View Full Version : best foods

12-21-2006, 02:41 PM
Hi, I don't want to do the "beef heart" food thing and would like to know what types of "frozen" foods are best for Discus??


White Worm
12-21-2006, 03:24 PM
Cant go wrong with Hikari Frozen Blood Worms (cubes are easy to feed).

12-21-2006, 03:42 PM
There is no one best food. Research shows that discus require protein, carbohydrates, and essential fats in there diet. These also must be in specific proportions to maintain a wellness for your fish. People are often fooled into thinking more is better. Money is the only thing I can think of that that works for ;) . Diets of protein content exceeding 50% are totally unneeded. Excessive protein leads to problems of water quality, and unused protein in the digestive tract is food for pathogens such as nematodes and flagellates. Foods lacking carbohydrates, such as beefheart and those nasty CBW's, if fed exclusively also lead to health issues. Carbs are needed to build the protective slime coat as well as other proteins needed by the discus. Essential fats are also needed by the discus for proper bodily functions as well. Essential fats, fats which must be fed to discus because their bodies do not produce them, must be fed in the diet. The essential oils are not contained in beef and must be supplied by feeding cold water ocean fish. Salmon is an excellant source of these oils and is recommended by top fish nutritionists, as is krill.

There are some very good pellet foods available that ought to be used as a supplimental food for your discus for a better overall balanced diet that contain the proper carbohydrates and other nutrients your discus need, as well as added vitamins and minerals. People are making a mistake by not utilizing pellets and quality flake foods, IMO based on readings of research that I have done.

Remember, discus do have a strong enough immune system to fight off most pathogens when healthy. Almost all discus diseases are due to prolonged stress caused from poor enviromental conditions (dirty water, wrong parameters, etc.) and improper diets. These conditions we can control.



White Worm
12-21-2006, 07:45 PM
Yeah, what he said......I use pellets, dried foods and frozen types. They just go crazy when I drop in the FBW's.

12-21-2006, 11:14 PM
Okay thanks everyone. I guess I am doing the right thing then. I feed frozen brineshrimp, frozen blood worms both by Hikari (I prefer this brand) and I also feed a mix of flaked food (staple, brineshrimp, spirulina) all mixed up. I just want to make sure that my Discus gets a good diet.

I am highly alergic to bloodworms and find the frozen Hikari in the sheets are best for me so I don't have to touch them, just break it off in the package and then onto a spoon. I break out with hives if it touches my skin and if it gets near my face I have swollen eyes in seconds. Nasty believe me.

I have offered Krill, will not touch it so I will stick with what is working for me right now.

Thanks everyone.......:angel:

12-22-2006, 12:22 AM
Ive been using the frozen hikari mysis shrimp. Its good for the discus and mine seem to like them, esp when I mix it with the hilari frozen bloodworms. I also feed san francisco bays emerald entree. I dont feed that often...maybe twice a week, but its got daphnia, brine shrimp, spirulina, spinach, etc. Good stuff.

12-22-2006, 12:44 AM
My fish go crazy for the bloodworms too.

Bainbridge Mike
12-22-2006, 12:57 AM
I think my fish like the hikari blood worms better than the San Francisco brand. I used to prefer the cubes--but after a while (and when you have more fish) the cubes become a pain in the butt and it is quicker and easier to break off a few chunks from a flat pack.


12-22-2006, 02:25 AM
... I used to prefer the cubes--but after a while (and when you have more fish) the cubes become a pain in the butt and it is quicker and easier to break off a few chunks from a flat pack.


And a lot cheaper too!


01-12-2007, 02:08 AM
I just have a tank with 6 rt's an 4 ss's. I could throw shot pellets in the tank an they would try an eat it. I have not yet tossed anything in the tank they haven't tried to eat!

I have put flakes, FBW's,(flats an cubes) FBS, color bits, color granuals, shrimp pellets, an they devour it all. I am going to start feedin em RW's soon. The have been thrivin on the the color granuals for the most part.