there shouldn't be any damage...


12-19-2006, 11:21 AM
This is a total drag but there is NO problem putting them in a 35. Just stay completeyl on top of water changes and feed normally, Marie. It's not that big a deal. You have some time while you get another 55 together. there are always used tanks floating around.
Good luck

Had to go and fine your post woman and thank you Harriett:) Thank you for being here! I put them in the 35gal and they are doing great Harriett! They look hella bigger tho! LOL!



Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/8/8_2_58.gif

12-19-2006, 02:01 PM
I notice your tank is close to the window. May not be a good idea since the cold draft and sunshine from the window may swing your tank temp up and down too much for the discus.

12-19-2006, 02:20 PM
I notice your tank is close to the window. May not be a good idea since the cold draft and sunshine from the window may swing your tank temp up and down too much for the discus.

Marie knows this :) Remember.. this was an emergency and she had to get that tank up quick.. didn't have time to rearrange ;)