View Full Version : My lighting....

01-07-2007, 06:24 PM
has apparantly been kept on too long, which is why I am having this brown algae nightmare. So, I am going to get a lower wattage bulb after I get my paycheck but I am having to keep the lights off a LOT more than normal.

I was told that the lighting along with the warm water is perfect for algae growth. Oh joy. So, I am hoping these steps plus a bristlenose pleco will help clear this up. Unfortunately, the lfs that got BN's in, they are quarantined for some kind of fungus...no WAY am I putting one of those in my tank.

I was also told a clown pleco is mostly a carnivore, which expains why he hasnt touched the algae. He is still a cool looking pleco, so Ill keep him regardless.

But, thanks to all who helped out with this problem of mine in the "water works" section of this board.

01-07-2007, 08:30 PM
Brown diatom algae doesn't come from having the lights on too long. That I know for a fact. I used to have lights on only for about 3-4 hours a day and still got that brown stuff. From what I can see, lighting doesn't seem to be too much of a factor with getting brown diatom algae. I don't believe that its even an actual algae, which is why its call brown diatom algae. Its the first to show up in fairly new setups and can take months, even up to a year, to disappear. But I have been assured that it will eventually go away on its own by people on this forum, on another forum and my LFS guy. Mine is starting to go away on the tank that has the lights on for 12 hours a day. I've been having lights on for 12 hours a day only since I got some live plants, so I am now getting a little green Algae. This is what I was told would happen - the brown would disappear once I began to get some green. It is disgusting to look at, though. BNs do a good job with it, or Amano shrimp I think do an even better job.

01-07-2007, 09:51 PM
Is this brown algae called something like synedra? I've been trying to look it up online, read up on it, etc....I've seen that word in parenthesis next to "brown algae" so I am not sure if it is the same stuff in the tanks.

So, this brown algae doesn't need lighting to grow? I am getting more confused as I go LOL.

01-07-2007, 10:17 PM
I would agree with you, brown algae aka Diatoms, has grown in tanks of mine with only 1/2 watt per gallon. And, it has grown in others with 2 watts per gallon. It's part of the cycling of the tank, BNs love it, 2 cleared a 29 gal in a day. Don't forget to feed the BNs cuz the algae won't be enough.

01-08-2007, 03:06 AM
Do a search on "cyanobacteria" which is what your "algae" really is.

01-08-2007, 03:26 AM
Is this "brown algae" the same as Black hair algae?? I have a ton of black
algae growing off a big piece of driftwood. My tank has been setup for a year now. I had it once before, overdosed seachem flourish excel, and it went away after a while. Is there an easier way to get rid of this black algae? I have 3 bn plecos in my tank and they dont seem to touch it.

01-08-2007, 10:00 AM
Is this "brown algae" the same as Black hair algae?? I have a ton of black
algae growing off a big piece of driftwood. My tank has been setup for a year now. I had it once before, overdosed seachem flourish excel, and it went away after a while. Is there an easier way to get rid of this black algae? I have 3 bn plecos in my tank and they dont seem to touch it.
I believe hair algae really is algae, and I think it can appear in different colors. From what I've read, a lot of algae eaters will not eat hair algae, but I think I did read that Amano Shrimp or possibly Cherry Shrimp will eat it, either or both of them.

01-08-2007, 10:08 AM
Is this brown algae called something like synedra? I've been trying to look it up online, read up on it, etc....I've seen that word in parenthesis next to "brown algae" so I am not sure if it is the same stuff in the tanks.

So, this brown algae doesn't need lighting to grow? I am getting more confused as I go LOL.
Have you tried a search on brown diatom algae? That's the stuff you most likely have. It comes off very easily, right? Almost like a powdery brown on everything? Appears almost before your eyes, after you wipe it off? Or take the stuff out of the tank, wash it all down, and by the end of the week its back?

I've tried for years to get a definite answer as to what causes it. Seems there are many ideas, but no one has a definite cause. Could be nutrients in the water, could be over feeding (although even if I feed once a day, it still appears), or I've been told it stems from too little light, as in too low a wattage. Maybe... I've only had the standard strip lights. Now I have a T8 bulb, a little brighter, have the light on for 12 hrs. a day for the plants and am getting green algae, while the brown is diminishing, so maybe that's it! I just dealt with it with BNs. I'm happy, they're happy, we're all happy! :D If I had to, I'd also try Amano Shrimp, who are supposed to be excellent with that stuff.