View Full Version : Other fish Hobbies Poll

01-02-2007, 06:28 AM
Hi all,
Looking for some site stats, can you all take a moment to participate in this poll. Feel free to describe exactly what you keep in addition to discus.


You Can select all that Apply!!!!

01-02-2007, 09:39 AM
Hey, where's the vote for invertibrate/planted tanks? LOL


(since it is hard to sneak in another discus tank with DH, trying to go the other way with a smaller shrimp tank :))


01-02-2007, 09:56 AM
I like fish that are compatible in a community with Discus. Right now I have fry form Discus, Angels, German Blue Rams, and Pearl Gouramis. (I also have fry form a pair of hemichromis lifalili, but I use them for live food lol) I recently got a pair of kribs. They were doing some heavy flirting for a while. I guess I won't know if they did the deed until one comes out of the cave with a swarm of little 'uns. I think my Bristle nose are too young yet. I think my 3 Corydoras Sterbai are all of the same sex (sigh). I'd like to find some nice Gold Rams and some pretty long finned Rosy Barbs like I once had.

01-02-2007, 11:20 AM
I also have a 75G c02 injected planted tank with angels, congo tetras, clown loaches, black neons an sae's.

Needs a trim, an the lone hygro will be gone as soon as I get my swords.

01-02-2007, 04:00 PM
Good thread Al,
I keep freshwater stingrays, motoro's and reticualatas, also have one lonely yeppezi, great fish! Also have a lonely Midas cichild that's calles Jumbo, he is my pet fish and a lot of fun!


01-02-2007, 04:28 PM
My discus are suppose to be my 'pretty planted' tank eventually. The majority of my fish are WC and F1 africans, with a few nice tank raised species that I breed and raise fry from.

My other tanks are:

6 foot cyphos bismarck
6 foot mixed malawi (phenochilus, borleyi, cyno 'mbamba', cobalts, peacocks, yellow labs)
4 foot mixed malawi (Capido trew. Mloto likoma, placido electra, estherae, cobues, longiors)
4 foot (cyps & tropheus 'lunangwa')
5 foot (tropheus kiriza & red rainbow, & tang irsacae 'moba)

various other maternity and grow out tanks!

That's me in a nutshell!

01-02-2007, 04:31 PM
I keep mostly chiclids and catfish. Here is my list:
100g planted with 10 one year old P. Altums
55g with 7 Heros Rotkeil (red shouldered Severums)
5X15g with various Apistos
55g witha breeding pair of C. Nicaraguens
40g with a colony of S. Petricola
40g with a colony of S. Multipunctatus
a few BN pleco breeding tanks
a few tanks of Lake Tanganika Lamprologous chiclids.
All in my crawl space.

01-02-2007, 04:41 PM
There's a new 90 with 3 Rams in it that will have some discus in it shortly. Then beside it, there's 175 with about 60 Africians. Then outside I have a 5000gallons pond for my 17 koi of which about half are show quality.

The koi have a winter home in a separate building that has a 2500 gallon & a 750 gallon holding tanks, that are heated, filtered etc.......The old 60 is set up out there as a QT

Water changes around here are a big deal:bandana:

01-02-2007, 04:50 PM
Me thinks we need to add a few more sections to the forum..:)


01-02-2007, 05:12 PM
I'm a little surprised that we don't have more saltwater folks.

01-02-2007, 05:39 PM
I am surprised how few people have discus tanks since this is a discus forum. I have a 90 gallon planted tank and very soon will have 7 of Als angels. I also have a small pond with a few fish and lilies. Ed

01-02-2007, 08:38 PM

I am surprised how few people have discus tanks since this is a discus forum. If you look at the Poll.. Discus tank wasn't an option.... I gave an option for Discus tanks only...

Aside from one or two participants , almost everyone here has discus:) what the poll tells us is..alot of people keep more than just discus@!:):):)


01-02-2007, 10:20 PM
i think we need another poll for how many discus tanks our members have...we all have discus..and most of us are " OUT OF CONTROL!!!"
for instance..none other than brew..who has a few..jack..how many? 300 tanks? or is it 500 now? : )
i have...7 me thinks.(thats 7 tanks..not 7 discus. : ) ..and..i do have guppies..and a token comet and goldfish.

01-02-2007, 10:45 PM
Well................I have a 220 gal pond outside, with comet goldfish, its got lilies and anacharis, pickerel rush. I have the 10 gal cherry shrimp tank, planted, due for an overhaul. They are prolific lil boogers! Then there's the planted praecox tank, 29 gal, 7 praecox, 2 albino BN. The 10 gal guppy tank, perpetual baby machines, those guys and gals. Of course, the 150 planted discus tank, rummies, cardinals, BNs, cories, and Amano shrimp. Its a busy tank, that's for sure.

01-02-2007, 11:29 PM
I think that the poll is asking what else we keep besides our discus. Well besides the panted discus tank, I have a planted 25 gallon angels tank with rummys in it and a few yo-yo loaches, a 125 gallon rainbows tank(soon to be planted),a 10 gallon planted tank with some brilliant rasboras, a 2 and 1/2 gallon planted betta tank, a 2 gallon planted betta tank, and yes I have a saltwater tank too. My saltwater tank is a 60 gallon reef that has been up and running now for more then a year.


01-06-2007, 06:13 AM
I just started fish room construction, so the list will be growing in Spring. Here is what I have right now.

30 gallon with a dozen goldfish fry. Mutts from the pond, but something to look at over the winter.

72 gallon bowfront with assorted angels

90 gallon African cichlid tank (Tanganyikan species)

1500 gallon pond/watergarden with assorted goldfish types, and lots of lillies.

01-06-2007, 10:06 AM
I have other than three discus tanks ~ I have a ten gal Goby tank and a goby and Rams in with my discus ~

I hope to set up my 20gal ..with real plants and a puffer and my 35 gal with something....soon~

Marie ~ :)

01-06-2007, 10:21 AM
I keep mermaids...can't get them to spawn, though....:crazy:

01-06-2007, 10:39 AM
:) Hi y'all, I finally have discus, 8 Heckels with 4 dwarf Bns, in my 125g...but my wish list, am working on: 1st I need 2 or 3 big guys to bring my 110g & 90g tanks in out of the trailer, lol...the "cowboy" who was going to help had a horse accident so he's out of the loop at the moment, but getting better....
Once they are set up, GBRams from Liz, lol Liz; & Bastalker's tank of green really inspires me, it's gorgeous....SW & a Radiata Lionfish is 1st, then a cichlid tank or 2, but more discus is in the works....Al, you did say you might be able to help with the "red" Curipera.....
So much to do, so little time....Squiggy, I wanna see pics of that Mermaid, lol,..........Dottie ;)