View Full Version : My Very First Shipment

01-03-2007, 11:09 AM
I have an order coming from Kenny and Louis with International Discus and they were due to arrive here this morning around 10-11am. I have been feeling fine about this, not nervous at all, until the past few hours. Being my first time recieving fish thru the mail. I was trying to keep myself busy and was preping a bucket in my bedroom (getting an air tube near to it etc) so when my fish get here.. I can drip acclimate them.

I came back out and looked at my tracking info again and what does it say? DELIVERY EXCEPTION at 9:22am!! It was 9:30!! ***!! There was no knock on my door! My children were playing IN THAT ROOM.. and would have come and gotten me!

I run ouside anyways (in my shorts and barefeet in the 50 degree weather!) and look for a note.. No note.

I rush back in and start looking for a number to call. Not even two min has passed when Kenny is calling me!! If it was not for Kenny.. I think I would be bawling my eyes out right now.

Kenny calmed me down and I called FedEx and the guy says that the driver spoke to someone and the COD check was not ready so that is why they were going to come back later today.


Long story short.. the delivery driver went to the house across the street!!! I dont even know that neighbor! Anyways.. they put in a note for the drive to come back ASAP due to live fish being the package.

I have to say Thanks to Kenny! For being so on top of it too and calling me. I was freaking out! On the verge of tears.. not knowing who to call. It does not helpt that I am most likely pregnant! Yes.. I said pregnant. That might explain why you could not understand me on the phone Kenny lol..

I really really appreciate your call Kenny! I will call when I get them!

01-03-2007, 11:34 AM
Just another reason I like to have mine held for pickup at the FedEx facility.

I'm sure the fish will be fine. There are always some nail-biting moments when your fish are at the mercy of a FedEx driver.


01-03-2007, 11:46 AM
. It does not helpt that I am most likely pregnant! Yes.. I said pregnant.


01-03-2007, 11:53 AM
LOL I knew you were going to do that Marie!

Ryan.. yeah.. probably would have been better, but not very easy for me. Dont forget I have two small kids.. just moved into this house and dont know my way around Portsmouth very well.. and they went into Norfolk which is like 20-30 min away thru the tunnel and I am not really sure how to get there lol. I'd have to go by myself with the girls and trying to get a box of fish to the car and then into the house with two kiddos in tow..

But Kenny thinks it will be ok and I trust Kenny wholeheartedly.. and as he told me.. they have not even been in the box 24 hours yet so a few more hours will not be a problem.

01-03-2007, 12:06 PM
Wow Amber, what a morning! The discus will be there soon, right? Then, once they are in you hands, you will feel better! Likely pregnant? Congrats on this, and remember to bring this one up doing your water changes as soon as he or she can hold a hose!

01-03-2007, 12:07 PM
Oh, FedEx has struck again! Last two deliveries, that's all I saw... "Delivery Exception" even though they had explicit directions right to my front door. Mine were fine both times, even though it was brutally cold on the day of the last delivery...

Your lil guys will be just fine, Amb. You will take pics, right?? LOL LOL LOL :D

uhmmm.... Twins????????

Kenny's Discus
01-03-2007, 12:10 PM
Hi Amber - nice talking with you on the phone(even under such circumstances) and I really think they'll be okay if Fedex has already been notified(which they were) and they should re-deliever your package shortly. Out of our 2 shipment(about 2500 fish) we have yet to have any 1 DOA so let's not make this an exception lol...but if anything happens rest assured Louis and I will take care of it ...so no worries my friend.:)

Big congrats to you Amber...like boy or girl?:p

Talk to you in a bit,

01-03-2007, 12:20 PM

The guy brings the box out the back and hes tipping it this way and that.. I winced.. then he plops it down with no sort of grace and I winced again and said "Those are LIVE FISH!" He says (and even tho its written ALL OVER THE BOX!!!! "Oh... they are live fish?" My God!

Anyways.. They are in their bucket right now!! Yaaahoo! Drip acclimating. Already have bunches of pictures!! I will post them later


Kenny they are stinking adorable!!! Thank you soooooo much! And Thank you Louis!! I LOVE them!!!!

01-03-2007, 12:27 PM
Amber,I am sure they will be just fine...I got mine last week via Fedex and they were just super..I am going to post some pics just as soon as my bride helps me post the pics...what did you get??


01-03-2007, 12:33 PM
Debbie~~ Yup.. I definitely feel better now lol And thank you :D

Connie ~~ NO!! NO twins! Marie is trying to jinx me!! She has been doing that to me since we first met lol But.. If I do have twins.. I have flying to Cali for sure! LOL

Kenny.. I wont lie.. we would like to have a boy now lol.. BUT I would LOVE another princess!!! I love having girls!! They are so much fun lol Esp the CLOTHES SHOPPING!!! LOL I enjoyed talking to you too Kenny! And I am thrilled to death to have fish from you! You have no idea! No DOA.. I wasn't worried about anything from you and Louis.. it was FedEx.. its hard not to worry when I have read so many horror stories! LOL.. but it turned out pretty good :D :D :D

01-03-2007, 12:58 PM
Amber,I am sure they will be just fine...I got mine last week via Fedex and they were just super..I am going to post some pics just as soon as my bride helps me post the pics...what did you get??


I got one each of the following:

Golden Leopard
Golden Albino
Red Spotted Leopard
Red Dragon
Electric Dream

01-03-2007, 01:19 PM
What a great day. You and Tina both are getting new fish. Can't wait to see pictures.

Congrats on the pregnancy also. :D

01-03-2007, 01:24 PM
Thanks Angela!! I JUST got them in the tank! I didn't even net them! I picked them up with my hand and gently put them in! I do not like picking fish up lol but I decided I'd pamper my little babies :D

I'll get pics up as soon as I can! Gotta fix lunch for my daughters.. then I'll get to snapping! lol

01-03-2007, 01:32 PM
Wow!....What a coincidence!.....FedEx delivered to my neighbor this morning too!!

Jeebus......I hope I'm not pregnant.....:crazy:

01-03-2007, 01:44 PM
Congrats and welcome back to discuses!!!

:D :D

take care,

01-03-2007, 01:51 PM
photo photo photo:D

01-03-2007, 02:50 PM

They can last a long time in the bags if they are packaged correctly... and if my friend Kenny is the seller, then all is WELL!!!!

Congrats on the baby! I wish you all health and happiness.

Enjoy those fishies!!!

01-03-2007, 03:05 PM
Angela called me this morning when she read that they just dropped my package of fish at the door at 9 am! (was supposed to be delivered at 10:30) They just rang the bell once and left it at the step, didn't wait for me to open the door or sign anything. Luckily I was working on their tank that isn't too far from the front door and I could hear everything! The package was in great shape though, (the arrow was even facing the right way up!), a lot better than the packages shipped by UPS lately.

Glad everybody made it to your house safely!


01-03-2007, 03:39 PM
Thanks Tina and Congrats on your new fish! I am heading over to your thread now :)

01-03-2007, 03:41 PM

They can last a long time in the bags if they are packaged correctly... and if my friend Kenny is the seller, then all is WELL!!!!

Congrats on the baby! I wish you all health and happiness.

Enjoy those fishies!!!

Thanks Marilyn! I am enjoying them! They are so adorable!! They are still acclimating right now, but they look awesome! Haven't been able to do pics yet. The girls needed a bath and my hubby called and needed me to do some stuff. I am working on that tho! lol Girls are going for a nap soon here so maybe I can get a couple. Dont want to stress them too much. Luckily they are in my bedroom and that is a low traffic area :)

01-03-2007, 07:39 PM
:D Amber, congrats on your new fish...& the new baby...wishes for good health thru out...send pics when you can......
I've just rec'd a shipment of fish via Fed-X....was really worried cuz I'm in the boondocks now here in sw Tn, & we've read so many travesties with our fish....my house is on a "new" dirt road with no signs...so I put up HUGE fluorescent green posters at the main road with Fed-X & my house # with huge arrows, & probably called them 4X, gave specific directions to sev'l ppl, they promised to give'm to the driver....they were to be here by 12 noon & at 9:30am, I opened the door & there they were on the porch....great service, but believe me I was terrified they wouldn't find me......fish are doing great, & I bet Fed-X & everyone else knows I'm here now......lol, Dottie ;)

01-03-2007, 08:14 PM
Good luck on the new discus. Post some pics with your new camera when you get a chance. Congrats on the pregnancy.:)


01-03-2007, 08:31 PM
Well the girl has fishies now and all is right with the world http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_165_10.gif

01-03-2007, 10:01 PM
Thanks guys :D
Here are a couple of pictures.
The Box, with the Certificates:

The fish in their acclimation bucket:

The fish in the tank (lights were on only for the picture) And remember they are still acclimating!

Kenny's Discus
01-03-2007, 10:09 PM
Hi Amber - glad they made it okay and thanks for the updates. Keep in mind that shipping is stressful for them so let them rest for a few days and they should look much better...remember to kill the tank light on your way out lol.:D :D :D :D

Have they started to eat yet? Just curious...

Thank you Amber,

01-03-2007, 10:36 PM
LOL Thanks Kenny! The light was switched off as soon as I took that pic lol. They did eat! I dropped in a cube of worms and they all went nuts over it! They got so excited lol. I love it when discus realize there is food in the tank!

Thank you Kenny for keeping in touch about the fish!! It has been wonderful buying fish from you!

Kenny's Discus
01-03-2007, 10:42 PM
Thank you Amber and the pleasure is ours. Be sure to keep me informed in the next few days as to how they are doing.


01-03-2007, 11:12 PM
Awww, they are adorable and beautiful! Which is the Electric Dream?

01-04-2007, 10:35 AM
Wow, nice looking fish. I know where to get my discus now!

Kenny's Discus
01-04-2007, 02:46 PM
Wow!....What a coincidence!.....FedEx delivered to my neighbor this morning too!!

Jeebus......I hope I'm not pregnant.....:crazy:

These days you just may never know Joe...:D :D :D (j/k can't resist it)


They can last a long time in the bags if they are packaged correctly... and if my friend Kenny is the seller, then all is WELL!!!!

Congrats on the baby! I wish you all health and happiness.

Enjoy those fishies!!!

Marilyn, your friend Kenny was indeed the seller but he didn't pack/ship these guys lol...so if anything did happen yesterday(packing) your friend Kenny would have given your friend's friend Louis a hard lesson(j/k Louis does a fine job packing IMO) but as it turned out...they were packed quite well.:)

Thank you Marilyn.:)

01-04-2007, 05:46 PM
Hey guys! Sorry I have been lagging on the pictures.. my 20 month old is getting her 2 yr molars in and I am finding it hard to take pictures with a fidgety almost 2 yr old in my lap :p

Here are a couple I was able to get today during her nap! ;) Remember, these guys got here yesterday and are still acclimating!!

"Feeding Frenzy!"

This is the Red Dragon (Kenny.. please correct me if I am wrong with any of the names!! I am so bad with the names on these guys lol) This one seems to be the bully of the group.

This is the Golden Leopard. My husband likes this one the best :) I love them all! lol

This is the Electric Dream (Connie, I didn't answer you because I wasn't completely sure at first lol.. But Kenny straightened me out.. I hope lol)

Thanks for looking guys
And Kenny and Louis.. thanks for such WONDERFUL fish! I absolutely adore them!! Crista does too.. she is already picking out names for them all lol (I think her favorite is the golden albino and apparantly its a her, or so Crista says lol!)


Greg Richardson
01-04-2007, 08:02 PM
What size are those?

01-05-2007, 11:58 AM
Greg.. I am terrible at guessing sizes so I am going to tell you what it says on my certificates for these guys.

BSS ~ 6-7cm
Golden Leopard 6-7cm
Golden Albino 6-7cm
BD ~ (this is the smallest one) 5-6cm
Red Spotted Leopard ~ (I believe this is the biggest.. Kenny can help me out with that lol.. I have trouble with the names..) 8-9cm
Red Dragon ~ 6-7cm
Electric Dream 6-7cm
LSS ~ 6-7cm

Does that help?

01-05-2007, 12:20 PM
They're looking good Amber!

Good job Kenny!!!

01-05-2007, 01:04 PM
Those are some awsome fish Amber! Way cool:-)

By the way, what do you feed your discus, from the pic above, those don't look like FBW?

Congratualtions by the way!

01-05-2007, 01:17 PM
That looks like the tublex (sp?) worm block to me.

01-05-2007, 01:27 PM
Thanks guys :D

Yes that is a block of frozen Hikari tubifex. I haven't been able to get my hands on any hikari FBW's until today. They definitley like the bloodworms better!!!!!


Kenny's Discus
01-05-2007, 02:13 PM
Thank you Jeep, Mike and fishlover888 for your kind comments.:)

You're most welcome Amber...ANYTIME. :)

Re the FBWs Amber...do you mean they would attack them like there's no tomo :D like these pics here? I always call them little "eating machines" lol...



01-06-2007, 09:33 AM
JUST like that Kenny! LOL Great pics :D

01-06-2007, 05:19 PM
Do you just throw that bloodworm cube straight into the tank? I wasnt sure if this was safe i will probably try that.

01-06-2007, 05:36 PM
You know.. I used to thaw it out in a cup in tank water, then use a spoon to scoop the worms out of the water and drop into the tank.

Now I just drop the cube straight in.

01-06-2007, 05:44 PM
does it change the temp of the tank?

Greg Richardson
01-06-2007, 06:08 PM
Yes. That works Amber.

01-06-2007, 10:58 PM
does it change the temp of the tank?

I think a cube of FBW wouldn't change the temp of the tank, even if the tank is 5G.

01-06-2007, 11:13 PM
And as a plus, the frozen cube floats for a while, giving the fish a chance to pick and feed, and the shyer fish will get under the crowd and catch the missed worms.