View Full Version : Questions on my new Discus & Planted Tank situation

12-28-2006, 09:40 PM
I have 3 small discus I just got around 3-4 days ago. They are still hiding
a bit behind the Plants .. Size wize, 3 inches plus....

I have other fish in the Tanks as well. ( Apisto's, Rasboros)
My Question,
How long generally does it take to acclimate for these guys?
I've heard sometimes a while..... ( They're still breathing a bit heavy but are eating some)

How would I intice them to come out? I know that with Planted Tanks this
sometimes can be a drawback but, with time they'll come out when more comfortable.. PH- 6.9 Temp 83-84. Nitrates, Ammonia 0....
Well established tank 2 yrs. WC's @ 50% per day for at least a wk. for them. then will back off a little... Water is Cured first..
I am setting up a growout tank now and will transfer very soon. (Barebottem)

12-29-2006, 12:21 AM
There is a saying something along the lines of "have something to hide behind, and they shall hide". They are also new to the tank and will take a bit to settle in. Once you get your other tank set up, you can get them in there, feed them well, lots of water changes and they'll prosper.

12-29-2006, 12:44 AM
that's pretty much my feelings as well.. I know they will not grow out
to their full potential in this particular tank..
Thank You...

12-29-2006, 12:48 AM
Don't forget, we'd love photos of your new little ones!:)

12-29-2006, 02:41 AM
I will try and get pictures soon. I am new to this but have been into
Planted Tanks for a couple yrs. now. Running Pressurized systems.. I am starting to get hooked on the Discus though!! Oh BOY!!!

12-29-2006, 11:31 AM
Get some really really yummy food, like fbw or California Black Worms and feed it to them in the open, after a while they'll recognize you as the food wagon and come out whenever they see you!

Did you quarantine them? How's your water change routine? Try doing a big water change too may help.


12-29-2006, 12:45 PM
You say you have a pressurized system but not what your CO2 ppm is. It's been my experience that discus don't do too well in a water column with more than 30 ppm CO2 in it. Also, IMO your fish are still too young to be in a tank like that. They need too much food too often to grow very well in a tank that isn't BB. My suggestion would be to remove them to a BB tank and grow them out until they are at least 5". The other thing to remember is at that size water changes often are very important, doing a water change once a week just will not work well (not that I'm saying this is what you are doing).

03-15-2007, 02:19 AM
They now have been moved (sometime back) to a BB Tank and are doing
very well.. WCs, 50% everyday... ( pre-conditioned)
