View Full Version : Spawning Cones

12-30-2006, 10:14 AM
Just would like a bit of discussion on spawning cones.:)
1. What type do you use?
2. Why do you prefer to use that type? (price, cleanliness, fish like it...)
3. Where do you get them?
4. How much do they cost?
5. Do your fish seem to prefer one type better than other types?
6. How do you care for it? How do you clean it? How often?....

Any other comments are welcome:) Pics would be great too.
Thank You

12-30-2006, 12:03 PM
1. I use the cone only kind, no lip
2. All of those reasons. Very easy to keep clean (as in sterile), the price at $10 each is right, my fish actually seem to usually prefer laying on a sword plant, but when they don't it's always on the cone.
3. Bill Eagan
4. $10 each
5. I only use this type
6. It is put into a bucket of dilute bleach after every use, the cone is actually made of plastic so it cleans up perfectly. It looks like it's made of terra cotta though, actually it even feels like clay when you hold it (correct weight, slightly rough). Since it has no lip I only use it in BB tanks, but that isn't a concern since all my spawning tanks are BB.

12-30-2006, 12:43 PM
I use just about everything... I have clay cones... plastic cones without a lip, Rose Flower pots, Pvc pipes..etc..... and I also use "the Kenny Cheung Special" , your ordinary Brick.:)

Probably one of my favorites are white clay ones I bought years ago from Jim Quarles. I also really like the plastic cones without a lip and PVC ones....These are easy to clean and since non-porous have certain benefits..

They all work pretty much the same for me...


12-30-2006, 05:57 PM
My preferance is the tank panels. They're cheap (built right in ;) ), easy to wipe down, and the discus seem to find them satisfactory as I have a throwback SS and RSG guarding eggs right now that they laid on the tank end.

I have some that I bought from JQ as well. I use them on occasion. They gather detritus though under the rims which I don't like. I've also made all sorts of PVC spawning substrates as well. But, at the end of the day, the tank glass works just fine for me. It is easy to screen as well if need be.


12-30-2006, 07:24 PM
I have used most of the "stuff" around but I have found that the pvc has been the best for me. I fill it with sterilized sand and then silicone and glue the joints.


12-30-2006, 07:34 PM
It would seem my Ocean Greens prefer the floor of the aquarium, despite having the choice of the glass panels or a Kenny Cheung special...:confused:

I like Jim's PVC special above though, might give them a try.

I like the plastic terra cotta like cones too, for all the reasons previously given.

12-30-2006, 08:35 PM
Ive used everything and anything in the past....from bricks to ceramic cones...PVC and flower pots...OH! and old plastic cup filled with sand once.

I prefer a regular clay flowerpot over everything else, cheap, and easy to clean.


Strangest one Ive heard of was a ceramic Chicken...I believe that one belonged to our beloved Prilly.;)

Kenny's Discus
12-30-2006, 09:14 PM
It would seem my Ocean Greens prefer the floor of the aquarium, despite having the choice of the glass panels or a Kenny Cheung special...:confused:

I like Jim's PVC special above though, might give them a try.

I like the plastic terra cotta like cones too, for all the reasons previously given.

Hey Paul I prefer to have my name associated with a new discus strain rather than a piece of breeding brick...but I'm honored either way LOL. :D :D :D :D

Thanks Paul...yes I use bricks for breeding purposes.:p


12-30-2006, 09:44 PM
I don't know... I kind of like the name "Kenny Cheung Special":) simple yet elegant in design...this inert clay based building brick will entice your discus to spawn prolifically.. Used by the famous Kenny Cheung of "International Discus" Fame.

I have no doubt that the "Kenny Cheung RGD Special " is on the way!;):D:D:D


Kenny's Discus
12-30-2006, 10:08 PM
I don't know... I kind of like the name "Kenny Cheung Special":) simple yet elegant in design...this inert clay based building brick will entice your discus to spawn prolifically.. Used by the famous Kenny Cheung of "International Discus" Fame.

I have no doubt that the "Kenny Cheung RGD Special " is on the way!;):D:D:D


:D :D :D :D I wish Al but thank you.

In re the breeding substrate I did use breeding cones/clay pots in the past but I myself have found that giving them a flat surface seems to make the pairs lay their eggs in a more tight/concentrated pattern...but the difference I noticed was very small. JME
