View Full Version : advice please

12-30-2006, 02:59 PM
I would love some advice before I buy or do anything here. I currently have a 20 gal with my one discus. The fish is just awesome and doing very well. I use plastic plants (been the live root before) and I have a school of 5 neons and a baby bristlenose with the Discus.

I would love to have a "bit" bigger tank of 25 or 29 gal. We don't have the room for anything bigger.

So if I went to either of these tanks could I put 2 rams in with this Discus or would they cause trouble??

I would love one more Discus but would either of these tanks be big enough for the 2 of them??

I do not want to do any breeding, just a nice display tank.

Your thoughts greatly appreciated.....:angel:

12-30-2006, 04:19 PM
If you went with a 29 it would work. But you would likely run into an aggression problem with the 2 Discus unless they were the same size and of opposite sex. JMO BTW, the Neons wont live long at the high temps the Discus need. When they start dieing, replace them with Cardinals.

12-30-2006, 04:25 PM
I'd see if I could fit a 45 gal tall ..The foot print between it and a 29 is only something like 6 " more and it will give you a good size tank for 4 Discus.


12-30-2006, 11:23 PM
What do you think about Hex tanks??
