View Full Version : 45g tank with Discus

12-27-2006, 05:38 AM
Hi, im 15 and i have a 45 usg tank. I have 4 Discus which are 4" along with 15 cardinals , 15 rummy noses and an otto. I do daily water changes of 20%. The tank is heavily planted with pressurized co2 and im using the EI method. I have eheim 2026 external filteration. My question is could i get a snowball pleco for this tank? I have heard about them attaching to Discus slime coat but that seems a rare occurance.

12-27-2006, 06:51 AM
Its possible, the tank is already at a reasonable bio load. Although I've never kept a snowball plec (L102) they only grow to around 5" or so. According to the books I have they wont do too well at discus temps, the range given is 72 to 79f. Based on this I would say not to. If the plec is wanted for algae removal you will be hard pressed to beat the BN Plec.

Welcome to Simply btw :)


12-27-2006, 08:56 AM
Thanks. Im growing a riccia carpet so do i still need to clean the sand?

12-27-2006, 10:50 AM
Ah, problem with any plec and riccia is the plec distrubing the riccia when its foraging. You don't want to leave uneaten food in the plants as that will badly affect the water quality, which is important for discus. I successfully keep BN's though in my planted tank and that has E.Tenellus they dont uproot too much of that. Some pepper cory or sterbai corys may be a good choice, but only a couple as you are near your limit in that tank and w/c regime.

12-27-2006, 11:49 AM
I have had a Snowball Pleco with my Discus for over a year now, and have had no problems.